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Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I decided to be good and do trades instead of buying stuff, so that way, I'd only be spending a little bit of money on postage.

I traded for some MAC stuff and ALL of it is fake. Pretty upset. I was so excited about this, too. I'm quite sad now, and I would very much like to cry. I'm not going to use it, because I've heard how unsafe counterfeit cosmetics can be. 

Ugh. I guess I should just save my money and buy legit stuff. Last time I ever trade. 
Ughh that sucks....I would not use it! 

I'm not going to...I'm so sad! Gah. I'm considering breaking my no-buy and ordering myself an authentic mac blush after this. BUT. I know I should be good. 

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ughh that sucks....I would not use it! 
Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm not going to...I'm so sad! Gah. I'm considering breaking my no-buy and ordering myself an authentic mac blush after this. BUT. I know I should be good. 
It really sucks. If you want some theBalm shadows, I'm trying to get rid of can just have them if you message me your address! 

Really?! That would be so awesome of you! I'm havin' a real sh!t day after this. 

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It really sucks. If you want some theBalm shadows, I'm trying to get rid of can just have them if you message me your address! 
Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Really?! That would be so awesome of you! I'm havin' a real sh!t day after this. 
Yup yup! Just pm me your address. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I generally only go to the post office on Saturday's, so it might be a while but I'll send it. The colors are sexy stacy and mischevious marissa...if you want those. I have other stuff I'm never going to use that you can have too...all pretty much brand new. If it helps your no buy I'd be happy to send it. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> No MAC though :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. 

Sweet! Those are both awesome colors. This is really sweet and awesome of you to do this for me! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />) I was seriously about to place an order online right before I saw your post about eyeshadows. 

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yup yup! Just pm me your address. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I generally only go to the post office on Saturday's, so it might be a while but I'll send it. The colors are sexy stacy and mischevious marissa...if you want those. I have other stuff I'm never going to use that you can have too...all pretty much brand new. If it helps your no buy I'd be happy to send it. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> No MAC though :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. 
Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Sweet! Those are both awesome colors. This is really sweet and awesome of you to do this for me! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />) I was seriously about to place an order online right before I saw your post about eyeshadows. 
It's seriously not a big deal I promise! I bought them at tj maxx in a set on clearance and I had identical colors of each in about 3 different brands. 

I have started doing two things that I find really help in avoiding more makeup purchases:

1) Every Sunday, my husband and I go over all of our purchases for that week and how much we spent.  It could be any significant other or even a friend (who is NOT an enabler)- it just really helps me realize how much I spend unnecessarily when I have to "confess" it to someone, and it is much harder to justify those purchases when I am confessing them to someone who genuinely does not care about makeup in the first place.

2) I have been going through my makeup and giving away unused (or a little used) makeup items to my friends.  I am starting to realize which products I will probably not use often, if at all, and I am noticing that I have many eyeshadows, blushes, and glosses that are so close to each other in color that the difference is unnoticeable, and I am giving away all of those items.  I made a "free stuff" private facebook group with my female friends, and I post photos of all of the makeup I am giving away so that they can claim what appeals to them.  It makes my friends happy to get free stuff, especially since most of them are not makeup addicts and could actually use the items.  Part of my no-buy is not just money- it is avoiding wasting all of this stuff that will, in spite of my denial, go bad before I can use it up.  So this way, things get used and appreciated instead of wasted.  It also helps me to constantly reassess what I do and do not actually NEED or use.  If I am happily giving away handfuls of excess makeup, I doubt that I am in need of even more.

Side Note: I was wandering around the drugstore last week, looking at makeup like I was not supposed to, and, after about 20 minutes, I realized that genuinely nothing there struck me as something I needed or even really wanted.  I then went to Sephora in search of a Mother's Day gift for my mom, and again, almost nothing at Sephora called out to me.  Don't get me wrong- I still swatched everything in sight and thoroughly enjoyed myself, but I really did not find myself wishing for anything, at least not enough to buy it.  It was like a weird, out-of-body experience.

Oh, and another "challenge" I've set for myself is I've gathered up all my vial perfume samples...using one a day until they are gone. If I get comments on a scent, it goes on the "try it again another time" list. If no one says anything, I won't sample or purchase it again. So far so good on that one (I've been doing this for a week now). So far, in 7 days, only one got enough attention that I'm considering buying it eventually (Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb). I cheated a LITTLE bit for a concert the other night, since I had a vial of one that I've since purchased, and I used that rather than breaking into the bottle. Baby steps....

And I'm about halfway through the "major dump out". Should I post pix of what I'm getting rid of? It kind of frightens me that it's at least two totebags of stuff.

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh, and another "challenge" I've set for myself is I've gathered up all my vial perfume samples...using one a day until they are gone. If I get comments on a scent, it goes on the "try it again another time" list. If no one says anything, I won't sample or purchase it again. So far so good on that one (I've been doing this for a week now). So far, in 7 days, only one got enough attention that I'm considering buying it eventually (Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb). I cheated a LITTLE bit for a concert the other night, since I had a vial of one that I've since purchased, and I used that rather than breaking into the bottle. Baby steps....

And I'm about halfway through the "major dump out". Should I post pix of what I'm getting rid of? It kind of frightens me that it's at least two totebags of stuff.
yes pics for sure!! 

I like that challenge. I've actually been doing the same thing as you, and I've been taking note of what fragrances get compliments from my husband and others. I got a few compliments on Kate Spade Twirl, and my husband loves the ones that smell like sugar and candy, like Pink Sugar. I think that's how I'm going to determine what kinds of fragrances I'll be keeping/repurchasing.

Yes, post pictures! I posted pics on my blog about a month ago of all of the stuff I have, and I posted the empties from last month. It's eye-opening to just have everything all BAM! right there, right up in your face. 

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh, and another "challenge" I've set for myself is I've gathered up all my vial perfume samples...using one a day until they are gone. If I get comments on a scent, it goes on the "try it again another time" list. If no one says anything, I won't sample or purchase it again. So far so good on that one (I've been doing this for a week now). So far, in 7 days, only one got enough attention that I'm considering buying it eventually (Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb). I cheated a LITTLE bit for a concert the other night, since I had a vial of one that I've since purchased, and I used that rather than breaking into the bottle. Baby steps....

And I'm about halfway through the "major dump out". Should I post pix of what I'm getting rid of? It kind of frightens me that it's at least two totebags of stuff.
I tried Twirl today and I don't think I like it. I'm pretty picky. I washed it off and put on Benefit's Ring My Bella, which smelled good in the vial, but I think there's still twirl on my wrists because it doesn't smell as nice on me. I'm going to try to use a new perfume each day to weed out the gross ones. I'm really picky, and don't really like anything that even hints at a floral note, so I have a feeling I'll only keep maybe 1 or 2.

Yesterday, I had a fail. I went to Last Chance and Marshalls with my mother. I bought a tanktop almost identical to the one I just bought, only with a different color, and another tank.. and another pair of sunglasses! I feel guilty about that today, especially since the sunglasses fit on my face weird, kind of crooked. But I can wear them under a hat since all my other pairs are too big to fit under hats. Technically this "haul" falls under birthday money, so I can justify it as that. And I do need more tank tops because it's already in the 100's.

Oh, and last night my favorite pair of sandals broke! I wore them every day, with the exception of maybe 40-50 days in the "winter." I looked at Target's website but they don't even carry them anymore. I have about a bajillion pairs of shoes though, so I'll have to find a pair that I like all over.

I desperately need to clean out my closet and purge it, but I keep putting it off. I already told my niece, sister, and sister-in-law that they'll be getting a load of stuff I don't (and in a lot of cases, have never) use.

That's awful, lady! Sorry to hear about this. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Originally Posted by ladygrey /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I decided to be good and do trades instead of buying stuff, so that way, I'd only be spending a little bit of money on postage.

I traded for some MAC stuff and ALL of it is fake. Pretty upset. I was so excited about this, too. I'm quite sad now, and I would very much like to cry. I'm not going to use it, because I've heard how unsafe counterfeit cosmetics can be. 

Ugh. I guess I should just save my money and buy legit stuff. Last time I ever trade. 
Here's an idea that I found really helpful!  The other day I read a post where somebody had organized their makeup collection in a spreadsheet, and I thought that was brilliant, so I started up one of my own (I already had a spreadsheet for my perfume collection... I guess I'm more of a type A personality than I thought 
).  I figure that 1) if I had all my stuff listed out for me to see, I'd be way less tempted to buy more, and 2) the actual process of making a spreadsheet for my whole collection will distract me from buying more makeup. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I have everything listed out by product type, brand, size, color, and the value of each item, with a "total value" summed up at the top of the row.  So far, the project has definitely been an eye-opener...  I've only listed about 10% of my collection, and the "total value" number is already kinda scary. x_x; On the upside, it's really nice to have all my lipstick colors laid out for me, AND I definitely don't feel the urge to buy more makeup at the moment. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Oh man, I don't know if I would add the value of each item to that sort of deal. I went kind of crazy buying high end stuff last year, and I'm a little afraid of how much all of that cost me. 

After today's fake MAC disappointment, the hubs offered to buy me one item. Tempting, tempting...but I think I'm going to turn down his offer. 

Originally Posted by BlueSakura /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's awful, lady! Sorry to hear about this. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Here's an idea that I found really helpful!  The other day I read a post where somebody had organized their makeup collection in a spreadsheet, and I thought that was brilliant, so I started up one of my own (I already had a spreadsheet for my perfume collection... I guess I'm more of a type A personality than I thought 
).  I figure that 1) if I had all my stuff listed out for me to see, I'd be way less tempted to buy more, and 2) the actual process of making a spreadsheet for my whole collection will distract me from buying more makeup. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I have everything listed out by product type, brand, size, color, and the value of each item, with a "total value" summed up at the top of the row.  So far, the project has definitely been an eye-opener...  I've only listed about 10% of my collection, and the "total value" number is already kinda scary. x_x; On the upside, it's really nice to have all my lipstick colors laid out for me, AND I definitely don't feel the urge to buy more makeup at the moment. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yesterday, I had a fail. I went to Last Chance and Marshalls with my mother. I bought a tanktop almost identical to the one I just bought, only with a different color, and another tank.. and another pair of sunglasses! I feel guilty about that today, especially since the sunglasses fit on my face weird, kind of crooked. But I can wear them under a hat since all my other pairs are too big to fit under hats. Technically this "haul" falls under birthday money, so I can justify it as that. And I do need more tank tops because it's already in the 100's.
Gonna be in the 105 range all week, too.

BTW, what do you think of the fast fashion shop across from Last Chance? I think it's called Priceless?

And regarding "no buy", day two over and done :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

This is such a great idea! One thing that I would add are swatches, so I know which colors I don't NEED to buy. Hmm... this may be an organizing project for me :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I love spreadsheet lol

Originally Posted by BlueSakura /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's awful, lady! Sorry to hear about this. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Here's an idea that I found really helpful!  The other day I read a post where somebody had organized their makeup collection in a spreadsheet, and I thought that was brilliant, so I started up one of my own (I already had a spreadsheet for my perfume collection... I guess I'm more of a type A personality than I thought 
).  I figure that 1) if I had all my stuff listed out for me to see, I'd be way less tempted to buy more, and 2) the actual process of making a spreadsheet for my whole collection will distract me from buying more makeup. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I have everything listed out by product type, brand, size, color, and the value of each item, with a "total value" summed up at the top of the row.  So far, the project has definitely been an eye-opener...  I've only listed about 10% of my collection, and the "total value" number is already kinda scary. x_x; On the upside, it's really nice to have all my lipstick colors laid out for me, AND I definitely don't feel the urge to buy more makeup at the moment. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh, and another "challenge" I've set for myself is I've gathered up all my vial perfume samples...using one a day until they are gone. If I get comments on a scent, it goes on the "try it again another time" list. If no one says anything, I won't sample or purchase it again. So far so good on that one (I've been doing this for a week now). So far, in 7 days, only one got enough attention that I'm considering buying it eventually (Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb). I cheated a LITTLE bit for a concert the other night, since I had a vial of one that I've since purchased, and I used that rather than breaking into the bottle. Baby steps....

And I'm about halfway through the "major dump out". Should I post pix of what I'm getting rid of? It kind of frightens me that it's at least two totebags of stuff.
Yes to pictures.  Always fun for some reason.

Do a lot of people comment on perfume? I often like someone's scent, but personally I rarely say anything (more like: never) because a scent is very personal and I don't want to get all up in someone's business. It's different if I like a lippie, hair color, bag, shoes, etc. - I love giving compliments. On the other hand, if someone's complimenting on my perfume I don't feel threatened or anything so.. 

I'm sure hundreds of people don't think it's a big deal to compliment someone's perfume and I'm just weird. Hahaha

Originally Posted by Katie-Gaslight /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Do a lot of people comment on perfume? I often like someone's scent, but personally I rarely say anything (more like: never) because a scent is very personal and I don't want to get all up in someone's business. It's different if I like a lippie, hair color, bag, shoes, etc. - I love giving compliments. On the other hand, if someone's complimenting on my perfume I don't feel threatened or anything so.. 

I'm sure hundreds of people don't think it's a big deal to compliment someone's perfume and I'm just weird. Hahaha

I can see where you are coming from, and if it were the end of the day and someone was all up in my space smelling my worn off perfume I'd feel weird, but lots of people comment on my perfume (more like something smells good), and I don't find it weird, lol. Although its not something I do often unless I want to buy it lol. But I find "who smells good" when the answer is me to be a great compliment. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

I've commented on a girl's perfume once. I wanted to know what it was because it smelled really good. It was something by Jessica Simpson, but I forget what.

Originally Posted by calexxia /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Gonna be in the 105 range all week, too.

BTW, what do you think of the fast fashion shop across from Last Chance? I think it's called Priceless?

And regarding "no buy", day two over and done :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
We popped in there, but I didn't see anything interesting. Looks a bit like Forever 21.


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