How much older or younger? forums

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Well, I don't think I would ever date anyone younger than me, unless they were born in the same year and just a month or two younger... I prefer them to a bit older than me, and right now, my age limit would probably be 21-22 since I'm only 19.

older. ATM its 6 yrs. I like it like that.

They have to be taller too... which isnt a problem coz I am short.

Absolutely YOUNGER. I believe I am older than most of you here. And if you reach my age and find yourself single and "looking", you'll find that older men are NOT what they used to be!!! 95% of the men my age and older are completely out of shape. :scared: Why is it men think they deserve ladies that look like a million, when they look like a buck-fifty??? Whoever said that men age more gracefully than women was not an "older" woman!!! And another unpleasant discovery is that many men, at this age, are not compatible sexually. In THAT area, younger men are absolutely better matched with older women. So...keep that in mind ladies...:tocktock:

My boyfriend is two-years younger than me.

I don't mind it so much - I used to talk to his friend before I met him (also 3 years younger), & I can see how immaturity on his side got in the way of our relationship.

But... British dudes seem much more maturer than the guys over here, and plus - I dont act all mature all the time, so it's a good balance.

I put doesn't matter- my bf is a year and 7 months to the day younger than me, when we started going out he was 18 and I was 20. Doesn't really bug me except that now I can go out to drink and he can't and I don't like doing stuff w/o him

i put older. my boyfriend and i have been together for about four and a half years and he is 16 years older than me. but i really do think in a lot of cases age is just a number. if i were single, i would be willing to date someone older than my current boyfriend or younger. but for a serious relationship, someone my age or older. young guys are cute though! i like age differences for some reason. i can either learn something about life from them or they can learn something about life from me....and i think it goes both ways. i think younger people can teach older people things as well.

I said it doesn't matter, I don't even ask a persons age until it happens to be their b-day. I once dated a girl for 3 months and didn't know her age until her b-day.

For me, a man definitely needs to be:

1. older

2. taller

Dated younger once, just because I had gone through a long dry spell and thought it would be easier to get my feet wet that way (evil, I know! I totally used that hottie younger neighbor!) It was only for two weeks and then he was like crying at my doorstep when I had to tell him it was time to move on. My one "meaningless" affair - I could never do it again because the price of hurting someone is way too high. I'm a good girl now!

Same here, but I end up attracting older guys naturally....sometimes a little too older :sleepyhead: Usually I end up dating 3-5 years older. I just dont see anything special in a guy my age. They're really cool guys, but I just see them as brothers.

five years older max. ONLY younger if it's ONE year and they are super mature. usually 2-3 years older is what i have found myself stuck with haha.

I ticked it doesn't matter, but I wouldn't date anyone 15 years my senior or junior or anything like that... well actually someone 15 years younger would be illegal (I'm 30). Ha ha!

I perfer someone around my age.. 1-2 years older preferably but, that's not really an issue to me. if there's a connection, then i'm partial to his age.. as long as he's legal of course LOL..

It doesn't matter to me. I've dated someone 5 years older, I just got out of a relationship with someone 9 months older, and I'm currently hanging out with someone 4 years younger. He's 18, I'm 22. Some people seem to find it so scandalous, but I don't care.

i always seemed to date someone my age or at most, 1 year older. =/ bobby is 3 months & 3 days older then i am.

I've never put an age limit on any of my relationships...friends, boyfriends, etc. I just don't believe in losing out on experiences or relationships because of self imposed limits.

That said I've nearly always dated me older than me. My first boyfriend was younger, but he was the only younger one. He was a year and a half younger. But my longest and most meaningful relationships have been with men much older than me. I guess I'm an "old soul" or something. My last boyfriend was 20 years older than me. My fiance is 18 years older than me. These two relationships have been the most fulfiling and meaningful to me. But again, I just don't believe in limiting my relationships. So I've voted it doesn't matter....


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