How much older or younger? forums

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The "man" in my life....also known as just my bestfriend, is 2 years younger then me and one of the most mature well rounded, well put together and driven people I know. (using him since I dont actually have a man). My "sorta friends with benefits(f/b)" (or at least will be) is 3 years younger then me and has a good job, his own car and place and has had a few promotions in his short time in the working world. The year age difference between the two is very obvious. The best friend is a million times more mature then the f/b emotionally. Much more reliable too. Then, theres my good friend who is 24 and married to a 38 year old guy and he is the least mature person I have ever met in my entire life. He acts like hes 13. Age just doesnt always matter.

i like them a bit more mature (not that guys are dumb, I'm just smarter lol .... kidding!) same age is okie, but i prefer older (5 years older ...nothing more) . My experience w/younger guys have all been bad.

how about one thats 80-90 years old that has lot's of money fixing to meet his maker and leave you his millions oh and of course he dont want sex or kisses just you to rub his back and tell him everything will be ok:laughing:

i've always gone after guys much older than me, but toby's only 2 years older and he's a keeper! go figure.

My girlfriend is 9 years younger than me. She is a life loving dynamo. She keeps me thinking and looking young. I love her to death.

I like older men. My husband is 7 years older than me. My first husband was only a year older and very immature!!!

My husband is four years younger than me, but has always been very mature compared to most guys!

oh, you are all going to drop dead when I tell you my husband is 16 years younge than me.

I don't think I would ever date anyone my own age or younger than me - I like 'em a couple of years older at least. I'm 21, and I don't think I'd date anyone over 30, but I guess ya never know.

I was about to click for older, until i realised that the worst of all my ex boyfriends was the only one who was older. Complete luck of the draw. Let's face it, guys can be wankers regardless of age, so if I'm getting along with someone really well, only to find out they're younger, I'm not going to break it off! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Age doesnt matter to me. I would rather have an older guy than a younger guy, but if someone is a year younger or so, im not going to end the relationship because of a number.

currently dating someone 7 years older than me, worst was a 34 year differnce. It was kinda weird, but it wasnt what ended things. his 5 little girlfriends on tour stops kinda handled that. but eh, what can ya do?

I tend to date guys older than much as 17 years older than me! LOL But I tend to not worry about age and worry more about how I feel with them and what their personality is like anyway.

my current boyfriend is 6 months older than me. If i was single id prefer someone around my age or older but not to much older about 4 years at the most.


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