How much older or younger? forums

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I'm married. I prefer older. Oh, and taller, but he doesn't have to be a baller. That's such an old song. Oh my gosh! I'm so embarrassed! :smileno: Not really. Okay. Maybe a little.

it doesn't matter really! as someone said, age is just a number. I care so much more about personality, morals, charm, and all that jazz :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I used to say I would only date older guys. and now look at me, my bf is almost 4 years younger ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have to say that it woulden't matter as long as they treated me like the princess that I am. hehe. But if I had to pick, i would definitly go for someone older. I am so attracted to 40 year olds. who are grown up but are actually still kids at heart. Theres something sexy about them.

I said it doesn't matter, mostly because when I was single, I was open to dating guys of all ages. I think the youngest was one year younger than me and the oldest was something like 18 years older than me. My current BF is 8 months younger than I am and it definitely shows in his maturity sometimes, but I love him anyway. There's something about that innocent excitement a younger guy gets when you first start dating...they're more likely to do the grand, if silly, gestures. My BF rollerbladed several miles to see me b/c my roommate had parked me in and I couldn't go see him. Aww!

Haha, funny thing is I actually know the song you're talking about :laughing:

I agree with the being taller thing. I'm nearly 5'8 and it's not cool when you actually have to bend to kiss a guy! However, when it comes to age I don't think it really matters. Age is nothing but a number, and as long as you guys have a deep attraction for each other and everything flows. Surprisingly I hardly dated anyone my age. They were either younger or older.

Generally if you date a guy too old, their friends would think you're jailbait or a gold digger. Heh, which did sorta happened when I dated a guy 12 yrs older then me. My ex is 6 yrs older which is perfectly fine age for me. I dated younger guys (yes I have been called a cradle robber) lol, but I think the problem with that is not because they're immature, but the fact that they're either too clingy and insecure about themselves and the relationship at hand. So older guys it is. Least that way they can spoil you more. heh :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Well, he was a year behind me in school, which contributed. Plus he's an only child with overbearing parents (a mom who has trouble letting go). I'm an only child also, but my parents mostly treated me like an equal (except when it wouldn't be appropriate). I also didn't grow up around too many kids my age, so I mostly interacted with adults. I think that's why there's such a gap.

I doesn't really matter, but for the most part, I've dated someone my age or a few months older.
I've robbed the cradle, and the cradle has been robbed with me being the baby... I prefer older guys, generally no more than 5 years, but at least two... Which is interesting as John's hardly a full 2 years older than I am. Cyera's dad is 7 years older than me.

I don't care if they're older or younger, but they can't be too much older or younger! There's no magic number for me, where I'd say, "I could never date a guy X years older or younger than me." What was important to me when I was dating was the guy was at a similar place in life as me. For example, when I was in college I wouldn't want to date a guy who had already graduated and who had been in the professional world for a few years, because we would be at such different stages in our life, I'd have a hard time relating to him!

That being said, I've actually only dated two guys. My ex was 2 months younger than me (and teased me for being "an old lady", lol), and my hubby is 10 months older. I wouldn't have been opposed to dating guys a few years older or younger, but that's just how things turned out!

I've always dated guys 4-5 years older than me, but ended up marrying a guy who's 2 years younger.

My last boyfriend (of 2 yrs) was 9 yrs younger, the one before that 3 yrs older, before that 7 yrs younger. Currently lusting after one 3 yrs older and would prefer to not go back to the young one....they are trouble.

lol, us women do mature faster and that fact wont change with time. my boyfriend is 14 years older than me, but he still acts more immature than me!!! but at least i think it is cute most of the time. haha

bf is 32 and im 24 , i love older men, single or not..... young immature guys KILL ME ! lmao


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