(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Alright so even if I wanted to send more to my SS the box is full. So I'll try and get it out on Fri. Fingers crossed that the customs goes smoothly and they leave it alone. It's a brick though, no wasted room (and they said Tetris wouldn't help in real life).

Alright so even if I wanted to send more to my SS the box is full. So I'll try and get it out on Fri. Fingers crossed that the customs goes smoothly and they leave it alone. It's a brick though, no wasted room (and they said Tetris wouldn't help in real life).
Lol anyone who has ever said that has never used their car during a move
Merry Thanksgiving everyone! May all your bellies be full and your shopping carts even fuller tomorrow. The Spirit of the Grand Turkey smiles on us all!!!! ^ text from my brother this morning. Hope you see that hilarity runs in my family. Or just weirdness. I haven't spent Christmas or Thanksgiving days at home with my family in 4 years!


Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ahhh, I've been MIA and I have missed this thread!

A friend of mine had a bad accident the other day (car went airborne, flew off a very tall embankment, landed upside down in the middle of the freezing river), was unresponsive and he had no vitals when they finally got him out (he had literally drowned)..they were able to get him breathing with CPR and he was lifelined by helicopter...he was on a ventilator and eating through an NG tube and they didn't know if he'd make it or really recover...

2 days later and he's breathing on his own, eating, talking, joking, and out of the ICU. Holiday miracle!! So grateful to the cops who swam through 20 degree water to save him....so scary... So I've been a little...a LOT distracted with stress and worry, but I'm better now. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And so excited to finish my SS shopping friday!
OMG, that's terrifying.  I'm so glad he's doing ok, and how lucky he is to have a friend like you to watch over him. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you ladies and your families. This year will be a hard one without my Dad, he passed away 2 months ago but it still feels like yesterday. Today is his birthday too. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Hug your loved ones, life is too short.

So I just spent a solid 15 minutes catching up on the 200+ posts I missed. I feel a little bad that people are already getting their gifts and I am still waiting for black friday. Hopefully my SS is okay with that! I will try as hard as I can to get the gift shipped off quickly. Please add me to the list of people that have/will be an elf as I have done so previously and am entirely willing to do so again!

So here are my assorted reactions to what has occurred on this thread while I was busy writing a poetry analysis/practicing and participating in a performance of Mozart's Requiem:

1) I have also never heard of cookie butter but it looks hedonistically delicious. Definitely something I would try!

2) My fave princess is Belle simply because I was in a production of Beauty and the Beast recently (for those who are curious, I had the prestigious role of female villager 3)

3) All you curly-haired people are gorgeous. I'm very jealous of your perfect curls.

4) All of your children are adorable!

5) @tweakabell I love your daughter's school photo! I have definitely had some good ones for example:

I can go from this:

To this!

All through the magic of a terrible school photographer!
6) @yousoldtheworld So glad to hear that your friend is doing so much better! What a perfect Christmas miracle!

7) On an off topic note, I had an important audition recently and I just got my scores back. I got a 213.5 out of 240 (which is really good)!

I guess that is all. Oh wait.


So many things I want for myself (that too faced non-shimmery bronzer?!!) and for my SSantee that I want on sale at Sephora!!! But I absolutely have. To. Stop. For myself and for her!

Quote: Originally Posted by utgal2004 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!  I'm definitely thankful for all of you and the fun we have on here! 

Happy Thanksgiving to all! Extremely grateful and thankful to all of you wonderful ladies and/or gentleman on MUT! 

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So many things I want for myself (that too faced non-shimmery bronzer?!!) and for my SSantee that I want on sale at Sephora!!! But I absolutely have. To. Stop. For myself and for her!
I feel you I taped my box because I really can't get anymore to fit in the box or afford more. I still have two boys in Afghanyland to shop for (no family means no xmas gift for them and that's just wrong).

I really hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, especially those with families, friends, & loved ones in the military. I thank them for their service & sacrifice. Best wishes to them & their loved ones. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you ladies and your families. This year will be a hard one without my Dad, he passed away 2 months ago but it still feels like yesterday. Today is his birthday too. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Hug your loved ones, life is too short.
Thank you, for your beautiful words & reminding us of the importance of family. I am truly sorry for your loss & I send you & your family my condolences. *hugs*
I have to rant/cry so I guess this is where I'll go since I can't reach my husband or mom.

So the other day when I said I needed a hug it was because one of my only friends has basically just started using me as a babysitting service. I watch her kids for hours on end without pay because I love them. That's all well and good except for the fact that I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since I moved back home. Whatever, she's bust but I know for a fact she only works three days a week. We had talked about doing thanksgiving together but last I had heard they were going to Reno for thanks. So guess who starts calling me at 1:30 today asking me if we're still on for thanksgiving. I just saw her and her husband on Tues when I watched their little girl while they went to the movies, nobody mentioned anything. I'm getting to the point where it's easier to have no friends then people who just ******* use you all the time.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Only school pictures can turn this:

into this:


Am I wrong to love the awkwardness? I'm going to have an awesome timeline of horrible photos and I think it's awesome

Wow what a difference!
