(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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I think the cookie butte is supposed to be like peanut butter except instead of ground up peanuts it is ground up cookies!  I love it, but the Cookie/Cocoa butter combo was amazing!

I get that we all have varying tastes and likes though!  Someone who dislikes Cookie butter means more on the shelves for me!

I really hope my SS liked the Phillip Lim for Target stuff because I just scored the BOOM scarf for her at a major discount!!! We all liked that collab right?
That was one of the things I was most interested in, but of course *boom* it sold out. Hah. Excellent find!
Ahhh, I've been MIA and I have missed this thread!

A friend of mine had a bad accident the other day (car went airborne, flew off a very tall embankment, landed upside down in the middle of the freezing river), was unresponsive and he had no vitals when they finally got him out (he had literally drowned)..they were able to get him breathing with CPR and he was lifelined by helicopter...he was on a ventilator and eating through an NG tube and they didn't know if he'd make it or really recover...

2 days later and he's breathing on his own, eating, talking, joking, and out of the ICU. Holiday miracle!! So grateful to the cops who swam through 20 degree water to save him....so scary... So I've been a little...a LOT distracted with stress and worry, but I'm better now. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And so excited to finish my SS shopping friday!

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ahhh, I've been MIA and I have missed this thread!

A friend of mine had a bad accident the other day (car went airborne, flew off a very tall embankment, landed upside down in the middle of the freezing river), was unresponsive and he had no vitals when they finally got him out (he had literally drowned)..they were able to get him breathing with CPR and he was lifelined by helicopter...he was on a ventilator and eating through an NG tube and they didn't know if he'd make it or really recover...

2 days later and he's breathing on his own, eating, talking, joking, and out of the ICU. Holiday miracle!! So grateful to the cops who swam through 20 degree water to save him....so scary... So I've been a little...a LOT distracted with stress and worry, but I'm better now. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And so excited to finish my SS shopping friday!
Oh my goodness! I'm so happy your friend is okay!

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ahhh, I've been MIA and I have missed this thread!

A friend of mine had a bad accident the other day (car went airborne, flew off a very tall embankment, landed upside down in the middle of the freezing river), was unresponsive and he had no vitals when they finally got him out (he had literally drowned)..they were able to get him breathing with CPR and he was lifelined by helicopter...he was on a ventilator and eating through an NG tube and they didn't know if he'd make it or really recover...

2 days later and he's breathing on his own, eating, talking, joking, and out of the ICU. Holiday miracle!! So grateful to the cops who swam through 20 degree water to save him....so scary... So I've been a little...a LOT distracted with stress and worry, but I'm better now. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And so excited to finish my SS shopping friday!
That sounds terrifying.  So glad he's okay.  

Favorite Disney character is Belle.  I LOVE Beauty and the Beast.

Also no allergies here.  I would love any goodies. 

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!  

I would quote but I'm on mobile and for some REALLY HORRIBLE REASON, whenever you quote. The pink "quote" bar (you know what I'm talking ably) is ALWAYS covered big an ad. ANYWAY [@]yousoldtheworld[/@] my heart was racing reading your post! Holiday miracle he's alright!!! [@]gemstone[/@] I feel the same way about carbs on carbs and being incredibly indulgent. I really am not a huge fan of cookie butter but I'm happy for those who love it! We all need to get our food jollies somewhere! To Secret Santee: everything is in the box. I have one last thing to do and it's going to require a lot of time so hopefully you'll love it as much as I do! To Secret Santa: reveal yourself...Now! Jk. I'm so excited.

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ahhh, I've been MIA and I have missed this thread!

A friend of mine had a bad accident the other day (car went airborne, flew off a very tall embankment, landed upside down in the middle of the freezing river), was unresponsive and he had no vitals when they finally got him out (he had literally drowned)..they were able to get him breathing with CPR and he was lifelined by helicopter...he was on a ventilator and eating through an NG tube and they didn't know if he'd make it or really recover...

2 days later and he's breathing on his own, eating, talking, joking, and out of the ICU. Holiday miracle!! So grateful to the cops who swam through 20 degree water to save him....so scary... So I've been a little...a LOT distracted with stress and worry, but I'm better now. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And so excited to finish my SS shopping friday!
Oh no, I'm glad he's doing better.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@yousoldtheworld my heart was racing reading your post! Holiday miracle he's alright!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  That sounds terrifying.  So glad he's okay.  

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Oh my goodness! I'm so happy your friend is okay!

Thanks, guys! It's been a scary few days and I'm sleep deprived but just want to play on MUT, haha!

I'm so glad he's okay, too. He's one of the sweetest people I know. Plus, with my job, I take care of not only people who were born MR/DD, but we get a lot of accident victims, too...and the first thing I could think of was anoxic brain damage (what happens when the brain goes too long without oxygen, like drowning or suffocation)...I was petrified that I'd have to come to work every day and take care of my friend, and see him like that...it was enough to cause some panic.

Definitely feeling lucky this Thanksgiving!

Quote: Originally Posted by lovepink /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think the cookie butte is supposed to be like peanut butter except instead of ground up peanuts it is ground up cookies!  I love it, but the Cookie/Cocoa butter combo was amazing!

I get that we all have varying tastes and likes though!  Someone who dislikes Cookie butter means more on the shelves for me!
Oh I definitely was passing no judgement on anyone who likes it, I just can't seem to wrap my brain around it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ahhh, I've been MIA and I have missed this thread!

A friend of mine had a bad accident the other day (car went airborne, flew off a very tall embankment, landed upside down in the middle of the freezing river), was unresponsive and he had no vitals when they finally got him out (he had literally drowned)..they were able to get him breathing with CPR and he was lifelined by helicopter...he was on a ventilator and eating through an NG tube and they didn't know if he'd make it or really recover...

2 days later and he's breathing on his own, eating, talking, joking, and out of the ICU. Holiday miracle!! So grateful to the cops who swam through 20 degree water to save him....so scary... So I've been a little...a LOT distracted with stress and worry, but I'm better now. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And so excited to finish my SS shopping friday!

I'm always so impressed by how fast and well the body can heal itself.  I'm so glad your friend is doing well!

Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh I definitely was passing no judgement on anyone who likes it, I just can't seem to wrap my brain around it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Haha thanks!  I knew you did not mean any harm by it.  I tried the actual cookies first and was not a fan but the butter?  Oh man, love!  I have a hard time with semi liquid foods like pudding, yogurt etc.  What do you DO with it?  Chew it?  Swirl it around?  Swallow in one gulp?  I never know!  

Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by lovepink /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think the cookie butte is supposed to be like peanut butter except instead of ground up peanuts it is ground up cookies!  I love it, but the Cookie/Cocoa butter combo was amazing!

I get that we all have varying tastes and likes though!  Someone who dislikes Cookie butter means more on the shelves for me!
Oh I definitely was passing no judgement on anyone who likes it, I just can't seem to wrap my brain around it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I know what you mean!

I like the taste of cookie butter, but I also cannot eat it on something like toast. I do, however, like it as a dip for apples and strawberries! And I think it might be really good in a  milkshake...

Cookie butter was never meant to be healthy, lol. nope nope nope.

I would never eat it on toast...Cause I'm not a big bread person, and I try not to have the evil stuff around, because, well, it is delicious. I didn't want to like it, trust me. Every part of my brain, back when I tried it, was like, "You're not really about to taste something called cookie butter, are you?" But I did, enjoyed it, and vowed to never have it in my house lol. Luckily, I don't live anywhere near a Trader Joe's and I can easily get distracted in Wal-Mart enough to not remember about it existing in the peanut butter isle.

On a non-cookie-butter-related issue, I'm freakin' irritated.. One of my girl's special extras just got cancelled, because the seller did not think my address is valid. Ahem. It very much is- it's just in the middle of nowhere and whatever some of these people use to "verify" (You'd think all of my previous purchases under the exact same address would be verification enough) just won't believe it's a real address. (When I moved, getting my real address was such an ordeal, and now it remains an ordeal because of stuff like this!).

So, I wrote seller back and said they were mistaken and that I'd be taking my business elsewhere, since I had no way to "enter a different addess" like they instructed me to do...it IS my only address, lol. And luckily enough, I found it a couple of cents cheaper with faster shipping from someone else. Let's hope this transaction is a good one. *Crosses fingers*

I was going to get her a scarf to begin with so as I was browsing Target I found the scarf on a random end cap and it was so amazingly priced. I literally gasped and looked around to make sure it wasn't a trap.
Lol!! My target and every target in metro Denver sold out of the entire Phillip Lim collection in the morning it was released. I was soooo frustrated, I went later that day after work to about 6 targets to search for handbags and found nothing!! Then a few weeks later, I found 3 handbags and thought I had struck gold!! I did the same look over my shoulder, is this a trap?! Am I being punked?! Needless to say I bought all 3 like a psycho hoarder. Lol. Nice score on the scarf!
Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  On a non-cookie-butter-related issue, I'm freakin' irritated.. One of my girl's special extras just got cancelled, because the seller did not think my address is valid. Ahem. It very much is- it's just in the middle of nowhere and whatever some of these people use to "verify" (You'd think all of my previous purchases under the exact same address would be verification enough) just won't believe it's a real address. (When I moved, getting my real address was such an ordeal, and now it remains an ordeal because of stuff like this!).

So, I wrote seller back and said they were mistaken and that I'd be taking my business elsewhere, since I had no way to "enter a different addess" like they instructed me to do...it IS my only address, lol. And luckily enough, I found it a couple of cents cheaper with faster shipping from someone else. Let's hope this transaction is a good one. *Crosses fingers*

YAY fingers crossed!

My Ulta order came in and the plastic zipper was busted on my santee's gift an easy enough fix but the fact the sent it that way (and it was VERY obvious) irked me. Add to that that the little dollar quad was not the color it was supposed to be and I'm not very pleased with Ulta. Everything else is ok though :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  cookie... butter??? I'm going to have to try to find one next time I shop. That sounds crazy yummy!

Can't believe I forgot about Merida!!! I have hair like hers. I was going to dye it red and be her for halloween but then in july I cut it off lol...

I am trying to resist Balm Voyage palette... hahaha

I'm sure it will come back again on HL and I will be ready for it.

My long Merida hair that almost reached my butt! I kind of miss it.
Love your hair!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My daughters Merida Hair

She is a beauty!
