(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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@tweakabell I'm sorry. That really sucks! Hugs for you

I have to rant/cry so I guess this is where I'll go since I can't reach my husband or mom. So the other day when I said I needed a hug it was because one of my only friends has basically just started using me as a babysitting service. I watch her kids for hours on end without pay because I love them. That's all well and good except for the fact that I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since I moved back home. Whatever, she's bust but I know for a fact she only works three days a week. We had talked about doing thanksgiving together but last I had heard they were going to Reno for thanks. So guess who starts calling me at 1:30 today asking me if we're still on for thanksgiving. I just saw her and her husband on Tues when I watched their little girl while they went to the movies, nobody mentioned anything. I'm getting to the point where it's easier to have no friends then people who just ******* use you all the time.
I'm so sorry that you are hurting today. I've had people walk all over me in the past.. mostly family and it's really painful. I will go to the end of the earth for the people that I love but get really resentful once I feel as though I have even been taken for granted. I hope from the bottom of my heart that your day gets better!
Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You both have the same face! Beautiful! I'm totally loving her hair! I wish my hair was curly!

You might regret saying that if you actually had to style your curly hair. It is so hard to keep it looking nice. Her hair was actually not as curly in these pictures because I had first had it in a ponytail. So its kind of afro puffin in these pics.

Quote: Originally Posted by dotybird /img/forum/go_quote.gif

She's so beautiful! What great photos!
Thank you! We try to get pictures done twice a year for family. So that photo session was with my daughter and her two best friends. They were all so cute!

Have you tried Secret weapon from John Frieda and kms anti humidity seal? Those two are great at keeping my frizz under control and my curls looking pretty. Also kms curl up cream smells great and works too.  I like Kerastase products but those  can be on the expensive side.

Happy Thanksgiving ladies! I am thankful for each and every one of you lovely souls. <3

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I really can't say anything I require a dozen retakes too. If I smile full on my eyes disappear so much so that when we were in ABQ I wasn't allowed to smile at all in my license picture due to their facial recognition program. So I have to have this weird Mona Lisa thing going in most of my pictures unless I want to look like a 5yo. Oh and Mona is a hard look to nail without looking pissed or upset.
That's how they do it in Germany you cant smile,  I look so angry in all my ids.

Quote: Originally Posted by heartsandwhimsy /img/forum/go_quote.gif

omg omg omg I got my secret santa gift in the mail!!!!!! I'm so freaking excited!!! my baby is rurunning a fever of 102 so I'm going to wait to dig into it once I get her asleep and can enjoy it!!!! omg yaaaaaay!!!!!
Hope your baby feels better soon! & Enjoy your gift.

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I really hope my SS liked the Phillip Lim for Target stuff because I just scored the BOOM scarf for her at a major discount!!!

We all liked that collab right?
YES! Since I was having a hard time with the website  overseas my wonderful little brother went and got me  the purses  I wanted.

Ahhh, I've been MIA and I have missed this thread! A friend of mine had a bad accident the other day (car went airborne, flew off a very tall embankment, landed upside down in the middle of the freezing river), was unresponsive and he had no vitals when they finally got him out (he had literally drowned)..they were able to get him breathing with CPR and he was lifelined by helicopter...he was on a ventilator and eating through an NG tube and they didn't know if he'd make it or really recover... 2 days later and he's breathing on his own, eating, talking, joking, and out of the ICU. Holiday miracle!! So grateful to the cops who swam through 20 degree water to save him....so scary... So I've been a little...a LOT distracted with stress and worry, but I'm better now. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> And so excited to finish my SS shopping friday!
Oh no! Glad to hear your friend is ok. Hope he has a speedy recovery.
On a non-cookie-butter-related issue, I'm freakin' irritated.. One of my girl's special extras just got cancelled, because the seller did not think my address is valid. Ahem. It very much is- it's just in the middle of nowhere and whatever some of these people use to "verify" (You'd think all of my previous purchases under the exact same address would be verification enough) just won't believe it's a real address. (When I moved, getting my real address was such an ordeal, and now it remains an ordeal because of stuff like this!). So, I wrote seller back and said they were mistaken and that I'd be taking my business elsewhere, since I had no way to "enter a different addess" like they instructed me to do...it IS my only address, lol. And luckily enough, I found it a couple of cents cheaper with faster shipping from someone else. Let's hope this transaction is a good one. *Crosses fingers*
Sorry to hear that hope your order goes through.
I was going to get her a scarf to begin with so as I was browsing Target I found the scarf on a random end cap and it was so amazingly priced. I literally gasped and looked around to make sure it wasn't a trap.
Lol!! My target and every target in metro Denver sold out of the entire Phillip Lim collection in the morning it was released. I was soooo frustrated, I went later that day after work to about 6 targets to search for handbags and found nothing!! Then a few weeks later, I found 3 handbags and thought I had struck gold!! I did the same look over my shoulder, is this a trap?! Am I being punked?! Needless to say I bought all 3 like a psycho hoarder. Lol. Nice score on the scarf!
I would have done the same thing, I have a weakness for purses.
Merry Thanksgiving everyone! May all your bellies be full and your shopping carts even fuller tomorrow. The Spirit of the Grand Turkey smiles on us all!!!! ^ text from my brother this morning. Hope you see that hilarity runs in my family. Or just weirdness. I haven't spent Christmas or Thanksgiving days at home with my family in 4 years!
I definitely know what that is like it's been 8 years for me. I get so emotional and homesick during the holidays.
Thanks guys it got much better.Talked to my mom, finished dinner started a fire (in the fireplace)and my turkey turned out perfectly only thing that could have been better would be mom and hubby here.

Thanks guys it got much better.Talked to my mom, finished dinner started a fire (in the fireplace)and my turkey turned out perfectly only thing that could have been better would be mom and hubby here.
Good. Internet hugs.
@tweakabell I have so been there, with friends. And it's why I'm mostly a loner, now. I have friends where I used to live, but I don't see them much as it's over an hour away...and I'm reluctant to make new ones here..not that I have much in common with anyone I meet here anyway... Sometimes being a hermit is just easier. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
