(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by DoubleShot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you ladies and your families. This year will be a hard one without my Dad, he passed away 2 months ago but it still feels like yesterday. Today is his birthday too.

Hug your loved ones, life is too short.
Sorry your loss

Quote: Originally Posted by makeitupasigo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  So I just spent a solid 15 minutes catching up on the 200+ posts I missed. I feel a little bad that people are already getting their gifts and I am still waiting for black friday. Hopefully my SS is okay with that! I will try as hard as I can to get the gift shipped off quickly. Please add me to the list of people that have/will be an elf as I have done so previously and am entirely willing to do so again!

So here are my assorted reactions to what has occurred on this thread while I was busy writing a poetry analysis/practicing and participating in a performance of Mozart's Requiem:

1) I have also never heard of cookie butter but it looks hedonistically delicious. Definitely something I would try!

2) My fave princess is Belle simply because I was in a production of Beauty and the Beast recently (for those who are curious, I had the prestigious role of female villager 3)

3) All you curly-haired people are gorgeous. I'm very jealous of your perfect curls.

4) All of your children are adorable!

5) @tweakabell I love your daughter's school photo! I have definitely had some good ones for example:

I can go from this:

To this!

All through the magic of a terrible school photographer!
6) @yousoldtheworld So glad to hear that your friend is doing so much better! What a perfect Christmas miracle!

7) On an off topic note, I had an important audition recently and I just got my scores back. I got a 213.5 out of 240 (which is really good)!

I guess that is all. Oh wait.


Love your pics and congrats on your audition score.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have to rant/cry so I guess this is where I'll go since I can't reach my husband or mom.

So the other day when I said I needed a hug it was because one of my only friends has basically just started using me as a babysitting service. I watch her kids for hours on end without pay because I love them. That's all well and good except for the fact that I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since I moved back home. Whatever, she's bust but I know for a fact she only works three days a week. We had talked about doing thanksgiving together but last I had heard they were going to Reno for thanks. So guess who starts calling me at 1:30 today asking me if we're still on for thanksgiving. I just saw her and her husband on Tues when I watched their little girl while they went to the movies, nobody mentioned anything. I'm getting to the point where it's easier to have no friends then people who just ******* use you all the time.
So sorry to hear that unfortunately some people are just users. I hope you find friends that value you for who you are and not what you can do for them. We value you here

My favorite Disney character is Mulan. Also I sent my package out! whee - little bit early but I didn't want my girl to miss out on the fun with international posting delays.

Quote: Originally Posted by heartsandwhimsy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have to rant/cry so I guess this is where I'll go since I can't reach my husband or mom.

So the other day when I said I needed a hug it was because one of my only friends has basically just started using me as a babysitting service. I watch her kids for hours on end without pay because I love them. That's all well and good except for the fact that I haven't seen hide nor hair of her since I moved back home. Whatever, she's bust but I know for a fact she only works three days a week. We had talked about doing thanksgiving together but last I had heard they were going to Reno for thanks. So guess who starts calling me at 1:30 today asking me if we're still on for thanksgiving. I just saw her and her husband on Tues when I watched their little girl while they went to the movies, nobody mentioned anything. I'm getting to the point where it's easier to have no friends then people who just ******* use you all the time.

I'm so sorry that you are hurting today. I've had people walk all over me in the past.. mostly family and it's really painful. I will go to the end of the earth for the people that I love but get really resentful once I feel as though I have even been taken for granted. I hope from the bottom of my heart that your day gets better! I think its worse when family does it  because you would expect family would not want to take advantage of you or  hurt your feelings. I am very loyal to family and friends and it just hurts when people who you would never expect to let you down do.

Dear my girl-

I swear, I am done shopping for you (said for the 13th time, lol). Now we play the waiting game.

[but, I also got my MIL, cousin, not-quite-SIL, (part of)hubby, mom, dad, boy cousin, sister, aunt...I think that's everyone...
So that's good.]

I'm. So. Over. Online. Shopping. Right. Now.

...I even cashed in most of my Sephora points so I could give away all (Like, 1000 points worth) the goodies! This hoarder finally let go of her precious points, lol.

Dear @tweakabell , sorry your friend sucks. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I've been f-ed over so many times, so I understand. It's always the ones that care too much that get used the most. Might be time for a serious talk with her. Good luck in whatever you choose to do. I sure hope it gets better.

Dear SS,

I was sort of sassy this morning. Apologies! I could not resist the UD lipstick set and the Zoya deal. And I bought a bottle of Pink Sugar at Sephora since you ladies love it so much. And ok, ok, I bought a few $10 deals from Sephora as well. 


Also, giftee, I bought you some stuff too! I think you're all done now. Just gotta wrap & mail!

I'm so maaaaddddd!!!

I rushed home right after my shift (I'm still wearing my work clothes) and got on my computer to get the UD Lipsticks and when I hit submit order it refreshed and didn't do anything. So when I tried to buy it again it was like SOLD OUT SORRY!!!

I have no luck lol...

Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm so maaaaddddd!!!

I rushed home right after my shift (I'm still wearing my work clothes) and got on my computer to get the UD Lipsticks and when I hit submit order it refreshed and didn't do anything. So when I tried to buy it again it was like SOLD OUT SORRY!!!

I have no luck lol...
I knowwww, i had basically the same thing happen :'(

On the plus side, I just picked up a few drugstore faves and extras for my SS, and now just need to go grab some wrapping paper. Your gift should be out by Monday, SS!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> :)

I bought the UD Lipset too! Weeeehooooo. Dear Santee: As soon ask finish this essay, I will work on the last part of your gift and it will be shipped out! JP

Happy Thanksgiving friends :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I know it's late I'm sorry- I had three meals out yesterday.. and I'm busy all day today doing Christmas.  But I love you all so much and am so thankful to be able to come and look at this thread and see everyone laughing and crying and supporting each other, and I'm just thankful for that.  You all are too sweet and I'm thankful that I decided to join in on this community!  Hugs all around!

Woohoo! Hope my girl likes sparkles because I just got a little crazy in walmarts gift wrapping section.
Umm if I'm your girl. .. I love sparkles on sparkles on sparkles!
Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Woohoo! Hope my girl likes sparkles because I just got a little crazy in walmarts gift wrapping section.

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Umm if I'm your girl. .. I love sparkles on sparkles on sparkles!
The more sparkles, the better!

Oh. My. God. One of the extra non-makeup related things I purchased for my girl arrived today and it is SO ADORABLE. I can't wait for her to get it and hopefully post pictures. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Wrapping today& mailing tomorrow.Yaaaayyy!

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Dear SS,

I was sort of sassy this morning. Apologies! I could not resist the UD lipstick set and the Zoya deal. And I bought a bottle of Pink Sugar at Sephora since you ladies love it so much. And ok, ok, I bought a few $10 deals from Sephora as well. 


Also, giftee, I bought you some stuff too! I think you're all done now. Just gotta wrap & mail!

I tried to get in on the UD deal, but it was sold out by the time i got there.  Noooooo!

Oh my god! I just got home with all my pretties and I found this amazing deal. T.J. Maxx has a Ciaté Nail Caviar set for $9.99 (usually $25.00)! Thought I would share that because it is an incredible price for such a cool kit.
