Shipping has begun everyone! Be sure to look out for your tracking emails, can not wait for this box!
Me too. My secret is, every month I cancel my subscription. Then when the spoilers come in, I resub or not. I love that you can still get that months' boxycharm even after the 1st. Never a bad box that way!Boxycharm seem to be a hit with me one month and a dud the next. really liked last month, but this months a big no.
OMG we got the same box, I couldn't begin to describe the color of that nail polish. I had no idea anyone made a polish in that color and I don't want to meet the person who would actually wear it. I am going to unsub for awhile, I haven't been happy with the majority of their boxes lately.Have you ever looked at a nail polish and wondered how it made it through the testing process to get released? Who could have possibly thought "Gee, I really want my nails to look like the inside of a baby's diaper after they have said "UhOh!"." I love nail polish and since it was the only thing in the box I was really looking forward to I was very disappointed in the color. On the pus side the lipstick came in a pretty coral and not in one of the more unusual colors they were sending out this month.
Ah you got the color variations I was hoping for. I ended up with a coral lipstick and a neon green polish. I super wanted the purple rain lipstick and the shell polish. I ended up just buying a purple rain lipstick, it hasn't arrived yet though.Got my box a couple of days ago! Not too sure about the brow powders, I might just use them as eye shadows. The nail poilsh shade I got was a really pretty shell colour, and the lipstick I got was Purple Rain! It is a bright purple, more red undertone. If I put it on my lips, then blot off, it leaves a really pretty bright fusica stain behind! Liked the colours I got this month, hopefully the rest of you guys get some good colours too!
Ok, thank you!!^^^
There was a post on their Facebook page yesterday that something weird is up with their site and they are working on it. Like I got an email saying thanks for renewing your subscription but I'm just month to month. My charge on my CC is correct so I think everything is still good but maybe look at Facebook to see what is up with their page.
Yeah as soon as I decide to sub they start this crap like Glossybox did. I left Glossy for this reason. I guess I will unsub after this box and give this sub more thought. Nothing irks me more than getting something worth a lot less or crappier than what others got. I really want that Oscar Blandi hair stuff.Did everyone read this month's spoilers? The sub has it worded really strangely.
It says " You may receive ONE or all THREE of these items:.
I'm guessing the bloggers will get all three, LOL.
DHL gives the weight of my shipped box- its. 0.77 pounds.
I kinda doubt I was in the " all three" special lucky group. And I HATE Lauren B nail polish. It's been in almost every subscription box in the past few years. Will NOT be in June's box, I'm talking about May's. Mine was a sickly pale peach. I got a deep purple one from another sub this month. Just have to SMH.