Boxy Charm [Spoilers] forums

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Spoilers up on instagram! Definitley not a good box for me, glad I skipped this month! I bet some people will love it though.

For those without instagram, the goodies this month appear to be:

  • Bodyography Brow trio
  • Bodyography double-ended brow brush
  • Lauren B Beauty nail polish
  • Model Co Bronzer
  • Lip Bar lipstick
Those may not be the product's official names, but you get the gist.

I am going to cancel now. Boxycharm has been a lot of fun, but I really would rather allocate my $21 a month to other things.

Boxycharm seem to be a hit with me one month and a dud the next.   really liked last month, but this months a big no.
Me too. My secret is, every month I cancel my subscription. Then when the spoilers come in, I resub or not. I love that you can still get that months' boxycharm even after the 1st. Never a bad box that way!

I got my box yesterday and swapped all of it, I got purple lipstick, I don't wear purple lipstick, bronzers or use a lot of brow products and hate pastel nail polish. Boxycharm is one of my fave subs, but lately I've been swapping nearly everything from it. IF you cancel and decide to re-sub do you have to go back on the waitlist? 

They don't have a waitlist right now. They did last year after a few good boxes but right now you can get away with subbing/unsubbing without worrying about it.

Have you ever looked at a nail polish and wondered how it made it through the testing process to get released?  Who could have possibly thought "Gee, I really want my nails to look like the inside of a baby's diaper after they have said "UhOh!"."  I love nail polish and since it was the only thing in the box I was really looking forward to I was very disappointed in the color. On the pus side the lipstick came in a pretty coral and not in one of the more unusual colors they were sending out this month.

Have you ever looked at a nail polish and wondered how it made it through the testing process to get released?  Who could have possibly thought "Gee, I really want my nails to look like the inside of a baby's diaper after they have said "UhOh!"."  I love nail polish and since it was the only thing in the box I was really looking forward to I was very disappointed in the color. On the pus side the lipstick came in a pretty coral and not in one of the more unusual colors they were sending out this month.
OMG we got the same box, I couldn't begin to describe the color of that nail polish.  I had no idea anyone made a polish in that color and I don't want to meet the person who would actually wear it. I am going to unsub for awhile, I haven't been happy with the majority of their boxes lately. 

Got my box a couple of days ago! Not too sure about the brow powders, I might just use them as eye shadows. The nail poilsh shade I got was a really pretty shell colour, and the lipstick I got was Purple Rain! It is a bright  purple, more red undertone. If I put it on my lips, then blot off, it leaves a really pretty bright fusica stain behind! Liked the colours I got this month, hopefully the rest of you guys get some good colours too!

Got my box a couple of days ago! Not too sure about the brow powders, I might just use them as eye shadows. The nail poilsh shade I got was a really pretty shell colour, and the lipstick I got was Purple Rain! It is a bright  purple, more red undertone. If I put it on my lips, then blot off, it leaves a really pretty bright fusica stain behind! Liked the colours I got this month, hopefully the rest of you guys get some good colours too!
Ah you got the color variations I was hoping for. I ended up with a coral lipstick and a neon green polish. I super wanted the purple rain lipstick and the shell polish. I ended up just buying a purple rain lipstick, it hasn't arrived yet though.

My bronzer arrived a little shattered, but nothing major. I kinda don't love it anyway.

All in all I'm only going to be using the brow powder and brow brush this month. Kind of a shame because I could have loved 4/5. I will never wear neon green polish and coral lipstick is too warm toned for my liking/skin tone.

I had really been hoping for the neon green nail polish.  I always think it's funny how one person can get excited for the same product another is disappointed in lol.

I was very happily surprised by the purple lipstick.  I am not a lipstick person - especially not a bold lipstick person - but I decided to try it out before passing it along and I really like it.  It is something I would wear regularly (I mean if I regularly wore lipstick).  I like it enough that I might actually start wearing lipstick more often.

I just threw out my old bronzer so good timing on that.  Not sure about the brow stuff.  I always love a good brush set but I haven't played with the brow kit yet so we'll see.  I got the nail polish they talked about on their Facebook page.  I'm not too picky about polish because I only use it on my toes.  I would prefer something other than polish in my boxes but don't mind seeing it on occasion.

Maybe one of you ladies can help... Since the website upgrade I cannot seem to log in, it takes me to a reset my password page, but when I enter my email it says there in not an email address like that on file.  Normally I would just set up a new account, BUT I HAD 2000 POINTS on the old website and I want to be able to use them eventually!  I'm super confused and getting aggravated, I can log into the old BC website, but it won't let me resubscribe.  On top of that I can't find a "help" link anywhere. 

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There was a post on their Facebook page yesterday that something weird is up with their site and they are working on it.  Like I got an email saying thanks for renewing your subscription but I'm just month to month.  My charge on my CC is correct so I think everything is still good but maybe look at Facebook to see what is up with their page.


There was a post on their Facebook page yesterday that something weird is up with their site and they are working on it.  Like I got an email saying thanks for renewing your subscription but I'm just month to month.  My charge on my CC is correct so I think everything is still good but maybe look at Facebook to see what is up with their page.
Ok, thank you!! 

Spoilers for June box!
Bellapierre Cosmetics  Kabuki Brush - $29.99 value ($15.00 on Amazon curently)

Eslor's Chlorophyll Lifting Mask .5 oz - $21.00 value

Hopefully the next spoiler will be a little bit more interesting, I am a little bit tierd of getting these brands in subscription boxes all the time!

Did everyone read this month's spoilers? The sub has it worded really strangely.

It says " You may receive ONE or all THREE of these items:.

I'm guessing the bloggers will get all three, LOL.

DHL gives the weight of my shipped box- its. 0.77 pounds.

I kinda doubt I was in the " all three" special lucky group. And I HATE Lauren B nail polish. It's been in almost every subscription box in the past few years. Will NOT be in June's box, I'm talking about May's. Mine was a sickly pale peach.  I got a deep purple one from another sub this month. Just have to SMH.

Did everyone read this month's spoilers? The sub has it worded really strangely.

It says " You may receive ONE or all THREE of these items:.

I'm guessing the bloggers will get all three, LOL.

DHL gives the weight of my shipped box- its. 0.77 pounds.

I kinda doubt I was in the " all three" special lucky group. And I HATE Lauren B nail polish. It's been in almost every subscription box in the past few years. Will NOT be in June's box, I'm talking about May's. Mine was a sickly pale peach.  I got a deep purple one from another sub this month. Just have to SMH.
Yeah as soon as I decide to sub they start this crap like Glossybox did. I left Glossy for this reason. I guess I will unsub after this box and give this sub more thought. Nothing irks me more than getting something worth a lot less or crappier than what others got. I really want that Oscar Blandi hair stuff.

My box weighs .69 lbs. That better be gold in there..
