Boxy Charm [Spoilers] forums

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1st spoiler is Mirabella Primer. Eh.

Edited because it looked funny. Lol.  

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Does anyone know whether you lose your charms if you unsubscribe and then resubscribe later on or do they stay in your account?

I'm thinking about canceling too but that is probably only because I still don't have December. It takes forever to get anything done by email. 1st email let them know my box is lost. Wait 4 days. They tell me yes my box is lost do I want a replacement? Yes I do. Wait 7 days for a reply. They ask for the address for my replacement. Um yea same one as on my account. So now I'm waiting for them to ship I guess? What sucks is I put my address in the 1st email. I always put my address full name and email info in my messages.

I'm ok with the primer but I wish it was dr. Brandt pores no more. I want a full size badly. I hope we get a beauty blender soon that would be the best. It's the time of year I use liquid foundation instead of powder and I really want to try it.

I have two of that primer from other subs and I don't love separates and sometimes you just squeeze out greasiness, so you have to squeeze the tube a lot to mix it...not really worth that trouble IMO. I use it on my eyes sometimes, but not my face.

Yuk, that does not sound tempting at all!

I'm still on my hunt for my HG face primer

I'm using a sample of Porefessional right

Now that I like but don't LOVE.

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I actually like that primer, but it's tiny and really overpriced, and I already got it in something like Ipsy a year or so ago. It's not exciting enough to tempt me.

Did u see the new mini sneak peak

You guessed it! A full-size tarte cosmetics product will be featured in our January “Celebrate In Style” ‪#‎BOXYCHARM‬
P.S. For the full reveal, you will have to wait until Friday, January 2nd 

Any guesses ladies?


Did u see the new mini sneak peak

You guessed it! A full-size tarte cosmetics product will be featured in our January “Celebrate In Style” ‪#‎BOXYCHARM‬

P.S. For the full reveal, you will have to wait until Friday, January 2nd 

Any guesses ladies?

I have no idea what it can be but AAAAAHHHHH!! Lol I LOVE Tarte! =] This makes up for the boring 1st spoiler =]=]

They always say that on their eyeshadow palettes! But the maracuju oil is a strong possibility. It would be cool to get the oil blotting sheets! That would be different! Or one of their face masks!


Something's telling me now, because of the wood grain shown, it's either gonna be their gifted mascara, a lip stick, or slim chance of maracuju oil.



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Hmm good sleuthing I would love maracuju oil they also have an a maracuju vitamin c eye brightening cream that I d love.  An amazonian clay blush would be nice too. I think they also have a bunch of bamboo handled brushes.  Hmmm what could it be??? Honestly I love tarte so even if its something I already have anything from tarte is pretty much a win for me.  I really want to try the contour palette.  Whatever it is I m excited.  Happy New Year to us !!!  

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Boo. Was really hoping for lipstick or blush from Tarte. Between the spoilers for this and Ipsy, it is just not a great sub box month for me. I think I may just be on sub box overload. Time to take a break I think.

Tarte Maracuja Bronzing Serum! Retail Value: $47.00. 

Not really what I was hoping for, but I'll give it a try =] 
Thanks for posting this.  I m actually excited to try this I just read some really good things about it.  Says it just gives a very subtle glow to the skin, I ll take a glowing hydrated face any time but esp in jan. I m just happy its not something totally overdone in sub boxes.  Hooray for new things!

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I'll use it. But I am a tan person already all the time. If it doesn't turn me orange I'm good.

i got charged 3 FREAKIN times!! i signed up new years eve and know im getting decembers, thats fine but then this morning got charged 2 MORE times for a total of 3. $63.00 off my card in 4 days i am so frustrated as this is my first sign up with them and its not a great first impression. has this happened to anyone? check statements someone else got charged twice also

I'm not particularly interested in either spoiler. The primer I will give a try, however the Tarte will be traded/gifted. Tan is not a look that appeals to me. I'm fair and that's how I like to look. I would have cancelled, but I've already been charged so I just hope the other items are something I can get excited about :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I've been eyeing this sub for so long, and finally decided to sign up because of the Tarte spoiler. I LOVE Maracuja oil, so of course I subbed for this!

I read up on it, and it isn't really a self-tanning product. It is more Maracuja with some self-tanning properties. It'll give you a "glow" but not really make you look tanned. I like a "glow" but not a tan, so I will definitely be using up this product!

The only real downfalls I've read about it: STRONG scent, doesn't give a glow to anyone who isn't super fair to begin with (meaning it'll just be a sticky version of the Maracuja oil). But from what I've read, fair people who have tried it really like it, just people who were darker than fair didn't see any results from it!
