Got mine in! My eye shadow was broken, but I'll leave it alone... I don't care much for BaB anyway.
I received my tracking email and, 30 minutes later, received a response to my email that said my box has just started the shipping process. It makes me wonder if they had forgotten to ship my box out. My gut is telling me to cancel, so that's what I'm going to do. They might be a good sub, but they haven't made a good first impression to me and it's not worth the bother at the moment. I might try them again next year when they hopefully have worked out their issues.
I also believe the credit card shenanigans are of their doing. This is honestly not a fully legit company. No legitimate sub box has a team of tweens and teens handling CS and social media. They don't create lie after lie to cover for their buffoonery in not shipping/charging multiple times/randomly canceling after charging, etc. After them claiming 3 different explanations about why they cancelled my sub (which by the way STILL shows as active on my account), I went back and looked at my card and I too have multiple small attempted charges. After the fourth one I got a fraud alert from my bank. It's exactly how identity thieves operate, by testing cards with small charges, spaced out over a period of days. They weren't smart enough to change the amount from one to the next and that triggered the alert. So no wonder they had "issues" charging my card. That tends to happen when you attempt credit card fraud. I'm seriously disgusted with this company. If I could only get them to stop emailing me random, unsolicited explanations for why they closed/suspended my account, tried to charge my card four times, oh wait they claimed they couldn't charge my card at all because it was declined, well, actually that was a different subscriber's card that was declined, not mine, and what really happened was me changing my card (updating to new expiration date) and though it showed as updated just fine, it actually automatically suspended your account. That still shows as active online. For the life of me I don't know why they keep digging themselves a deeper hole with me. I was done communicating with and thinking about Boxy a week ago. They just can't seem to help themselves. And then today I discover the multiple charge attempts. I'm about ready to report them for fraud. And I don't honestly care if it was intentional or accidental due to their flaming incompetence. It happened.I received my tracking email and, 30 minutes later, received a response to my email that said my box has just started the shipping process. It makes me wonder if they had forgotten to ship my box out. My gut is telling me to cancel, so that's what I'm going to do. They might be a good sub, but they haven't made a good first impression to me and it's not worth the bother at the moment. I might try them again next year when they hopefully have worked out their issues.
I'm so disappointed in BoxyCharm this month. I vowed that the second I start getting Be A Bombshell or Starlooks from a sub, I'm out. This month I also had Starlooks in my Ipsy bag (it was a tiny lipgloss). . so, I'm done with both subs.
I'd also like to point out that Boxycharm (it shows as Goldybox) is the only purchase made on my credit card in months. I was overseas and received notification about fraudulent activity on my card. It was a nightmare to get through to customer service and even though I didn't need to use this card on my trip, I was so stressed out and incurred a huge phone bill while trying to straighten it out.
PLEASE please please . . .check your credit card statements thoroughly and make sure you recognize all the charges. My charges were fairly small, less than a few dollars from each fraudulent transaction. BUT. . I'm guessing they start with small charges just to see if they go through, then go for the big ticket items. I do think it had something to do with Boxycharm and I'm not going to renew my credit card information with them for next month.
As for this month's box:
Nailpolish - Cheap, cheap formula that smells chock full of nasty chemicals. My brushes were also stiff and unusable, which is fine because I don't want to expose myself to that toxic stuff. I'll probably just toss both.
Coastal Scents palette - I played around with it a bit and some of the colors were better/creamier than others. It's cheap, but at least it was something unique for a sub box.
Palmetto serum - The ingredients are nice and it looks like a good, basic serum.
Be A Bombshell - I got Bora Bora. Nope.
Starlooks gem pencil - I got the violet shade. It's a bit too glittery for my taste plus ughhhh. . so sick of Starlooks pencils.
I received my first and last Boxy Charm box today. Not only did it come a long time after they charged me but the three makeup products have parabens. I'm not normally an ingredient checker for beauty products but since there are so many sketchy comments about the nail polish and I've heard nightmare stories about be a bombshell's mascara I thought I'd at least read the back of the packages in this box. The serum seems fine but I'm hesitant to use it considering that they sent it with a box of very low grade cosmetics. I'm not impressed in the slightest.
Agreed completely. I did not see the part about the preteens and tweens running their CS, but I have had great CS so far.There is a LOT of speculation in this thread. We have no proof that Boxycharm had anything to do with any sort of credit card fraud or issues going on with credit cards. Also, there's no proof that they're using 3rd party wholesalers. Be a Bombshell, Coastal Scents and Starlooks are actually very common companies to work with subscription boxes of all sizes. The nailpolishes were made by a company that specifically makes cosmetics for brands/companies, so that is clearly not a wholesale item, either.
Also, what is all this talk about Boxycharm's customer service being preteens and tween girls? Is there some sort of proof that underage girls are running their CS department, or is this being said out of anger and frustration rather than truth?
Look, I'm not a boxycharm advocate. This is only my second box from them. However This thread has become exhausting to read, and the accusations and allegations with nothing to back them up is really uncalled for.
Sharing thoughts and opinions is one thing, but this is starting to get out of hand at this point. If you don't like boxycharm, cancel and move on. I'm not even sure how I feel about this company yet as I've enjoyed the September box and felt kind of mediocre about this one, but seriously people. There's a huge difference between sharing facts and issues and spreading rumors and stirring up drama. I think I'm going to unfollow this thread because it's just a giant rumormill at this point.
I was merely referring to the things that were being said that had no basis of proof. There are things being discussed here that are speculation, and nothing more. That's including where they get their products from, the type of people they have working their CS, and credit card issues.none of what I wrote was speculation. They lied to me. And yes, I am no longer with boxycharm, never even got a box. But they did lie and stall me on the status of my box, that was supposed to be shipped out.
I made no references to their age, but to the facts of how my case was handled with them.