Boxy Charm [Spoilers] forums

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Anyone else notice the website says the box is a $110 dollar value and the value they are saying the first two spoilers are (added together) is already $70... so the value of the THREE items left, combined, is around $40... Makes me nervous the last three items will be crap like eyelashes, lipgloss, and nailpolish.... but I know I just need to have faith... boxycharm has NEVER let me down.
I think they have sent out nail polish or some kind of lip product in almost every box. So I think you can count on at least one of those... Actually I feel like there has been a lip product in almost every box since May? Idk I've had the box since June and it's annoying to me that they haven't even said shipping is delayed. Even thought they are within their 10 days subscribers who have been there longer then September know this month is 100% not the norm. Hopefully the box quality is the same...but like you pointed out, 3 products and $40..not looking good

Maybe there will be a face mask, eye liner and lip tar. That's my guess for the last $40 a that might go with the theme. I'm just hoping there is no glitter. lol Do they send things like face masks?

I've been subbed for 6 months and haven't seen any masks yet. But I'd love one (I'm a total mask fiend). I also haven't gotten anything glittery <yet> so I'm not concerned about that, though it is Halloween...I think a liner and a lip product are very likely based on last boxes and general value. I hope it's not an OCC lip tar like I got from Glossy. I really didn't like the formula or colors (I wound up with 3 boxes due to my old and new 3 month subs overlapping, then the "I'm sorry" box many are getting). Now I really want a mask!

Maybe there will be a face mask, eye liner and lip tar. That's my guess for the last $40 a that might go with the theme. I'm just hoping there is no glitter. lol Do they send things like face masks?
I also received my shipping notice today.  I was hoping there would be more spoilers by now, Boxycharm has become my favorite sub and I'm looking forward to finding out what's coming  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I am so happy we are getting shipping notices! I felt like people were about to get crazy! I'm happy to see that mine had actually moved and that is not still waiting to be picked up. I wish I had the gusto to go spoiler free since I've already waited this long. lol

I got my shipping notice today, too. Exciting!! :mussical:

I think I read on their facebook page that they were only releasing two spoilers this month and leaving the rest as a *~surprise~*. Personally I like knowing what is coming my way, but I do appreciate that others like not knowing. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

I'm becoming so impatient... I want to know what items we got!! I've been searching for spoilers/unboxing everyday with no luck :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Glad I'm not the only one... I have a lot of down time at work today and keep google searching "boxycharm october 2014."  No luck for me either!!

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I have my fingers crossed that someone gets their box today! I am tired of waiting for spoilers. lol I have become an instagram stalker lol.

no shipping notice for me.  I will wait until monday and then email them.  It is getting to be late in the month for an october box.

No shipping yet, here either...I was charged on the 9th, so I guess I should give them until Monday, too.  Weird month, I am actually going to receive my Glossybox before Boxycharm!


someone posted their box to the boxycharm fb page!

ohhhh no. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I just subscribed to boxycharm last month but if they're going to turn into Ipsy with the be a bombshell and starlooks nonsense then I'm canceling. At least the concealer palette makes up for it this month.

I feel a little let down with the brands too! Hoping is not so underwhelming once I get it but I doubt it. I'm still most excited about the palette and serum.

ETA: if I get the purple shadow the box will be redeemed. lol I'm so fickle. BUT I also can't say that I've ever gotten the color I want in any sub. lol

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