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I thought they shipped on the 15th but I was wrong!  I'm glad, too, because my box is on its way :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Can anyone tell me the boxycharm help email address?? I have only seen two emails and I don't think they are correct. I emailed [email protected]
Right above that PR email address (in the FAQ window), it says: Email us (it's in blue letters).  It's a contact form and you dont need to access your own email account.  That's what I used when I had a question and they got back to me the next day.

Ugh. Still no confirmation email or tracking email but I was charged on the 4th. Anyone else having this problem?

Ugh. Still no confirmation email or tracking email but I was charged on the 4th. Anyone else having this problem?
I got a tracking email on the fifth.  It left florida on the 6th but nothing since because Im in WA.

Just email them or use the contact form I mentioned above.  They are REALLY nice and if you can't find the email in your spam, you might as well ask them if they have an update on the status of your box.

Got my box today! I got the colors I wanted for the Tarte lip gloss and the NCLA polish - Blushing Bride and Model Behavior, respectively. How did they know?! (I'm sure I just got lucky.) Got the eyeshadow palette in London, which is fine by me since I didn't have a preference there - I just didn't want Moscow. Unfortunately, one of the shadows was shattered and got everywhere, so I guess I'll shoot them an email. I'm having trouble with the perfume, too. It's really hard to spray, and I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem, meaning the packaging just sucks, or if it's just me. I like the way it smells, though!

Edit: On the other hand, it's a color I don't really care for (the light green in the upper left), and there's about half of it left, so I think I'll just clean up the palette and keep it.

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I thought they shipped on the 15th but I was wrong! I'm glad, too, because my box is on its way :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Right above that PR email address (in the FAQ window), it says: Email us (it's in blue letters). It's a contact form and you dont need to access your own email account. That's what I used when I had a question and they got back to me the next day.
Thanks plenty!

Anyone have experience with time it takes to get off the waitlist? I'm worried I'll miss the September box before it happens.
When I ordered the July June box, I think they sent it right away. I don't remember being put on a waitlist. So this might be a new thing? Maybe they've been advertising more.

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When I ordered the July June box, I think they sent it right away. I don't remember being put on a waitlist. So this might be a new thing? Maybe they've been advertising more.
 I  signed up last week and my box is in transit to me now I don't know of  a wait list

I received the coastal scents in Beiing.  I'm just happy I didn't get Sydney those bright colors.  My Beijing palette is just ok.  I'm really happy with everything else in my box.  I was going to cancel to save money, but I can't seem to do it.  I love these boxes.

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Weird I even emailed them and asked about it and they basically gave me a non answer. Something about ensuring they keep providing the best service. I told them I would like to review it on my blog, but they gave no indication at how long the wait would be. Bummer.

Weird I even emailed them and asked about it and they basically gave me a non answer. Something about ensuring they keep providing the best service. I told them I would like to review it on my blog, but they gave no indication at how long the wait would be. Bummer.
 When did you order I ordered last weekend I think. I also emailed them and they were very nice and said my box would be shipped this week and it was.

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My box is on its's my first and I'm excited! I really don't have preferences for the shades I get - I'm more likely to wear the bold shades for myself, but any I get that are less exciting for me are fine right now, because I'm stockpiling goodies for Christmas gifts. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Wow, looking at their facebook page, it looks like people who had been subscribers for months already were moved to the waitlist this time in addition to new subscribers. That would make me really mad! They were still advertising that they had September boxes left a few days ago, which they probably shouldn't have done if they couldn't accommodate even the already existing subscribers. I think I will wait and see if they get their stuff together before I sign up again.

Wow, looking at their facebook page, it looks like people who had been subscribers for months already were moved to the waitlist this time in addition to new subscribers. That would make me really mad! They were still advertising that they had September boxes left a few days ago, which they probably shouldn't have done if they couldn't accommodate even the already existing subscribers. I think I will wait and see if they get their stuff together before I sign up again.
That's so strange. I cancelled about 2 weeks ago and then resubscribed about 1 week ago when the Harvey Prince spoiler was released and I already have a shipping notice. No issues at all. It's odd that they would accommodate me if there are some current subscribers who are not getting boxes. I mean, I'm grateful to be getting a box of course, but it's strange that Boxycharm would wait list current subscribers and send out a box to someone who just re-signed up. I wonder what went wrong.

I'm wondering if they're waitlisting people because this month had so many damaged items.  It's possible they're trying to figure out a way to repackage the items (the perfume was a problem, I believe, as well as the eyeshadow palette) OR hoping they have enough in stock to replace all the damage item claims before they send out boxes to new subs.

As far as I know Boxycharm has never had a waitlist before.  I don't think they're a very big company but their last few boxes have been so good I'm guessing they've had a large influx of new customers.

I didn't have any issues with my box, I subbed after the harvey prince spoiler, too.  I'm glad I got my box (love it!) but I hope everyone else gets their situations straightened out!


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