Adding to where I left off:
Geranium Oil:Is a natural essential oil often found in conditioners and moisturizers.
Grapefruit Extract: Natural hair clarifier
Helliogenol AWESOME ingredient to have in any colour care shampoo and conditioner. Its an herbal extract taken from cold pressed sunflower seed cake. Ever notice how sunflowers are always yellow? That would be why
Horse Chestnut Natural hair and skin softener
Hydrogenated Castor Oil Moisturizing humectant
Lanolin Wax Ultra purified wool wax
Lavender Extract Natural oil that will help to add sheen and radiance to the hair; often also found in anti-dandruff shampoo's for its healing properties
Lemon and Mandarin Oils Both are natural stimulants and antiseptics
Marigold oil Moisturizes and increases flexibility
Nettle Extract Often found in shampoo's and treatments for those with thinning hair. Stimulates blood circulation, and hair growth.
Peppermint Oil Most often be found in products designed for Oily hair; it's a natural soothing agent that is antisepticc and anti-bacterial
Sage Extract Anti-Fungal and anti-bacterial
Witch Hazel natural hair and skin clarifier