What We Love About Ourselves!

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yay! im so glad lets keep it going because when you feel crappy, i want you to come back and read this! Post!

This is a great thread... some days I dont like anything lol but usually...

Physically I like my eyes, love and hate my long thick curly eyelashes, I love how I fit in a size 0 but still have sexy curves, and hmm I love my toes after a pedicure I think they are sooo cute lol.

Personality well I like that I'm independant I dont mind going everywhere alone, though I get lonely sometimes lol. I like that I have a sense of adventure, I never let my life get boring, and I duno if this counts but I think I got sex appeal lol and I love that

Wow...you know the sad thing is, I sat here and tried to think of anything and couldn't think of a thing!! When I look in the mirror I want to puke at how I look and me personally I wished I could change also.

But to be fair I guess I like my eyes

I love that I rarely tan, I love my hair... I can make it do almost anything, and I love my eyes. I have unique eyes. ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Great you wonderful people

Miss B glam, see you found soething, and im sure you can find at least, if not mroe things about your personality that you like

I like my hair and my eyes. I like that people think I'm younger than I am.

I like that I am open minded, fair, intelligent. I'm a good mother and friend. I'm loyal and if you tell me a secret, no one can get it out of me...............ever!

Well I love that I am naturally hairless and that I have smooth skin. I love the fact that my hair still remains healthy even after I've bleached it a billion times.

^ I wish I was hairless!

I don't sugar coat anything, and although it seems mean sometimes, I know everyone would rather I not lie.

And everyone loves my ass...
It's kinda round for my size.

I love that I go with what I like, not the trends. I am glad that I am a hard worker, I am caring, a good listener. I have good skin, pretty blue eyes and a great natural hair color. I have had 2 stylist ask me in the past month what color do I put on my hair bc they love it!

I like my eyes and hands the best!

I also like the fact that I've been trying to branch out more--trying be more outgoing and open-minded!

I like my smile - my lips, my teeth - it suits me.

My cheekbones and dimples.

I love my beauty marks. And I love my brows when they look nice which is not very often, haha!

I like that I can make people laugh, not so much sarcasm because that's just when you want to take the piss out of people (doesn't make you funny), I don't take myself or others seriously and can be weird when I want to. And that I'm forgiving and forever nice to anyone... and respectful.

I love that I am so weird but I make people laugh

I love how I am tall.

I like my hair!

I love being a good listener

I love how people tell me I am wise for my age! It's such a compliment to me.

I love that I can love so many things about myself.

good idea!

There's not much physically (born in the wrong gender you see) that I like about myself except I am of slim build and can eat what I like and it not affect my weight.

Personality I like it that I am a person who can be trusted and am friendly.

This is such a wonderful thread, I am going to dedicate some good time reading through it's pages...

Physical: My face, my hair, my waist, my legs and my boobies!!

Character: My personality, my ability to make friends easily, my ability to get along with anyone, my generosity and my honesty!!

Oh God I sound so vaaaaain!! Ooops!


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