What We Love About Ourselves!

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Physical: My eyes, people tell me they're really expressive, so I guess that's why I like em?

I'm very loyal and generous too

I like that I'm loyal, fair, and artistic.

As far as my body goes....I love that even though I'm a big girl, I have an hourglass shape that makes me feel mad sexy, and my face is kinda cute






The Angel kisses on my face

My Boobs

My butt


I make people laugh

I don't judge people

I'm very honest

I'm quick-witted

Nothing in really in particular but I just love my life.... lives.... lol

Physically I love my eyes, my smile and my feet....yep that's right. I think my feet are pretty. :)

Characterwise, I love my sense of humor and I love that I have a big heart and I'm very honest.

Physically.. I love my green eyes and smile.

Character.. I'm compassionate, generous, and like to make people laugh.

I love my eyes and my boobs, physically.

I love my sarcasm and wit as well.

I love my skin, my lips, and my legs and the shape of my body. I love my hair sometimes too.

I love the way my brain works too. Oh and I love it when I have confidence in myself. I also love being compassionate and opinionated.

i love my big eyes and lashes. i love that i'm built to last like big boobs, butt and legs. in the south, most women are short so i love begin a bit taller at 5'8". so when i put on heels i'm just as tall and thick as the guys and it's a power trip.

i've been going to the gym because i want to look like Serena William. a long way to go but i'm working on it!

i like that i'm confident and know how to say yes and no. i can do things on my own and not be embarrassed or shy.

physical: my eyes, my hair, my smile

personality: I have a good sense of humor, am very empathetic, and I am very accepting of everyone

aw im so glad everyone can look into themselves and see the good!! im proud of you guys!

I like my legs and my stomach. I LOVE my ass though! hehe

And I like that I`m always 100% honest and friendly to everybody.

I love my eyes, lips, and boobs.

I love my honesty, compassion, and that I don't judge people.

I like my hair most of the time and my round cheeks.

I like that I am a very creative spirit.

physical: hair, eyes, lips. cheekbones, eyebrows, boobs, ..apart from being a little chubby these days, I like my general shape...hourglass.

characteristic: I'm nurturing, kind, and a good listener.

about your natural body. It's easy to be negative, and it's good to say something nice.


1.) I love my lips.

2.) I love my boobs (stretch marks and all).

3.) I like that I have the ability to give birth (but not the desire...lol)

Your turn!

i like that i can eat pretty much anything i want (and believe me i do!) and my weight never really goes above 9stone which is fine for my 5ft 6 height.

i like that im slim but have curves. i love the curve from my ribs into my waist then out to my hips.


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