Vaseline: anti aging? forums

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uh, no i've never heard of vaseline causing hair growth. if anything it makes the hair look shiny which makes it look healthy, and depending on how much you use greasy. but i doubt you have to worry about it causing facial hair. it probably makes the lashes look longer b/c they look wet. but i wouldn't put them on my lashes b/c i wear contacts and anything near my eyes makes them all smudgy.

I remember years ago I knew an elderly lady that used vaseline every night on her face and every morning after she washed her face with Dove soap, she would apply an ice cold (from the fridge) clean damp cloth baby diaper to "close her pores" she would the age of 87, she had virtually not a wrinkle. I was amazed by her simple beauty routine.

my face is kinda hairy..and i'll use bleach to lighten them every month.I was in doubt too IF Vaseline could regulate facial hair..?*confused*

Vaseline does not promote hair growth as far as I know. What it does do is moisturize lashes and keeps them from drying out and turning brittle, as a result lashes are stronger because of the light coat of vaseline under the mascara , and therefore will break less giving the appearance of longer fuller lashes. Kind of like the hair on your head , it's less likely to break if you keep it healthy so it looks longer and fuller.

well i've started using the vaseline at night, and the only thing i've noticed is it get in my hair and makes it greasy some. but i've only been using it on my face for a few nights. but my skin does feel more moisturized in the morning. so time will tell if it makes any more changes.

ive developed small small breakouts on my face?ive been slathering Vaseline for the past 3 days and then i stopped 2 days back..*wondering*

If your skin is acne prone , I suggest really "diluting" the vaseline. Pat some on your face, then wet your hands and run them over your face , wipe your hands on a towel , wet them again , run them over face etc till you've got just the teensiest layer on. HTH

Thanks for that, upon waking my skin doesnt feel as gunky as it does when freshly applying Vaseine, instead it feels silky smooth.

Ive also become a fan of the aspirin mask.

pweeeeeh...have read ALL the posts *lol*

And going to bed in a minute..and I'm very interested in this whole vaseline thing.

So I think I'll give it a go tonight!

I'm giving it a go tonight as well, Ashlee did the vaseline really have that effect on your skin??? you didn't try anything else or change your routine in any other way? my skin is also sensitive with clogged pores. After reading the posts it would seem that the people with oily skin actually get quite good results. Anyway heres hoping.

I tried the vaseline last night just washed my face as normal and slathered it on. I woke up with lovely soft skin and my usual redness was definatley reduced but it didn't last as by the middle of the day it was back to its tired, haggard looking self. After changing my skin care routine to the clinique 3 step program I have had brilliant results until recently when my skin just suddenly decided to look awful no matter what.

But as it was only my first try I'm going to keep at it and I have another nights application on as I type!

I've been using vaseline at night for a while now, alternating with camellia oil. So far so good, my skin looks a lot brighter these days too..

one week has passed and smooth as a baby's butt

and I'm feeling a difference skin got more going to continue!

a little update: been using vaseline since i think the start of this thread....

oh god... my skin has never been better.. i only use it at night tho..

and i use the teeniest layer on my face.. one more thing I SWEAR that my lashes have grown so so so much
they look so long my friend actually thought that i use fake individual lashies and the best part, she thought that i found a miracle cream! i did! it's vaseline!

a little tip: i find that after exfoliating at bedtime and applying vaseline, my face looks super good in the morning.. xD give it a try


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