Vaseline: anti aging? forums

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Originally Posted by Tim Bernee /img/forum/go_quote.gif I'm 25 now and lately I've been thinking about starting a nightly routine of anti wrinkle / anti aging cream. Is it too soon or better to start now than when I actually have wrinkles? Also, what's the best product to use? It's always better to prevent than to cure, because when the wrinkles are here, it's too late. So wear a sunscreen on a daily basis, and you can definitely use a night cream.
Which Vaseline product are you guys referring to? I don't know any product from them that is for anti-aging purposes only.Anyway, for those who are asking for product recommendations, I'd share what I use. I use NeuCell anti-wrinkle cream to reduce the appearance of fine lines. I sometimes use essential oils too so that I still give my face a natural feel. I also take fish oil capsules.

Vaseline does not cause pimples. It is non-comedegenic, meaning it will not clog pores. I read one article claiming that a group of persons with acne used vaseline as a facial moisturizer for 21 days and found that at the end of the study they reported a decrease in acne. I didn't verify this article, but I do know that one cause of acne is dry skin flakes clogging the it would make sense that well moisturized skin would suffer less acne. I started using petroleum jelly as my only moisturizer and within a week my skin was softer and smoother and my nails were so shiny and healthy looking that I kept getting compliments and people questioning if I had clear coat on or were they just that shiny naturally. (I rubbed the petroleum into my nails just in the process of moisturizing my hands) I also get really rough skin on my feet and within a week of using the petroleum with a pair of socks every night for bed my feet were softer then they've been since I was a teenager.

Hi, If you continue using  Vaseline & you starts to notice that your eyelashes changed a lot , be sure It's because of Vaseline :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I have a long eyelashes , but I can assure to you that Vaseline makes them longer & thicker ..

Vaseline for me Is my beauty secret , I'm now 28 years old & use It since a long time ago In everywhere even on my face & It makes the skin perfect

soft skin , glowy face , younger look ,  no Wrinkles & no pimples even I have oily skin & ..............
for me I can never give up the Magic Vaseline ..

If it works, then continue with it.

What I've seen so far, in many years of my life (sad to admit) is that each skin has unique characteristics and reactions to the things you put on it.

A simple example are soap, which is basically just oil and acid.  And yet, some skins will have adverse reactions to certain soap, such as, drying, flaking... Yet some, with the same soap will result to smoother and well moisturized skin.

Vaseline, I tried it once for some rough patched that developed on my face and it worsened with a drier and cracked skin.  Well, I first thought that since it's oil, my skin normally reacts favorably to oil (as long as I don't everdue it).  Except I now realized after some more reading that oil in vaseline is carbon based.  While oil in say, coconut, is vegetal.

So my conclusion is that my skin reacts adversely to carbon-based oil and very well with vegetal based oils.  Though I have not tried olive oil yet - LOL!


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