Originally Posted by KatiebuglovesBB /img/forum/go_quote.gif
you know what is frustrating about this? i'm sure many girls signed up, not through Glamour, but after hearing about it thinking they will get a Glamour box. Now they will get that garbage (sorry, one or two items are ok, but a cheap hair tie and a ziploc?) and think Birch Box is a joke. There WILL be a huge backlash of emails and calls "i thought i was getting a Glamour Box!) this is Teen Vogue all over again. If i can foresee this, why can't BB? I DO NOT see why Birch Box offers such awful Welcome Boxes... i was lucky and got a FUll Size Stila Liner in january in my welcome box, but my sister got a magnet and a SPICY chocolate bar... she was like "thanks for the gift sub, sis" NOTTTTTT. cruel cruel BB, welcome boxes should be welcoming, not "turn back!!!!" notices.