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That tattoo liner is to die for. I like it alot. It doesn't budge.
loooove! I will never be without!Seriously that tattoo liner is HG status for sure, and SO EASY to use.
Thanks I'll check both of these out /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />I really like the Ouidad Omega-3 replenishing hair mask from Sephora. The ends of my hair are always getting fried because my hair is so thin and baby fine. I use this about 2-3 times a week, and it has really helped. I also really like using castor oil as a hair mask once a week, but it is kind of messy. I do it as an overnight mask, put on thick and pulled up in a pony tail, with a towel over my pillow so it doesn't get oil stains. I've tried other oils that are popular, but they all dry my hair out (especially olive oil). Castor oil moisturizes and shines up hair like brand new, is cheap, and washes out pretty easily. Supposed to help hair grow more too, so "they" say. /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />