Yeah, it comes up as pick any 3, so I got them all! It's a great freebie!
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ME TOO and I do NOT need anything else. Ugh!Damn I jUst place an order on Sat night .
Haha, if you're good maybe I'll invite you to one of our many lunch dates =p And I dunno, I'm trying not to get my hopes up ('cause I'm terribly pessimistic) but I don't know why she'd say that with nothing to back it up, she could've easily ignored my question. So...I anxiously await for the official statement![@]slinka[/@] YAY!!! I was going to buy the KVD in 42 soon! I was so bummed to read about them discontinuing it! Oh and totes jealous of you and KVD as BFF's now /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />