I work for Sephora, and to be honest, I would love to learn about every single bottle of the 20,000 products that we sell, but they don't send us in a training room every time something new comes along to learn about how to use it, how to sell it, why it's good for certain people, why it isn't, etc. I am fairly new to the team, have been with them since the end of October, and I got trained for one day on basics of the best selling moisturizers, and skin care, and was sent to the floor to work the crazy holidays. I am now part of the permanent cast, and they told us they will show us some videos about color, etc, but so far nothing. I am going to say it's impossible for me to know every single thing on every single product we sell, it's just too much, and they don't sit us to train us for endless hours so we are 100% prepared. I think mostly you learn on the job, reading labels, and using common sense, but I don't think it's all on us the product consultants to know it all, I would love to go to meetings and learn about all the new stuff and why it's good as opposed to using others, etc, but it just simply doesn't happen this way. Like I said, we do get the occasional video on something, but it's not on all the products we sell. So keep that in mind, next time you think the girl helping you is not educated enough for you.Â