Yay my order shipped!  About 90% of it was showing "permanently out of stock" when I checked it yesterday.  I don't think I'm in any danger of being banned, I'm only a lowly BI.  But I do make sure to maximize every order I make with codes, samples, and discounts, which means they have a much slimmer profit margin from me than from any VIB-R.  I truly don't understand why they're 1) banning people, and 2) not doing everything in their power to bend over backwards to fix this issue for their biggest customers.  In fact, I plan on using my $15 BI card, plus a $10 Sephora GC I'm getting with Shopkick points, to get the Naked 3 palette for $25.  And you bet I'm getting 3 samples AND using either the Surprise code or whatever other multi-sample code is available at the time!  Sheesh, they SHOULD ban me...Â