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I feel for you girl. We're in the same boat....guess what my order got CANCELLED by sephora, and i called in to the VIB line, and the cs said that i violated some policy. like, i only order from sephora 4x a year and i have NEVER in the 4 years that i have been member bi/vib returned anything. and i only ordered two of the 10 dollars deals??? she refused to explain to me why my order got cancelled. one more thing i actually never had a problem with sephora. BF maybe?
Thanx! I will most definitely write to them. The only thing I'm afraid of is that if I escalate things, they'll cancel or delete my account and I'll lose the 2500 points I have. I may have to venture out to a store and use up my 2500 points!!Sephora's Corporate address & phone number Sephora Corporate Office & Headquarters 525 Market Street San Francisco CA 94105 Â (415) 977-4300
Thanx. It really helps that you and the other girls are here.....or I'd probably be going nuts!!! See, so for the life of me, I can't figure it out. Does using a promo code a few times (FOUR to be exact) warrant a ban??? Seriously, after spending thousands of dollars at Sephora, with NO returns, NO complaints (until last week), you'd think they wouldn't even bat an eye at allowing me to reuse a promo code!! I'm sure many of you gals out there have done this so be warned. Everyone, BE CAREFUL!!!! So, all because they're stingy with the promo code, they will lose thousands of my dollars each year. WAY TO GO, Sephora!!!!!Oh gosh, they are just aweful!!  I'm really sorry that Sephora is such a COW! You've done absolutely nothing that is even vaguely in the neighborhood of anything that could be construed as 'fraud'... Â
No worries, I'm just saying my orders are not small. I know people who put orders through with just a few dollars. I'm just stating that I haven't so the point of putting many orders with low $ amount doesn't apply for me. I wonder how many people Sephora has banned. I just looked on Sephora beautytalk and one girl says she placed 2 orders through in the span of 2 minutes. How come she's not banned???? This just DOES NOT make sense!!!!oh, please don't think i was accusing you of anything! Â I think it's wrong all around that Sephora is doing this...they had to know things like this were going to happen, and frankly spending over $1000 I should damn well be able to split up a $50 order or whatever so I can best maximize discounts and freebies (and you'd better believe I have) I was really just trying to state that comparing sephora free shiping (rouge or flash) to amazon prime isn't the same!
Wow - In reading the ban stories, thats usually one of the first things that happens. I can't believe Sephora thinks it's OK to do this and not offer explanation or a way to fix it.guess, i still have to wait for the email. also, have u guys had this problem. the sephora site is saying that my billing info does not match up with the financial institute's data. what's that about? but the order is showing up as pending on my bank account
Yes I save all my packing slips and I am also guilty of returning items, but if they don't like returns they should not allow them instead of allowing it and then flag people for doing it. I'm sure there is a very small percentage of "iffy" behavior (I refuse to use the word fraud -their use is ludicrous) that people have done, but by and large they are punishing a large amount of people for that small percentage of people's behavior. I have also done returns with a print out of the order from my online account. Not fraudulent behavior either, but likely enough to send me into the no online order zone.Keep your receipts (packing slips)Â so that the store can't flag your for possible 'fraud' activity. Â The email receipts don't count in their book, yeah their own generated email receipt... Â It's such BS.