Originally Posted by SnowLeopard /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Lol, I can't believe this sub is in business. I just checked out their fb and found this especially hilarious:
"Whether things are authentic or not, if its good quality product, who really cares about the name tag? People are really that superficial? Makes them even more sad."
So I guess if you are upset about getting counterfeit makeup, it's bc you are superficial, lmao.
I think she's completely missing the point about it being "about the name"...more like it's about knowing what the ingredients are, and what you are actually purchasing!
I had no idea WHY counterfeit makeup was so bad, until I was reading about the lead content, and that they literally will take anything and make it into "makeup".....who wants to risk putting that on your skin?
It makes me think of this book I read, that's from the timeframe of when the FDA was formed. It was talking about how before the FDA, people were starting businesses making fake food products...they would boil sawdust and put in chemicals and food dye and call it "apple jelly". Things that said they had fruit in it just had weird concoctions of sawdust/dye/flavors/chemicals in them to appear like food. It just so sooooo disgusting to read about that, and made me realize that people will do anything to make things cheaply and make a profit.
That's exactly what the fake makeup is like....it's just a bunch of crap thrown together to trick people, and lord knows what is in there!
To willingly give those products to people, and then chastise them for being "superficial" is absolutely irresponsible and ridiculous.
It's not superficial to be an educated consumer, and to not look out for others is wrong.
someone who owns a business should make it a point to educate themselves as much as possible so that they can in turn protect their customer base from harm.
Any business that refuses to do so, or who makes fun of people who choose to, is not anyone whom I would ever do business with.
Also, not to be rude here, but most people I know who have had cancer/know someone who has had cancer, make it a point to be as careful as possible about what chemicals they put into their bodies.
To peddle cosmetics that most likely have carcinogens and lead in them also seems to just not jive with that to me.