Originally Posted by Amanda ToyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Also, Your beloved admin that posted info... emailed an offer to "smoothe things over" and delete this thread and actually PROMOTE for red carpet box if she was willing to pay. when she declined, the admin took it upon herself to find more dirt and post it... the word extortion comes to mind here....
ALSO, I offered to buy a pair of earrings that someone was displeased with and was told she wants $30 for them!! you paid $25 for 5 items and said you think they are cheap so why ask me for $30!?
this whole thing SCREAMS shady that you guys want free items and to get your money back which is sad.
I UNDERSTAND THE EXPIRED ITEMS, but as far as not liking them or doubing if they are authentic? thats a risk you take with any box!
I have a lot of experience with paypal and let me tell you, its not going to fly and you guys can lose your account for filing false disputes so i hope you think with your own head before you follow the lead of someone trying to be greedy.
LMFAO! You are a piece of work. This just outdid Posh Pod in the "epic fail" world of subscription boxes. Grow up.
EDIT to add: I just read the rest of your replies to other users on the forum. Congratulations for being incredibly and offensively rude. If you're trying to represent your buddy in a more positive light and defend her, try an ounce of class. Right now, I can honestly say that I have never seen a spokesperson, reviewer, blogger, publicist, or even satisfied consumer who comes off as trashier while promoting their product. Gina/Silver might have made dumb, dumb, dumb comment after dumb, dumb, dumb comment, but she was never this offensively rude.
Also I'm just going to go on record and say that I DO NOT CARE about how many kids she managed to pop out. That's
her choice to have a whole bunch of kids and has ABSOLUTELY NO BEARING on her position as a business-person. It isn't like she pulled a sexto-mom and pushed out six in the month since she created her box, either, so... DO NOT CARE. As for having a tumor, that sucks. If this had been an issue of products not shipping on time because of medical procedures, that's one thing, but unless the tumor is pushing on the "recognizing expired products and counterfeit crap" center of her brain, it also has ABSOLUTELY NO BEARING on the situations.
Finally, what the hell to "wondering if they are authentic with
any box?" Seriously, what the hell? No, consumers do not "wonder if the products are authentic" in every box to which they subscribe. It's only trashy crap-subscriptions sending out crap products about which consumers need to worry. Sending out counterfeit products is a crime. There is supposed to be ZERO risk to the consumer of a subscription box. Effin' A.