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I just went to the Facebook site. There is NO negative comments. That is going to mislead potential new customers.

Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif

i think it's great that you're happy! i just hope you know that for what you paid for, you could've gotten more (or better) elsewhere.

the earrings in the lot they came in came out to about $3 a pair based on the link posted a few posts above

the sunglasses in the lot on ebay mentioned earlier in this thread also came out to about $3 each

i haven't checked each and every stila product sent out, but the stila tinted moisturizer (which i believe is expired) ranges from 5-9 dollars each, depending on the ebay auction.

the avon eyeliner goes for about $5 on ebay.

(the last two products i'm being generous on, you can get them for as low as 2-4 dollars it appears, depending on the timing and the auction)
Ok, so lets play devils advocate here and tally this up.

She paid

$5.50 to ship

$1.50 for paypal fees

$3 for earrings (we are guessing)

$3 for sunglasses (we are guessing)

$5 for stila (again guessing)

$5 for avon, and

$2 for borgasa (guessing very low)

that equals $25 based on YOUR own calcualations!!!

Even based on those guesses from you google geniouses, it still shows she BROKE EVEN sending out these boxes. what were you expecting, to pay $25, free shipping for $100 worth of goods and have her pay $50 out of pocket? well thats just very stupid on your part.

wanna know what these "sample" boxes monthly costs are that you pay $10 for?  high end beauty samples are sold by the lots of THOUSANDS and are .20 to 40 cents a piece. so in reality, she could send you complainers a box of sunglasses and 5 beauty samples for $10 and make more than sending out full sized items. yet you arent swarming other pages complaining about their sample sizes! so next time you are so appreciative of your high end sample sized items, i hope you enjoy being ripped off as well.

Yes, the expired cosmetics are bad. everyone makes mistakes, maybe if you'd approach it like a grown up and be mature about it she would have been able to correct it. She told me once my friend  paid to ship her expired moisturizer back, she would send her something else PLUS refund the shipping fee on paypal. she has to be careful about just issuing refunds etc, she is the business and we are the customer - just like returning other items, you always pay shipping so they know they arent sending a replacement item and never getting the damaged one back. has it occured to you that she NEEDS the expired items back to get a refund from her distributor? probably not because none of you have ever ran a business or have a nickles value of how to even begin.

I do not know her personally but have seen from her facebook that she has been suffering with a brain tumor, has been screwed by another beauty company and decided to start this, and has an autistic child as well as other life issues.

her goal was to get us awesome values of full sized products. she had a hiccup and is trying to fix it. if you guys would stop circling her like wolves and let her FIX this, you will be in awe of what she has in store!

also, for the costs of things. who cares if she paid $25 for the items and charged us $50? thats business! you cant expect her to take a loss to give us a service can you? she bought in BULK and got a deal in order to do this, like all other companies do. unless you can afford to buy 500 of each item you should be grateful she made the investment and is sharing her deals with us!

heres a youtube video i made - 

Also, Your beloved admin that posted info... emailed an offer to "smoothe things over" and delete this thread and actually PROMOTE for red carpet box if she was willing to pay. when she declined, the admin took it upon herself to find more dirt and post it... the word extortion comes to mind here....

ALSO, I offered to buy a pair of earrings that someone was displeased with and was told she wants $30 for them!! you paid $25 for 5 items and said you think they are cheap so why ask me for $30!?

this whole thing SCREAMS shady that you guys want free items and to get your money back which is sad.

I UNDERSTAND THE EXPIRED ITEMS, but as far as not liking them or doubing if they are authentic? thats a risk you take with any box!

I have a lot of experience with paypal and let me tell you, its not going to fly and you guys can lose your account for filing false disputes so i hope you think with your own head before you follow the lead of someone trying to be greedy.

Originally Posted by Amanda ToyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Also, Your beloved admin that posted info... emailed an offer to "smoothe things over" and delete this thread and actually PROMOTE for red carpet box if she was willing to pay. when she declined, the admin took it upon herself to find more dirt and post it... the word extortion comes to mind here....
That's hilarious. I very much doubt that happened.

Originally Posted by Amanda ToyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Also, Your beloved admin that posted info... emailed an offer to "smoothe things over" and delete this thread and actually PROMOTE for red carpet box if she was willing to pay. when she declined, the admin took it upon herself to find more dirt and post it... the word extortion comes to mind here....
Excuse you? I've never ever offered to deleted this thread nor promote RCB if she were willing to pay. You are making liable accusations there for which you can be held accountable. I am aware that Patricia was in contact with MUT's advertising department - which I have nothing to do with. Also, ALL moderators on MUT tell those with companies that they cannot post on MUT unless they are an advertiser. ALL members - including you when you clicked on I AGREE - agree to the Terms of Service.

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Originally Posted by lunadust /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's hilarious. I very much doubt that happened.
If she has nothing to hide, she should post permissions for the email to be posted. its $350, $500 or $750 for "advertising" and deleting negative things etc - each level has a specific "plan" for success of the business.

Originally Posted by Amanda ToyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gifI do not know her personally but have seen from her facebook that she has been suffering with a brain tumor, has been screwed by another beauty company and decided to start this, and has an autistic child as well as other life issues.
This statement right here and many others posted by her friends proves she is having a hard time with life. If she has a brain tumor and an autistic child she has to be insanely busy, tired, sick, and probably all around overwhelmed. My heart goes out to her for these reasons. Having said that, if these things were happening I have to once again ask, why was she thinking she had the time and resources to start a company?

I am amused at the people who joined this forum in the last couple of days to criticize a group of people you feel are too critical.

Originally Posted by Amanda ToyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

doubting if they are authentic? thats a risk you take with any box!
That is ILLEGAL! If you are dealing with a real legitimate company they would not send you counterfeit goods!

Amanda if you take a look around I'm pretty sure all of us know how this box thing works as we are all box subscribers ! Just goes to show if you don't know her personally or have anything to do with the company So you keep saying would you know anything about people's personal disputes which leads me to think you may be working with patty which leads me to not to listen to you! We are not new to the ball game! Trust me

Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This statement right here and many others posted by her friends proves she is having a hard time with life. If she has a brain tumor and an autistic child she has to be insanely busy, tired, sick, and probably all around overwhelmed. My heart goes out to her for these reasons. Having said that, if these things were happening I have to once again ask, why was she thinking she had the time and resources to start a company?

I am amused at the people who joined this forum in the last couple of days to criticize a group of people you feel are too critical.
This is a passion of hers to fix what happened with the other company. this is why i firmly believe she would never intentionally rip anyone off! If she was approached in a proper manner she could have resolved these issues but instead it turned into this drama!

Originally Posted by DiorAdora /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Amanda if you take a look around I'm pretty sure all of us know how this box thing works as we are all box subscribers ! Just goes to show if you don't know her personally or have anything to do with the company So you keep saying would you know anything about people's personal disputes which leads me to think you may be working with patty which leads me to not to listen to you!

We are not new to the ball game! Trust me
Says the girl who got $30 cream free and left it out of her video until you were called out on it? yes, very trustworthy right there!! lets listen to someone like that... smh

Originally Posted by Amanda ToyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Quote: Originally Posted by lunadust /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's hilarious. I very much doubt that happened.
If she has nothing to hide, she should post permissions for the email to be posted. its $350, $500 or $750 for "advertising" and deleting negative things etc - each level has a specific "plan" for success of the business.

I have nothing to hide while Patricia does.
Amanda not sure if you can read or if you just clearly jump into ith ! If you know anything about my channel I do box reviews! A gift is not a part of my box and I will not be adding it but it was mentioned under the video but you love to just go on and on about silly things!

Originally Posted by DiorAdora /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Amanda not sure if you can read or if you just clearly jump into things you don't know what your dealing with ! If you know anything about my channel I do box reviews! A gift is not a part of my box and I will not be adding it but it was mentioned under the video but you love to just go on and on about silly things!
Yet as soon as i called you out on it, you added it to the description (it was NOT there before) and clicked subscribe to my youtube account... yeah sounds like you have too much time on your hands!

If she mails out boxes tomorrow with the same shady products in question then it will become obvious what her intentions are. Lets hope she actually tries to fix this.

Originally Posted by lunadust /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If she mails out boxes tomorrow with the same shady products in question then it will become obvious what her intentions are. Lets hope she actually tries to fix this.
Well she posted ten minutes ago she's sending out the sunglasses tomorrow...

Originally Posted by Amanda ToyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

This is a passion of hers to fix what happened with the other company. this is why i firmly believe she would never intentionally rip anyone off! If she was approached in a proper manner she could have resolved these issues but instead it turned into this drama!
I do understand passion for stuff. I just think that instead of sending in her friends to defend the negative reviews she could have opted to be up front with her subscribers. When someone is honest from the beginning I think you will find a lot of these ladies have an amazing amount of patience and understanding. So while her initial idea may have been completely innocent things got muddied up when people were told one thing and given another.

As someone who has subscribed to most popular boxes out there, I have been burned by a few for different reasons. I choose my subscriptions by viewing past boxes openings on the web or new ads showing the goodies they intend to promote. Either way, I join because something enticed me. If someone does the bait and switch it is frustrating. The bottom line is no one wants to feel they got screwed out of their money.

I clicked on your channel and found out it was you because you were acting as though you were patty ! Speaking for her I went to your channel to find its miss Amanda surprise looks like you have to much time if you ask me!

Originally Posted by Amanda ToyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I do not know her personally but have seen from her facebook that she has been suffering with a brain tumor, has been screwed by another beauty company and decided to start this, and has an autistic child as well as other life issues.
And EVERY bit of that information is completely irrelevant to how she conducts business.

Originally Posted by Amanda ToyLady /img/forum/go_quote.gif

ALSO, I offered to buy a pair of earrings that someone was displeased with and was told she wants $30 for them!! you paid $25 for 5 items and said you think they are cheap so why ask me for $30!?

this whole thing SCREAMS shady that you guys want free items and to get your money back which is sad.
Just wondering, are you referring to your offer to me to buy the earrings from me? bc just in case i never told you a number, i told you to make me an offer... Just saying just in case...

Also no one is trying to get free items. everyone here is willing to return everything for a refund. & i think i can speak for everyone in terms of that. o think you people against us expressing ourselves negatively about the company keep turning our words against us and misinterpreting us to make us look bad and RCB as the victim. That is shady!


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