Yes, this is a concern of mine too since I'm one of the people with a box already moving around. Although if there is anything missing, I would expect them to ship that as well so I'm not too concerned. And if they think they can get one over on us, then they obviously don't know how good we are at show and tell on these threadsSo my question now is did those boxes that shipped have everything in it? The weight of this box seemed off to me compared to other LE boxes.
Your right the weight 1.7 lbs is just 3 times that of a heavy BirchBox. Which is not much especially with the weight of the cardboard box being in there. It does seem really off????? Maybe I shouldn't even go on about this, but this whole thing seems just off and makes me wonder.So my question now is did those boxes that shipped have everything in it? The weight of this box seemed off to me compared to other LE boxes.
What an awesome gesture! I hope you get yours so you can do this. How awesome. It's nice to see MUT members working together!Quote:Originally Posted by cindybear0320 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Am I going to die because I didn't get my box before my honeymoon? NO
Am I going to enjoy my honeymoon either way? YES!
I guess I just wished they would send everyone's out together... I purchased mine as soon as the email order came out about the LE Resort Box... I just don't understand how some people got their's delayed.. and some are shipped out already!
Are you in NYC?? I have two boxes, and you could use mine as a stand in! I think that it's so sad it didn't come in on time, and that they won't do anything for you. That towel would be perfection for your trip -- the perfect towel/coverup/scarf, which I'm sure is why you didn't mind spending $100 right before your honeymoon!!
Congratulations on your wedding!! Wishing you an amazing time in Bora Borayou are wayy too sweet!! I am in St. Louis! Yes the towel /coverup would have been perfect!! I am determined to have fun in Bora Bora no matter what!!/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
plus i will be with my new hubby...
/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />)Â
Awesome April Fools!!! Very cute!! Love it!So I've just recovered from a crappy eye infection and also see that my LE box has been delayed like many of you. Really sucks because I was hoping to bring it on my first vacation I've had in a LOOOOOOONG time. Looks like that's not going to happen now! I also got the same general response as the rest of you when I contacted PS. Deep down I keep hoping this is a really horrible April Fool's joke and it will end up at my door later today haha! Anyway, this email I got from NYX Cosmetics cheered me up, love the sense of humor!
I love the "have more questions? Check out our FAQS". Basically, "don't bother us again" Should be "please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns."This was my response. I did question if all boxes had all the items. They never clarified that portion of my question: Hi Jennifer, Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns! We understand your frustration with the delay and we want you to know we truly do apologize. We want you to know that there was no order or process of choosing whose box would ship. Our intent was never to inconvenience you! However, the date needed to be rescheduled to ensure that you received all the products in your Special Edition Resort box. Unfortunately, we are unable to alter/expedite any shipping, but please be assured that your tracking information will be emailed as soon as it has shipped. Best, POPSUGAR Support Have more questions? Check out our FAQs P.S. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest! I did inquire if I could possible pay more to expedite my box for spring break. Unfortunately they can't.
Eh, as someone who answers the same question over and over again at work, I have many "canned responses" typed up so I can just copy and paste. I'm sure the response we are getting is the corporate approved response. Personally, if I got an informal email such as "Aww Man! Sorry we can't get your box to you on time. I know it's a super bummer." I'd be a little put off.I find it really rude that they aren't tailoring the e-mails at all if someone asks a question not covered in their form e-mail... Even Ipsy seemed to change the language when responding after the POP lipgloss debacle. Meh.