PopSugar Special Edition Resort Box

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I certainly wouldn't expect them to throw a supplier under the bus for this, but when you manage a project and the project is late, ultimately the project manager is responsible for delays and not keeping things on track. And also updating stakeholders in the process. I just hate when a company promises a date and doesn't stick to it. They told us 3 things: price, theme, and ship date. And didn't stick to one of them. They should have built potential delays into their time line :-(

Although I don't like the lack of communication my bet is it is more of an issue with a distributor not providing product when they said they would. Popsugar as at the mercy of the vendors. Luckily I didn't need mine in a hurry (and I got a shipping email already). I'm still a pop sugar fan, just wish they would provide some explanation for those who aren't getting theirs.

Quote: Originally Posted by feisty1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Does anyone know if we can have them hold this at the post office? That week is spring break for us and I won't be here.
the post office has these little yellow sheets to have all of your mail held for up to 30 days. 

I'm in CT and mine shipped on the 31st. It's still in CA somewhere. Sorry to all those who got screwed with the late shipping :-/. I think that its probably going to take just as long for my box to get here as it will for those on the west coast to get theirs at this rate. It's been 2 days and it hasn't left the state yet. 

I got uber excited when I saw so many posts, but it's just a delay. I haven't received a delayed shipping email or tracking info., but I never get timely emails from Popsugar. The only way I know about new LE boxes or spoilers is to look on here.

I too am on the East Coast and have some California movement:

Date/Time Activity   Location  - 
  4/01/2014  -  Tuesday 2:02 am Arrived at FedEx location   SACRAMENTO, CA  - 
  3/31/2014  -  Monday 9:54 pm In transit   NEWARK, CA 8:45 pm Left FedEx origin facility   WATSONVILLE, CA 6:20 pm Arrived at FedEx location   WATSONVILLE, CA 4:49 pm Picked up   WATSONVILLE, CA  - 
  3/29/2014  -  Saturday 12:19 am Shipment information sent to FedEx
They don't need to rat out a vendor by name. A simple "due to a delay in receiving a product from a vendor" or "we had a quality control issue with one of our products and we wanted to make sure you were getting the very best" would go a LONG way!

Quote: Originally Posted by Kerryliz /img/forum/go_quote.gif

To be honest I don't think they've ever actually gotten everyone's boxes out by their projected date, they just usually don't send an email announcing it. I appreciate their transparency and think maybe we're getting a little overly worked up... It would be completely unprofessional for them to throw a supplier under the bus, if that's what happened. While I do think they should have gotten that email out a little earlier, I definitely wouldn't expect them to give us a play by play of what went wrong. 

I understand the frustration of people that are going on trips, but I'm sure your trips will be amazing with or without the box, and your boxes will still be amazing once you get back! 

They're probably all scrambling and in panic mode right now trying to get boxes out ASAP, which is probably why their CS isn't exactly on point, but they've been good in the past and I'm sure they will offer some kind of compensation once things relax.... in the meantime I'm going to go look at all those lovely soothing pictures on their pinterest page... gooosssfraaabaaaaa
I don't mean to speak for everyone who got the email, just myself and maybe a few others...I'm not expecting PS to throw a vendor under the bus (the whole reason for the box is for luxury companies to get their names out to people who would probably never have heard of them).  I do expect a company to let me know well enough in advance that something went wrong...I can't call in to work 10 min before I have to be there without a seriously good explanation and/or a dr's note and they knew well before the 31st that things weren't going as planned. 

I do expect a company to explain diplomatically why they can't uphold their end of the deal rather than blow smoke up our a$$es and try to make it sound like they are making boxes extra special or something...no finishing touch takes a week to finalize.  They knew the items and companies they were using and they sold out quite a while ago so if a vendor couldn't provide the quantities needed, they could have said something to the effect of "we weren't expecting the numbers of orders that we got and need time to acquire more product, please be patient."  PS made it sound like they were doing us a favor, not holding themselves accountable.  Mistakes happen, I'm not completely unreasonable...I can't remember the times I'd get in trouble for something I did and my mom would tell me I wouldn't have gotten in as much trouble if I would have just owned up to my mistake.  Same goes for this!

As for the $$, they've had everyone's $100 for almost 2 months.  I have a very limited budget and saved for several months to get an LE box when the next came up.  There's not much that I will fork over $100 and not have it relatively quickly, then to get a delay is frustrating with out all of these issues.  They probably are scrambling, but with the amount of customers they have, they almost certainly have a separate CS department, they just don't want to deal with the complaints as evident by them glossing over a previous girls' comment and just answering the positive.  I'm very disappointed and have canceled because of this.  I happen to have LOVED March's box and several previous ones but when a company messes up to this degree and acts like nothing happened, I cannot put my hard earned money behind them

I don't feel like we're owed an explanation other than what we've gotten, BUT I do wish they'd have sent it out earlier and not went ahead and sent some people's as it appears has happened.

Just got this response to an email I sent them...had that been the explanation from the off, there would have been much fewer complaints!!!

~~Hi Kara,

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns! We understand your frustration with the delay and we want you to know we truly do apologize. Our intent was never to inconvenience you! However, the date needed to be rescheduled to ensure that you received all the products in your Special Edition Resort box. Unfortunately, we are unable to alter/expedite any shipping, but please be assured that your tracking information will be emailed as soon as it has shipped.

Best, POPSUGAR Support

POPSUGAR Support, Apr 01 10:07:

Hi Lisa,

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns! We understand your disappointment with the delay and we want you to know we truly do apologize. Our intent was never to inconvenience you! However, the date needed to be rescheduled to ensure that you received all the products in your Special Edition Resort box. Unfortunately, we are unable to alter/expedite any shipping, but please be assured that your tracking information will be emailed as soon as it has shipped.



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Seems like this is the standard response to everyone.

the post office has these little yellow sheets to have all of your mail held for up to 30 days. 
Thanks I have had mail held while moving but never a smartpost delivery. I normally have my neighbor pick up mail if I am gone but they don't always pick it up right away. Don't want to chance my package being left out. Our weather has been unpredictable at best!
Quote: Originally Posted by kmishmash /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just got this response to an email I sent them...had that been the explanation from the off, there would have been much fewer complaints!!!

~~Hi Kara,

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns! We understand your frustration with the delay and we want you to know we truly do apologize. Our intent was never to inconvenience you! However, the date needed to be rescheduled to ensure that you received all the products in your Special Edition Resort box. Unfortunately, we are unable to alter/expedite any shipping, but please be assured that your tracking information will be emailed as soon as it has shipped.

Best, POPSUGAR Support

Quote: Originally Posted by LisaD123 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  POPSUGAR Support, Apr 01 10:07:

Hi Lisa,

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns! We understand your disappointment with the delay and we want you to know we truly do apologize. Our intent was never to inconvenience you! However, the date needed to be rescheduled to ensure that you received all the products in your Special Edition Resort box. Unfortunately, we are unable to alter/expedite any shipping, but please be assured that your tracking information will be emailed as soon as it has shipped.



Have more questions? Check out our FAQs

P.S. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

Seems like this is the standard response to everyone.

It sounds like there was an item they were waiting for that did not get to them on time. I don't really feel upset about this response. They communicated with us instead of just shipping it out next week and never telling us. I am ok with the delay. It's just not that big of a deal for me, especially since they are holding the boxes to make sure all the items are in them. 

This would be nice of Popsugar:

Groupon just gave me a $10 Groupon gift card (without me asking for any compensation or complaining) because a vendor of sweaters that I ordered was slow to ship.  I thought it was really nice of them to give me a heads-up (The sweaters did take a while to get to me, and I'm sure others.) and offer the $10 gift card.  Little gestures do go a long way.  A small discount or gift card from Popsugar would be nice.

I wish they'd put the boxes together and commit to a set number, then ship them right away. I'm sick of paying for something and then waiting MONTHS to get it. It's not just PopSugar either. I know they probably make more money when they do it the other way, but I know it's causing me to think twice about buying any more now. I did it for a few years and it was fun, but now it's starting to get annoying.

Just got this response to an email I sent them...had that been the explanation from the off, there would have been much fewer complaints!!! ~~Hi Kara, Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns! We understand your frustration with the delay and we want you to know we truly do apologize. Our intent was never to inconvenience you! However, the date needed to be rescheduled to ensure that you received all the products in your Special Edition Resort box. Unfortunately, we are unable to alter/expedite any shipping, but please be assured that your tracking information will be emailed as soon as it has shipped. Best, POPSUGAR Support
I just got the very same email! Form letter! : )
I think, honestly, no matter what PS said, people were going to be pissed.  Even if they came clean and gave the honest truth people would be annoyed with the delay.  It's $100, it's purchased way in advance and they gave an estimated ship date.  To come out on the day it's supposed to ship and say whoops it'll be next week so sorry!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> :) Hope you still luv us anyway!!.... is annoying. And I'm speaking as a big PS fan.

I really hope the box is fab and worth the wait, but I am a little relieved that I missed this box, now. Another sub never sent me the box I ordered in February, I'd be a little annoyed having to wait for this one too.

I would think with the pre-sale of the limited edition boxes, they'd have acquired all their products ahead of time to meet the given ship date.    

Quote: Originally Posted by AshJs3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I wish they'd put the boxes together and commit to a set number, then ship them right away. I'm sick of paying for something and then waiting MONTHS to get it. It's not just PopSugar either. I know they probably make more money when they do it the other way, but I know it's causing me to think twice about buying any more now. I did it for a few years and it was fun, but now it's starting to get annoying.
I agree, especially with the womens boxes that sell out sooo quickly, they should have been able to ship this sooner. I imagine the issue comes from they need at least part our $100 ea to use to purchase items and therefore cannot place orders for items until they receive the money. I just think they should have been able to let everyone know before the day of. I sure hope April's regular box isn't a crap shoot because of the LE or else pop sugar will surely loose a bunch of the more loyal customers. 

Their refusal to tell me why the box is late is really irking me. I asked them to clarify and they just repeated the same thing. They also spelled my name wrong.

I will not be renewing my subscription.
