POPSUGAR Must Have February 2013 Box

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Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If they do say that, I will reply, "Thank you for letting me know that you truly do not understand why I am upset and that you truly do not value my money and enthusiastic support over the establishing months of this subscription.  I am now a former subscriber."  Yes, it's witchy and passive aggressive.  I'm a native Portlander.  That's how we are.  I'm pretty sure it's in the water.  

But I hope that they were just ridiculously clueless, did not think things through, and are now sorting out something to fix the situation that does not involve sending out "replacement items" since those are usually things that they already sent out in prior months, and since I've been a subscriber from month one, I already have everything except for things from the Luxe Box, and I'm not really interested in any of those things -- especially the bracelet because, again, that would show that they just don't get the size thing and don't care enough to consider it to be important, and that tells me that, like J.Crew and Banana Republic, they don't want fat chicks as customers.  I'll take my money to Powell's and sign up for Indiespensible, where the only size that matters is that of your bookshelf.
I don't think that's witchy and passive aggressive. Saying "yeah, I know you spent hard earned money on this as an indulgence for yourself, but your skinny friends can benefit I'm sure" would be witchy and passive aggressive. Of course PopSugar hasn't said anything of the sort and I'm praying they do something with a little more class but this is just what I'm expecting from them.

also...Portland! Practically my neighbor. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I received my box yesterday, fortunately earlier than the Wednesday delivery notification would have led me to believe.  Still no answer from PS to my email - has anyone received a reply?   

I received:HP in teal blue

Wrap in White
Convo Hearts
Jewelry Cleaner
Stain in Crush
Dark chocolate Pearls
  I'm really happy with the stain, it's a good color for me.  The dark chocolate pearls are already getting split between me and my boyfriend - yummy!  The book I'll probably donate, I'm not a romance fan, and the jewelry cleaner will go to my Mom, I don't think I own any gold. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
The wrap, while it does close, is way too short - I'm 5'1, can't imagine it on you tall ladies! It does gap tremendously.  I tried turning it around, lol, as long as you don't mind a little ..ahem cheekiness, it might be a way to wear it for other plus size gals.   I tried to convince my bf to wear it, but he thought the dots were too girly.  It is soft though. Maybe it would make a good cat bed liner. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />   I haven't tried the undies yet, but I'll definitely take a look at their plus size options with the discount.

Does anyone know if pop sugar will replace lost boxes? Mine has not been delivered. My post offices said they have no record of it even though it has said it's been out for delivery since Wednesday. I emailed PS but haven't heard back. I'm getting pretty upset that I'm not receiving my box and I feel that PS won't be of any help.

Originally Posted by KayEss /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I fit within the "one size fits most" category but it bums me out that others do not and can't use their boxes as a result. I think the FAQ needs to caution that some one size fits most items will be sent out. I understand them sending these things out, but that needs to be done with full disclosure. Curious to see what the PS response is. Probably a "give it to a friend!" cop out.
This  is my feeling too.  I don't mind if they are going to send out one size fits all items, frankly, but I do mind if they are not going to tell people they might do so. Then, as I said earlier, people can know that they are taking a risk in subscribing, what that risk is, and how it might make them feel.  Blindsiding people like this (though I do believe it was unintentional and the skinny minnies who pick the items truly just didn't think about the plus size  segment of the population) is not okay when you explicitly say you don't need sizes. Not everyone is 'normal' size. If 'normal' size and/or 'fit and active' is their target demographic, I won't lose respect for them if they explicitly say so- their business model is their choice.  But doing this how they did it is really not cool
Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Anyone else find it weird to eat the chocolate that resembles rabbit poop? lol!
HAH!! It totally does, but it is Deeeeelicious rabbit poop :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I broke into the chocolate this afternoon & I thought they were amazingly yummy!!  The BF luv'd them too... :)

How long do you think it takes CS to reply? I emailed on Thursday about something I didn't receive in my box and only got the automated reply. I'm sure they're getting inundated with emails, but I think more than 24 hours is too long. Wondering if I should message again...

Originally Posted by jmc8683 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The box is better than the others but at the same time I definitely (at 5'11") can't wear the item because it barely covers my torso. lol I think it's definitely suited for a "shorter" torso'ed person.

I'm just glad I at least got pink in both of those wearables.
5'11" here too! I might keep it as a hair wrap or something.

How long do you think it takes CS to reply? I emailed on Thursday about something I didn't receive in my box and only got the automated reply. I'm sure they're getting inundated with emails, but I think more than 24 hours is too long. Wondering if I should message again...
Last month, I emailed them on the 24th (a Thursday) and received a reply in the 29th(a Tuesday). 24 hours is *way* too short of a timeframe to expect a reply, and given my past experience, even a few days isn't enough. I would give them at least until Wednesday since it's a holiday weekend. Maybe even until Friday since I'm sure they're digging out of an epic shitstorm of email.
UGH! I am so mad. It took my box 4 days to travel 13 miles. 4 DAYS!!!! How does that happen?! It's finally at the last stop before it hits my local post office so hopefully I will have it Tuesday.

Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

HAH!! It totally does, but it is Deeeeelicious rabbit poop :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Yes indeed! I just thought it was kinda funny. 

Originally Posted by kalmekrzy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I wish my wrap was pink. I got a white one. Kinda bummed. I think I will use mine as a coverup for the pool when we go to Maui next month.
!!! Can't believe I didn't think of using it as a pool coverup. I'm off to Cancun in two weeks. Perrrrrfect. Thanks popsugar for the unintentional spring break box! :D /emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Now that I've had a chance to get a feel of everything in the box.

I'm going to add a piece of velcro to the bottom of the wrap so that it'll stay closed around my waist/crotch area. I can wear it while I'm doing my hair or painting my nails. It's too revealing to wear just because.
  I love the lip stain. I got mine in crush and it's just a slightly darker shade than my natural lip color. It looks very nice.
The cacao nibs are an awkward flavor. They aren't bad, but they aren't that great.
Haven't gotten to wear my hanky panky yet. Not going to complain to PS because it fits well enough to be wearable. I just used my codes. Got the retro cut v-kini and a thong in a starbox (so cute) plus the polish and free shipping for $38 (use both PS codes + the $10 for joining the mailing list)
Haven't started the book. The song isn't bad.

So, weird to post on the internet, but I tried out the HP today. I like it but at the same time i'm disappointed. I'm a size 2/4 depending on the item, but  HP size chart put me at a 4, so the one size should have fit. It was very comfortable and I actually didn't feel it, but it's so loose that it looks like a weird saggy-dirty-diaper combo. Definitely not sexy lol. I can't blame it on popsugar though, because if I had bought it on my own I probably would have tried the version PS sent, since it's 4-14. That said, I think it would be worth my time to look into the petite version which is for sz 0-4.

So, my box finally arrived Friday.  And over the weekend I decided I am cancelling my subscription.  Not because of spa wrap/hanky panky gate, but I stayed mostly spoiler free and I still wasn't excited opening my box.  It was more like, "sigh, wonder what is in here this month"  ... and I realized that most of the January stuff was still in the box it came in, aside from the ball.  I didn't even open the spa wrap because I was just kind of "meh" about it.  

September was my first box so including February that is about $200 spent.  Have I received more than $200 worth of stuff?  Yes.  Have I been introduced to any new, exciting things?  Not really.  The scarf is the most popular item they've sent.  Is it worth $35 to hope for another scarf?  Which I've worn twice?  The benefit make up kit was sent at the end of summer .... and already reduced to 50% off at Sephora at the time we received it.  The lip stain in this month's box has been in drugstores for awhile now.  I just think I have reached the point where it isn't worth it to me anymore.  I'd rather save this money every month and buy something new and exciting rather than wait a year for a company to give it to PopSugar to send to us.  I'm over the "maybe next month will be great because the last ## were unerwhelming, maybe PopSugar listened to us this month" ... 

I consider signing up for this sub, but I decided to wait to see the Feb box since the Jan box didn't really appeal to me. After seeing everyone's reaction to this box, I decided I won't be signing up. Instead I just spent $35 (plus used the $10 code) on Hanky Pankys which were the only item that interested me this time around. I think my new plan is to just check out this forum to see what you guys get and then decide if I want to spend some money on that stuff. I'll still get to be introduced to new brands, just without taking the risk myself :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Sure I'll be bummed if I miss out on a box with a really high value because I love getting a good deal, but I'd be even more bummed to spend $35 on a box full of stuff I'll never use month after month.

I am LOVING the idea of a previous member, who posted about sewing a little bit of extra material to the bottom. My "butt tips" (bottom of butt cheeks) totally hang out... 
    I live alone with my with my boyfriend and I know he would probably enjoy seeing my butt tips hanging out a little more often. 

BUT it gives me a reason to go buy that really cute fabric I have been eyeing for quite some time but never had anything to make with it. Yay!
I do relate and sympathize with other members about the "one size" or any size products. It's really not fair that they would put size specific items when one size doesn't fill all. Heck, one size doesn't fit the same way, EVER. I can try on two pairs of jeans from the same brand and cut and 9 times out of 10, one pair will not fit as well as the other. They should have asked for sizes or SOMETHING and taken an inventory. It's not fair that I can alter my wrap to make it fit and some other members can't because they do not know how or would have to pay someone to do it for them. :/ I am surprised the items fit me at all. I always am. I am 5'4, curvy and carrying a spare (Yeah, I am working on it). I am happy my items worked for me (the wrap and undies) but still think it is a bit unfair in general. The underpants were cute. I got mine in a wine color (deep red/purple). I normally do not wear this style, but again the boyfriend loves it. 
 I am excited to see their other products as mentioned by other members + using that coupon code!

The jewelry cleaner, I have no "rea'l" jewelry - nor will I probably ever. This item will be likely given a new home with the ladies at work or my mom?

I am still working on The Casual Vacancy from the box before, I might get to this one when I am done with that one and my library book. I am not a big fan of fiction. I have a friend that loves these books so it may become hers after I read it.

The chocolates & convo hearts, I am trying to cut back my sugar intake because I've been really trying to focus on my body.  It might take me a while to eat them so I hope they stay fresh? haha!

The lip stain was very nice! Nice color and the quality is nice too!  
I have been getting this box since, I think September 2012 and this one has been my least favorite, second to the Luxury Box. I am still excited about the items and will make most of them work for me - but just wasn't all to giddy about its contents vs. my lifestyle. I am glad there is always the option of selling or gifting to new, more appreciative homes.

So for those of you that signed up for the Hanky Panky newsletter to get the $10 off, when did you get your email with the coupon code?  I signed up a few hours ago and still didn't get it, but want to place my order before the Zoya runs out. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Originally Posted by lisak0417 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So for those of you that signed up for the Hanky Panky newsletter to get the $10 off, when did you get your email with the coupon code?  I signed up a few hours ago and still didn't get it, but want to place my order before the Zoya runs out. :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 
I do not remember exactly but it took quite some time, several hours for my code to arrive. So hopefully you'll still be able to get the zoya polish.

I also understand why some people decide to cancel. When my 6 month sub runs out, if there is no coupon, I will not be ready to pay $35 a month. Unless it comes down to $27 or $30 to me personally it is not worth it.


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