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They do look alike - and very cute I might add.

Originally Posted by chickylittle OMG!! My Chihuahua looks just like Mora!! Same color...they could be twins!
So many of you have asked me to post a pic of my doggies so here goes and from left to right, they are: Tiffany (13 y.o. female - 10.3 lbs), CJ (deceased - was the last baby of Tiffany and Cuccio) and Cuccio (14 y.o. male - 4.2 lbs). Yes I spoil them as much as I spoil everyone else. They have t-shirts, winter coats, rain coats, boots (leather and Uggs thank you). Yes, this photo was done in a studio as a portrait.

Attachment 8173

Originally Posted by phoenix461 They have t-shirts, winter coats, rain coats, boots (leather and Uggs thank you). Attachment 8173 cute! But LMAO at 'doggie Uggs'! You *have* to take a pic of one wearing them!!
Originally Posted by chickylittle OMG!! My Chihuahua looks just like Mora!! Same color...they could be twins!
OMG! That's sooo awesome! Is yours a blue chihuahua, too? I don't know why they call them that because they really aren't blue but to me she kinda has a silvery, blueish tint in the sunshine sometimes. So your chi is Chicken Little? Too cute! Is he a boy??? We could hook 'em up!

I like your old man, Rufus, too. hehehe at that name.

Originally Posted by phoenix461 So many of you have asked me to post a pic of my doggies so here goes and from left to right, they are: Tiffany (13 y.o. female - 10.3 lbs), CJ (deceased - was the last baby of Tiffany and Cuccio) and Cuccio (14 y.o. male - 4.2 lbs). Yes I spoil them as much as I spoil everyone else. They have t-shirts, winter coats, rain coats, boots (leather and Uggs thank you). Yes, this photo was done in a studio as a portrait.Attachment 8173

How cute! And my mom says that my birds are spoiled, she needs to meet your dogs LOL
Kim - not all darling. My brother (whom I lost tragically a year ago) accidentally killed CJ about 2 1/2 years ago. Apparently my brother was going out and decided to use my car. In leaving the house, CJ slipped out without my brother knowing and got run over. It was weird because he did not shed a drop of blood - he looked like he was sleeping. My brother was beside himself. Someone at the house had to take CJ from my brother and take him to the vets office but it was too late. I have great memories though.

Tiffany is cream and Cuccio the little guy is an apricot.

Originally Posted by Naturally awwwww ...Rosie ..what happened to CJ if you don't mind me asking! They are cute ..they remind me of my MIL's ..well hers are black ..and my dh's grandmother has a coco colored one just like yours! They are something else!
Originally Posted by phoenix461 So many of you have asked me to post a pic of my doggies so here goes and from left to right, they are: Tiffany (13 y.o. female - 10.3 lbs), CJ (deceased - was the last baby of Tiffany and Cuccio) and Cuccio (14 y.o. male - 4.2 lbs). Yes I spoil them as much as I spoil everyone else. They have t-shirts, winter coats, rain coats, boots (leather and Uggs thank you). Yes, this photo was done in a studio as a portrait.Attachment 8173

Rosie, your babies are sooo precious!! I love how Tiffany is posing with her head tilted to the side.
I could never wear Uggs in 70 degree weather. I would faint from the heat on my feet.

They are not fond of the booties but because their paws are so tiny, the cold and the salt just really does a number on them. Tiffany has pink Uggs and Cuccio has tan Uggs.

As soon as it gets cold enough - I promise I will dress them up and take pics.

Originally Posted by Naturally You know ..I thought UGGS were out. I saw this chic yesterday ..she had jeans on ...tucked INTO uggs ..and it was 70 degrees outside yesterday ..GORGEOUS day! I thought it was SOOO odd to see her dressed like that.
I want to see the doggy uggs too! Come on Rosie ..dress them up for us and take pix and post them!

Tonya - spoiled is right! But our animals give us so much joy so why not.

Originally Posted by Cirean How cute! And my mom says that my birds are spoiled, she needs to meet your dogs LOL
Lisa - Tiffany is something else. Thx.

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa Rosie, your babies are sooo precious!! I love how Tiffany is posing with her head tilted to the side.
Originally Posted by phoenix461 Tonya - spoiled is right! But our animals give us so much joy so why not. That's what I tell my Mom!!! I say it's not spoiling if they deserve it.
I just saw the pic with ur daughter and Leo. He is not into it is he? LMAO

Originally Posted by Naturally You know ..I thought UGGS were out. I saw this chic yesterday ..she had jeans on ...tucked INTO uggs ..and it was 70 degrees outside yesterday ..GORGEOUS day! I thought it was SOOO odd to see her dressed like that.
I want to see the doggy uggs too! Come on Rosie ..dress them up for us and take pix and post them!

Had to add this ...this is my daughter with her cat Leo ..poor guy! She put on one of her Build A Bear outfits for her girlie horse! No wonder the cat scratched her!

Kim - it is said if it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger and it certainly has made me stronger.

Originally Posted by Naturally AWWW poor baby ..both of them! Well they are together now! Sorry for your loss!
I know it's scary ..usually when I'm leaving for work is when I drive over to feed my outdoor crew (16 cats now) ...and they ALL coming running to great my vehicle gets scary! Think I'll go back to feeding them when I come home and can walk over!

Melissa - they are rotten good! I will take pics as soon as they have their coats and boots on. Tiffany just pulls the velcro tab and flips her booties off as she is really rotten. LOL

Originally Posted by maph Oh they are so precious Rosie. You gotta post a pic of them in there coats and boots. That would be so cute to see.
:icon_love Such a cute picture Rosie!
so sorry for your loss, your poor brother must have felt aweful....

Originally Posted by phoenix461 So many of you have asked me to post a pic of my doggies so here goes and from left to right, they are: Tiffany (13 y.o. female - 10.3 lbs), CJ (deceased - was the last baby of Tiffany and Cuccio) and Cuccio (14 y.o. male - 4.2 lbs). Yes I spoil them as much as I spoil everyone else. They have t-shirts, winter coats, rain coats, boots (leather and Uggs thank you). Yes, this photo was done in a studio as a portrait.Attachment 8173

Originally Posted by phoenix461 So many of you have asked me to post a pic of my doggies so here goes and from left to right, they are: Tiffany (13 y.o. female - 10.3 lbs), CJ (deceased - was the last baby of Tiffany and Cuccio) and Cuccio (14 y.o. male - 4.2 lbs). Yes I spoil them as much as I spoil everyone else. They have t-shirts, winter coats, rain coats, boots (leather and Uggs thank you). Yes, this photo was done in a studio as a portrait.Attachment 8173

OMG!! They are so precious!! I love Cuccio on the end...what a sweetheart! And I am so sorry to hear about CJ!!
Nilufer - it was tough but when you have others around you that need you to be strong, you dig deep and you find the strength and you go on. Thx sweetie.

Originally Posted by lilla :icon_love Such a cute picture Rosie!
so sorry for your loss, your poor brother must have felt aweful....
Most people fall in luv w/Cuccio as he is so tiny. I named him after a bakery here in Brooklyn, NY that sells minature cannolis. He looked like a mini cannoli when he came home at 1.75 lbs at 6 weeks. CJ was a definite half and half of his parents - a real gem. Well - CJ and my brother are up there somewhere causing a riot!

Originally Posted by MACGoddess OMG!! They are so precious!! I love Cuccio on the end...what a sweetheart! And I am so sorry to hear about CJ!!
My basset hound "Pepper" my australian shepperd "Ozzy" and the goofy picture is my pit and lab mix "Buffy" :icon_love

Beatiful and love the names as well.

Originally Posted by brendakaos My basset hound "Pepper" my australian shepperd "Ozzy" and the goofy picture is my pit and lab mix "Buffy" :icon_love

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