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suzukigrrl, you have a pet alien?

my handsome Bailey :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love

Originally Posted by Naturally OY ...I have a few pix ...let's see:
Sable & Sundance in baskets, Kovu is biker guy and there's another pic of him, dog is Max (Pitbull), and Leo when he was a kitten (he's not so tiny now) I dont' have pix with me of the goats and all the outdoor kitties (LOTS of cats outdoors)

I love your pit he is so cute
, I had one but he past away about 7 months ago:icon_love
, he was blonde colored. The sweetest thing you could think of to. I will have to find pic of the new puppies and my cat and post them :0)
Originally Posted by Trisha 1st one is of Kara (GSD), and Benz the tabby cat
then Benz again

then Kara again.

we also have 2 Jack Russell Terriers called Tonic (boy) and Sweep (girl), i will try and get some pics of those 2 soon!

Wow your German Shepperd is beautiful! I love those dogs!
Aww, this thread makes me want a cat!!
Our apartment doesn't allow pets, but when we move in December one of our main requirements is that our new place allows pets! (We also want a dishwasher, washer, and dryer since our current place has none of those! lol)

My parents have 2 cats that I still consider "my" cats since we've had them since I was 12 years old or so ... sorry no pics! But they crack me up because they are so different: one cat is really sweet and always wants to be petted; the other hates all people and only lets you pet him when he's hungry! (Weird since he's been an indoor cat since he was a kitten, it's not like we abused him or anything!) And yes, they fight a lot too!

My parents also have a new dog that strayed in and they kept her ... they have no idea what breeds she has in her, she's a medium sized dog, black and white with very unusual markings according to the vet! She has the most unique personality I've ever seen in a dog, I could tell you stories all day! She must have been abused in the past because she was very afraid of us at first, but my parents kept trying to feed her and now she loves everyone!

And bluebird, speaking of German Shepards, my grandparents have a very overweight, female German Shepard that weighs over 100 lbs! She scares the heck out of any visitors when she runs up to the fence barking! lol

All of your pets are SO CUTE!! Here is Rhys (turtle), Gwen (Silky Terrier), and Woodstock (white cat with orange spots).

I also included a cute pic I took of my mom's cat Simba, he is the orange long hair in the last pic.

I love pets and everyone has such cute pets!!! :icon_love Here is mine: Yorkshire terrier (Suki) and my orange tabby cat (Toby). :icon_love :icon_love He is a big boy!!


This is Henry he is my pride and joy, he rules the roost :icon_love He is 3 years old


This is Trixie she is a Beagle, Don't let her looks deceive you, she runs the yards when the cat is not outside lol.


This is Fancy, she is part German Shepherd and part Black Lab, she is the shy one.


This is Masayah, she is a Doberman. She is the clumsy one she is still tiring to grow into her legs, so jumping on things for her is still a task, yet fun for me to watch

Originally Posted by lilla I love pets and everyone has such cute pets!!! :icon_love Here is mine: Yorkshire terrier (Suki) and my orange tabby cat (Toby). :icon_love :icon_love He is a big boy!! How adorable!Love your Yorkshire terrier, Nilufer!

Here's two of Jake. I want a new small dog!! Your dogs are all cute:icon_love

Okay, here's my baby boy, he's a 4 year old yellow lab, his name is :icon_love Beau.



Originally Posted by XxCalixX Here is a quick pic of my dog Caesar. Sorry for the black and white! I also scared him when I took the picture


AWWWW! Aren't they the best!!! It's so funny I have a pug and my new kitten's name is Caeser! When I first got the kitten my pug tried to bite his head off (she's the jealous so we named him Caeser after her dog food. Now they are the best of friends...with the exception of meal-time.

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