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say hello to kitty PJs

Cute cats Kristina! they are so sweet!

Liz, I love your cat too! its belly is calling my me!:icon_love

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa Aww, what beautiful cats! I love Snupi's black splotch under the nose. How cute! I knooow!!And she is the queen in the house!!She is getting so fat now, she can barely get through her "cat door".(Don`t know the name of it in english)

All the cute animals in here!!Awwww:icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love :icon_love

Your doggie is the cutest thing Lisa!

And look at your lovely kitty PJ Liz!Just want to roll on the floor with him!!!

Your cat is cute, Liz. Was he (is it a he or she?) playing with that bottle cap? My dog likes to play with those, too.

Kristina, thank you! She's my sweetie pie!

I have a cute little yellow canary-- I wish I knew how to upload pics- hes adorable- although he doesnt do much besides eat and chirp

Originally Posted by LuckyMe This is my baby, Lucky: Adorable, I love dogs- I'm sure i'll get one one day when I move out
Awww.....Everyone has the most adorable animals.

Here is mine. Her name is Precious and she is 1-1/2 yrs. She is a full-breed Boxer. The only pics I have on hand are pics as a pup. She was so adorable. and still is, but this is before we clipped her ears.

lol. yeah. she plays with bottle caps and twist ties, so we don't have to buy any toys. lol. and her tummy is so big. when she sits on her butt, she looks like a huge bowling pin! hahahaha

Everyone's babies are so cute! Little_Lisa, you're dog is precious. That's a great picture of her - show's her giving a 'love ME' look!

Here are my beasties: KittySkyfish and Minky Boodle. Sky is the siamese lump and Bood is the bigger orange lump.

:icon_love I just decided I want a Siamese kitten!!! Could you give some info about her?(is it a she?) I've never had a Siamese cat before so I don't know what they like.. I love your cats. The orange lump looks just like my orange one.

Originally Posted by KittySkyfish Everyone's babies are so cute! Little_Lisa, you're dog is precious. That's a great picture of her - show's her giving a 'love ME' look!
Here are my beasties: KittySkyfish and Minky Boodle. Sky is the siamese lump and Bood is the bigger orange lump.

Originally Posted by lilla :icon_love I just decided I want a Siamese kitten!!! Could you give some info about her?(is it a she?) I've never had a Siamese cat before so I don't know what they like.. I love your cats. The orange lump looks just like my orange one. Oooh, you'll have your hands full! Just kidding. Meezers have a variety of temperments, just like regular kitties. However, they do tend to bond with one owner versus being the family love muffin. She'll hang out with my husband occasionally, but normally she'll be sleeping in her own little place until she hears me come home, then she'll run to the door and go "miiaaaooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww..wwooowww...oooowwow ww" until I 'greet' her with a pet because meezers have a wide vocabulary and tend to be talkers, and they will do great length. I've had callers ask me if I had a baby because they heard her 'crying' in the background. Hmmm, other meezer traits: dominant, selfish, loving, devoted, intelligent and LOUD. Still want one? LOL!
Originally Posted by lilla I love pets and everyone has such cute pets!!! :icon_love Here is mine: Yorkshire terrier (Suki) and my orange tabby cat (Toby). :icon_love :icon_love He is a big boy!! Your Toby is a gorgeous boy! My Boodle weighs close to 22lbs. We call him "Boom Boom Boodle!" because the ground shakes when he walks (not really).

here are mine : Bastet , female tabby 2 years old and oliver is 1.5 years old , black cat in white socks and white bib lol Oliver is cute , cuddly , quiet and a bit on the dumb side . Bastet is really smart very "verbal" and gets into a lot of trouble as you can see from the pics of her in last year's xmas tree , in a sauce pan , and ontop of my tower case! I also included a fuzzy pic of the kittens there are 3 of them although you can only see 2 ( 1 hour old at the time , 2 months old now). I'm gonna have to give the kittens away
I love dogs too and I realllly want a yorkie

:icon_love He is huge!!! but so cute! I love cats and my Toby is 3 years old. He talks a lot and he talks back a lot too.
He isn't too smart but he is a sweetheart. Unfortunately, he loved my hubby from the minute he saw him so he's more friendly to him then to me. He only lets me pet him for a few seconds then he gets annoyed!!!
You can tell it from his look...

Originally Posted by KittySkyfish Your Toby is a gorgeous boy! My Boodle weighs close to 22lbs. We call him "Boom Boom Boodle!" because the ground shakes when he walks (not really).
:icon_love :icon_love :icon_love I love your cats too! The one in the pan looks just like my mum's kitten... I wish you could keep the kittens, I would have taken one if I were there...

Originally Posted by katrosier here are mine : Bastet , female tabby 2 years old and oliver is 1.5 years old , black cat in white socks and white bib lol Oliver is cute , cuddly , quiet and a bit on the dumb side . Bastet is really smart very "verbal" and gets into a lot of trouble as you can see from the pics of her in last year's xmas tree , in a sauce pan , and ontop of my tower case! I also included a fuzzy pic of the kittens there are 3 of them although you can only see 2 ( 1 hour old at the time , 2 months old now). I'm gonna have to give the kittens away
I love dogs too and I realllly want a yorkie
Originally Posted by katrosier here are mine : Bastet , female tabby 2 years old and oliver is 1.5 years old , black cat in white socks and white bib lol Oliver is cute , cuddly , quiet and a bit on the dumb side . Bastet is really smart very "verbal" and gets into a lot of trouble as you can see from the pics of her in last year's xmas tree , in a sauce pan , and ontop of my tower case! I also included a fuzzy pic of the kittens there are 3 of them although you can only see 2 ( 1 hour old at the time , 2 months old now). I'm gonna have to give the kittens away
I love dogs too and I realllly want a yorkie Love the shot of Bastet on top of the tower! :icon_love She's like "Mommy, this is so warm! I like this better than the sauce pan - that got too hot!"
Originally Posted by Little_Lisa Post pics of your pets here for us all to go, "Awwwww!" to.
My chihuahua, Mora.


OMG!! My Chihuahua looks just like Mora!! Same color...they could be twins!

Oops I was so excited about Chicken Little having a twin that I forgot to post a pic of my old man Rufus. He is a minitaure pincher and hes 13 years old.


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