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Originally Posted by Cirean LOL! It's that time of year and yep, birds hump just like dogs. She's in love with her tent sleeper and humps that alot then beats it up. Frankie is only 9 months old so he's not old enough yet to understand what's going on! Haha! Yeah, I used to have a cockatiel named Harley that would hump his cage toys and then attack 'em. I'd never seen a bird hump something before and it's the funniest thing!
Tracy, your pugs are cute! Leah's eyes look so blue!

Karrie, gorgeous fish! I used to have a beta. LOL @ him puffing up to himself in the mirror!

Here's my sweetie....I love her....Her Name is Isabella

The bottom pic is her family...From Left to Right

Her Sister Amy

Her Dad

My Isabella (She's Smiling)

Her mom Princess

Her brother....

I only have Isabella , they are not all my dogs ...She was on a playdate with her family...Actually it was her moms

Originally Posted by jasminonline Here's my sweetie....I love her....Her Name is Isabella
The bottom pic is her family...From Left to Right

Her Sister Amy

Her Dad

My Isabella (She's Smiling)

Her mom Princess

Her brother....

I only have Isabella , they are not all my dogs ...She was on a playdate with her family...Actually it was her moms

How precious, Jasmin! I love her pink bow!
Since I last posted on here, one of my cats died.
She had kidney failure and had to be put down.


R.I.P. Fluff 1992-2005

Everyone's pets are so cute!

Sorry to hear about your kitty Violet, I lost one to organ failure a few years ago too

Originally Posted by Violet Since I last posted on here, one of my cats died.
She had kidney failure and had to be put down.

R.I.P. Fluff 1992-2005

I'm sorry about your kitty! I had to have my cat of 13 years put down last year and it about killed me.
Here's what our two parrots look like. In the background on my husband's shoulder is our little peach faced love bird.

(Sorry I blurred out the faces of us two).

Originally Posted by Amethyst Here's what our two parrots look like. In the background on my husband's shoulder is our little peach faced love bird.
(Sorry I blurred out the faces of us two).

Beautiful birds!! Do you keep your identity hidden b/c yall are famous?
Originally Posted by Cirean Your birds are so cute
I love Amazons, I have a thing for their legs!
LOL No, no buffalo sauce!

They have the fatest little legs, they're like chubby baby cheeks... I just have to touch them

Actually my Amazon's legs are grey and scale-y, not all that chubby. But when he picks his foot up to wave at me, its adorable!:icon_love

Originally Posted by Amethyst Actually my Amazon's legs are grey and scale-y, not all that chubby. But when he picks his foot up to wave at me, its adorable!:icon_love It's so cute when they do that!!! :icon_love I spray my guys feet with liquid aloe, it keeps their feet and legs moisturized.
That's a great idea! My amazon had lost a toenail on one foot and its starting to grow back slowly, maybe I'll start to do that. (as if they aren't already pampered)

He does something really funny. Every Sunday, he will start to take a bath in his play perch water cup. He doesn't do it on any other day of the week, only Sundays. On Sunday morning, we take them out of the cage while we eat breakfast and he will start to wash himself in his water cup. He's a lot bigger than his cup so its comical to watch.


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