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Ooh. I love the color Rebel, and the lipgloss is gorgeous. The other colors aren't shades I normally put on my lids, but hey, I'll go for it I suppose.

Literally 29 Dec, I asked to be put on the waitlist, and 1 Jan, I was taken off and was able to subscribe to the VC. So this is going to be my first month. I've never seen the show Jem, and while I find the theme picture looks tacky, I think the shadows themselves look absolutely gorgeous! I've never tried NM before, so I'm excited! I hope spending the $13 a month on cool Indie stuff will prevent me from shopping at Sephora and other places.

Headstrong and Pureheart are particularly catching my eye. 

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Literally 29 Dec, I asked to be put on the waitlist, and 1 Jan, I was taken off and was able to subscribe to the VC. So this is going to be my first month. I've never seen the show Jem, and while I find the theme picture looks tacky, I think the shadows themselves look absolutely gorgeous! I've never tried NM before, so I'm excited! I hope spending the $13 a month on cool Indie stuff will prevent me from shopping at Sephora and other places.

Headstrong and Pureheart are particularly catching my eye. 
Well, I have some good news and some bad news for you.  The good news is that, yes, chances are you'll probably stop shopping at Sephora.  The bad news is that this will be because you will have a never-ending parade of indies coming to your mailbox, so you have no money left to spend at Sephora!  (On the up side, you may end up on a first-name basis with the people who make all of your makeup/bath products/perfume.)

This whole collection is like a birthday cake threw up on a disco ball.  This is not a criticism *at all*.  Just don't forget your sticky base!
Thank you for describing this so perfectly!  I'm so excited for this month, January is SO DREARY and I will so love having ALL THE COLOR to cheer me up!

"So" count in this post - 4.  The eighties are BACK, y'all!

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"So" count in this post - 4. The eighties are BACK, y'all!
Jem was after my time (pre-Scrappy Scooby Doo was my cartoon jam), but I'm thinking I'll need to dig out my _Valley Girl_ and _Fast Times at Ridgmont High_ dvds (because, yes, I own Nicolas Cage's film acting debut *and* first starring role on dvd.  I think I actually bought them in the same transaction) when this one arrives.

Hey ladies! I just signed up for the VC yesterday.  I was able to pay right away and didn't get an email about a mailing list or anything.  Does this mean that I'll get the Jem collection or do you think it will carry to next month's collection??

Hey ladies! I just signed up for the VC yesterday.  I was able to pay right away and didn't get an email about a mailing list or anything.  Does this mean that I'll get the Jem collection or do you think it will carry to next month's collection??
You'll get the Jem collection! 

So excited. Managed to subscribe to VC the day I learned about indie subs! Sad I missed November :'(

I loved the Jem and the Hollograms show growing up although the childhood flashback episode always confused me. These guys were born with technicolor hair?

I am just so glad for colors. I rarely touch the brown colors that come in the VC. I need color. I have like 2 browns that I like and need. All others are Mehh.

For February I just pray for an Addams Family theme. Like come on! Morticia and Gomez have the most romantic relationship!! Mon Cher! Cara Mia!

edit: I need to proof read before I post lol I, as a fan, am aware that her name is Morticia not mortician.

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I am just so glad for colors. I rarely touch the brown colors that come in the VC. I need color. I have like 2 browns that I like and need. All others are Mehh.

For February I just pray for an Addams Family theme. Like come on! Mortician and Gomez have the most romantic relationship!! Mon Cher! Cara Mia!
YESSSSSSSSSS. That needs to happen!


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