Notoriously Morbid: Vanishing Cabinet (Spoilers!) forums

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So this month's theme is Jem? I didn't know what this was until I read the comments. I was born in 1992 so many 80s cartoons were not in my radar. I love 80s colors though and the super sparkly pink lip gloss is awesome.

I need it. I'm going to take a loan from my dad. I can't cancel my VC lol
This is right up my alley, ahhhh!!

Uh... Did not know this: A live-action version featuring Molly Ringwald is apparently due for release in October. No, I am not posting this in the wrong thread.
Yeah, that's been on the Tumblr radar for a minute, and I think pretty much everyone, ever, in the world shares the same sentiment - "do not want". <_<

My Tumblr exposure is pretty much limited to Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Ruffalo. And Orlando Jones every once in a while. Anyway. Tumblr is pretty much totally off my radar, and I know almost nothing about Jem, so I have zero opinion on the matter aside from being happy that Molly Ringwald is working.

(And it looks like Jem was originally on at the height of the John Hughes era, which explains my lack of feeling: That was my high school era. I was busy trying to figure out how to convince my mom to let me rent horror flicks. That was when Johnny Depp had one film on his resume: _A Nightmare on Elm Street_. This explains why I was bonkers over the Merry Monsters collection in general and Fringe Coat for Freddy in particular!)

My Tumblr exposure is pretty much limited to Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Ruffalo. And Orlando Jones every once in a while. Anyway. Tumblr is pretty much totally off my radar, and I know almost nothing about Jem, so I have zero opinion on the matter aside from being happy that Molly Ringwald is working.

(And it looks like Jem was originally on at the height of the John Hughes era, which explains my lack of feeling: That was my high school era. I was busy trying to figure out how to convince my mom to let me rent horror flicks. That was when Johnny Depp had one film on his resume: _A Nightmare on Elm Street_. This explains why I was bonkers over the Merry Monsters collection in general and Fringe Coat for Freddy in particular!)
Not just first movie, first anything, pretty much. Also, the main reason he was cast was because a daughter described him as "dreamy." The character was originally supposed to be a buff, jock type. If you're a fan (or even if you're not), I highly suggest you watch Never Sleep Again. As for me, I stopped caring about Johnny Depp after freshman year- I had been obsessed with Edward Scissorhands, WEGG, Benny and Joon and Ed Wood- but he just doesn't make interesting movies anymore, or very rarely does *dodges tomatoes* Then again, my favorite sort of movies are made for under $8 million. Big Eyes is the first Tim Burton movie I've genuinely wanted to see in ages.

I'm not that excited about a Jem theme. I am really thinking about starting my own line, but I don't know if people would be excited to buy themes based on The Wonder Years, My So-Called Life, Freaks and Geeks, Battlestar Galactica, The Golden Girls, Pushing Daisies. (I know Blade Runner and Robocop wouldn't sell, unfortunately...)

I'm not that excited about a Jem theme. I am really thinking about starting my own line, but I don't know if people would be excited to buy themes based on The Wonder Years, My So-Called Life, Freaks and Geeks, Battlestar Galactica, The Golden Girls, Pushing Daisies. (I know Blade Runner and Robocop wouldn't sell, unfortunately...)
I"m excited about Jem, but not because I particularly care about it (never really watched it)...excited because I think the colors are going to be right up my alley! haha.

I would buy the heck out of pretty much all of those themes, btw!

I'd totally buy a My So-Called Life collection but I'm one of those rare breeds who just isn't in to TV and Movies for the most part. My fandoms are 100% manga/anime and book related. So unless it is a (decent) movie based on a book (hello Hunger Games) or a (terrible) TV show based on a book (looking at you, The Vampire Diaries) I don't really care. -_- /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

(I'll stop using parentheses... for now.)

But seriously, I am excited for the colors in a Jem collection, but Jem as a whole does nothing for me. I watched the cartoon growing up, but all I remember is being pissed that Jem didn't fit into Barbie's clothes. She was a giant, that one.

ETA: I just realized there is ONE exception, and that is my love for Angel, but I hate BTVS so it is pretty hard to get the one show on its own for anything.

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OMG the newest spoiler is freakin' gorgeous and absolutely what I was hoping for, I cannot WAIT!!
I love everything about this color except the fact that it is not already in my possession.  Bright turquoise?  *Two* different shades of sparkle?  So much sparkle that it's actually showing up in photos?  A name after my own heart?  *So* glad I don't have to sulk about not having a sub!  (I still can't bring myself to care one single bit about the source material, but a color mix that looks like an acid trip?  Yes.  Right here, right now.)

I love everything about this color except the fact that it is not already in my possession.  Bright turquoise?  *Two* different shades of sparkle?  So much sparkle that it's actually showing up in photos?  A name after my own heart?  *So* glad I don't have to sulk about not having a sub!  (I still can't bring myself to care one single bit about the source material, but a color mix that looks like an acid trip?  Yes.  Right here, right now.)
haha yes! All of this!

I'm not that excited about a Jem theme. I am really thinking about starting my own line, but I don't know if people would be excited to buy themes based on The Wonder Years, My So-Called Life, Freaks and Geeks, Battlestar Galactica, The Golden Girls, Pushing Daisies. (I know Blade Runner and Robocop wouldn't sell, unfortunately...)
me neither.  I am not into bubble gum pink.  I hope there are some dreary colors in there - lol


The Wonder  Years

My So-Called Life

Freaks & Geeks (I hate to admit this, but that show is what my high school was life - set in the same era too)

Blade Runner


I love all of those - and I bet they would sell quickly!

The VC is open

I am happy for those who love these bright colors, but this is one month that I am disappointed with.  I might have to turn some of them into nailpolishes, but I will be looking for that NM swap thread!!  



"Headstrong"-Aja can and will do whatever she wants, especially if it's for the good of the group.[/size]
A slightly greyed teal full of pink and purple sparkles.[/size]

"Rebel"-Kimber is always looking for a way to be noticed. She lives her life to suit her and that's all right.[/size]
A rusty burnt red-orange with gold, slightly green shimmer. [/size]

"Pureheart"-Shana is quiet and keeps to herself most of the time, but inside is a creativity and loyalty that's just beautiful.[/size]
A vibrant purple with light iridescence and a strong metallic sheen.[/size]

"Showtime"-Those infamous words changed Jerrica's life forever. [/size]
A vivid pinky/coral with massive amounts of purple and pink sparkles.[/size]
"Show's Over"-Just like that, Synergy ends her spectacular show. [/size]
A slightly warm purple with lots and lots of sparkle.[/size]

Also in this month's VC: 
"Starlight" Lipcraft-The music company that was both Jerrica's blessing and her bane as she fought to keep it. [/size]

A soft pink with strong golden sheen and shimmer. [/size]

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that we're getting FIVE shadows and a gloss! I can't wait to see what they look like in person because it sounds like these are POW!SPARKLES!, and those don't show up in photos very well.

(And these remind me of what I wished the UD Electric palette was. Love the brights! Not fond of the mattes!)

I just found out about this sub and signed up!  I wish I knew about it earlier.  I WANT the sookie palatte.

Ahhhh I'm so excited for these!! Glitterrrrr!!!! Omg! I have a tattoo that means "Looking for treasures in the things that you threw. Like a magpie I live for glitter not you". So anything that sparkles or glitters. Gimme gimme!


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