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I agree, and that's why when people talk about flipping out on customer service, I genuinely feel bad for them.

It's definitely the higher ups that are an issue. And if there was some way to get frustrated emails/letters to them, I'd gladly offer to collect and print them from all the ladies on here and pay a modest fortune to ship them over to Memeland.

Raining angry letters would have to make a point, right?
I'm not sure where anyone said they were going to flip out on cs?

I did send an upset email, yes, but I made a point to say that I understood it was not their fault, but that I needed to express my frustration with the expiry dates (which I think I have a right to do). They still have the power to offer a refund or points or something in a situation like this. I believe I was given inferior products and it's unacceptable to me. I always am polite to cs because I've been there, spent years doing it and it's a crappy job.

@@juless231 That wasn't directed at anything that's been said here. 

Okay, except maybe when someone told them to eff off.

(I completely understand emailing them and wanting a difference. I desperately wish those emails actually had a chance of reaching someone with "power" in Memeland..) 

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I will most likely also send a mail to memebox when I recieve my petite treasures today. The expiration thing is worse than the box beeing low valued to me. 

We are soon going to reach the same point as before the restocks, where only CMP2 boxes were available. There are only 4 boxes from All about brow left.

I didn't order the bundle but I ordered Dirty Gal on its own and I am SO excited for that box!

Is Dirty Gal a golden ticket box too?

No tracking yet for my standard box.

After this, I have

Garden of Eden


Cleopatra/wonder woman/empress

Only 78 CPM2 boxes left. Is it weird that it is the first meme-related news this week that made me happy?

Maybe Memebox will soon be able to move on and bring out new boxes and curate great ones.

I do feel bad for the CS reps at memebox, but unfortunately they are our only way to make our opinions know. I also emailed yesterday about the petite treasures box. I'm not expecting a response beyond one of the standard C&P ones, but maybe if enough people let their dissatisfaction be known, something will change. At least that's how it works with businesses with customer service skills, not something memebox is known for.  B)


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