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@@Alidolly Memebox is definitely in a category of its own. But yes, the ladies in San Francisco handle customer service and social media and the USA Exclusives stuff.

Hopefully with all these warehouse changes, things will improve.

I don't think customer service is to blame though. Because I've had customer service reps that were extremely frustrated with situations and made it clear they were TRYING to help me. 

Customer service isn't the problem here, in my opinion. 

Honestly, I think being a customer service rep for Memebox is my nightmare job. 

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I agree - its MANAGEMENT that's to blame. They make the decisions and the customer service reps get the flak (been there too when I was a student working for a large insurance company based in Edinburgh!).

I agree - its MANAGEMENT that's to blame. They make the decisions and the customer service reps get the flak (been there too when I was a student working for a large insurance company based in Edinburgh!).
I agree, and that's why when people talk about flipping out on customer service, I genuinely feel bad for them. 

It's definitely the higher ups that are an issue. And if there was some way to get frustrated emails/letters to them, I'd gladly offer to collect and print them from all the ladies on here and pay a modest fortune to ship them over to Memeland.

Raining angry letters would have to make a point, right? 

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I agree, and that's why when people talk about flipping out on customer service, I genuinely feel bad for them.

It's definitely the higher ups that are an issue. And if there was some way to get frustrated emails/letters to them, I'd gladly offer to collect and print them from all the ladies on here and pay a modest fortune to ship them over to Memeland.

Raining angry letters would have to make a point, right?
I guess there is LinkIn but don't think they would respond tbh. A lot of management are ostriches...head in sand mentality.

I definitely feel the Global store is neglected and the recent updates as someone posted on this board (new brands for US shop only) makes me feel that even more.

I know someone's gonna jump in and defend Memebox and say it's not them, it's the brands, the supply they can get, supply issues from the suppliers, customs and rights issues etc, but that doesn't make me feel any better,  Feeling left out is a valid way to feel and I'm not blaming anyone for my feelings but I'm allowed to state how I feel.

The site definitely needs something new.  In a way though (and I'm trying to say something positive) they're a victim of their own success because they're so popular that all the good sale items, all the best value sets, and of course boxes sell out straight away because they're so popular.

I do hope they bring out new boxes soon as I now have 2 new golden ticket codes that can only be used on boxes.  I do wonder why not on the general shop though?  Must be a reason for that.

Anyway, I still love Memebox.  In my opinion only (of course) the Petite Treasures box was awful and if I had got that box (which luckily I did not) I would have written a letter of complaint due to the expiration dates etc.  Blackout I wouldn't have been that happy with but there's not really anything to complain about there as it's the luck of the draw what products you get and it's an okay box.

Apple Mojito I think is actually a good box and I kind of wish I'd gotten it!  I was also happy with Oil Therapy which I only just received even though other people seemed lukewarm about it, I was happy.

Soothing Sista great of course but everyone knew that already as we knew what was in it before.

Of course, I agree with everyone else that I blame management NOT customer service.

But really there are things I'd say on here as part of conversation that might sound negative (though not too negative I hope as I'm trying to be positive!) but I would never dream of actually going to the extent of writing CS an email of complaint about it.  It's just stuff I might mention here in passing in terms of "oh I wish they'd do that" or "disappointed about that" but I wouldn't actually complain about it officially IYKWIM.

Oh and more positive stuff:

I tried the hair oil that I got as a free gift with my Benton set and I LOVE it!  Makes my hair so soft and lovely feel and texture and more manageable.  Great thumbs up from me!  Will probably buy some more when it runs out!

I also feel that Black Friday boxes 1 and 2 are pretty fantastic, box 3 not so much but still okay.

If only they hadn't all been sold out when I went on the site about an hour after they went up on the Black Friday.......oh well.

Interested to see what's in 4 and 5 now!

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The brands and supplies being limited is in regards to Memeboxes, not their shops. As for why they operate the two shops so separately and choose to do major brands in the USA and whatnot, who knows.

However, there's stuff going on behind the scenes in regards to the Memeshop and the two warehouses. So I don't think they've been adding to the Memeshop because of that. They're pulling listings here and there once the fact there is no stock in the Korean warehouse is brought to their attention (this happened 3 out of 3 times with me lately), and not adding stuff that sits around for long periods of time.

I wouldn't pay any mind to the Memeshop until we actually know what is going on. I think it's being neglected because of whatever they're doing behind the scenes.

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Wine and Cheese + WTF will be here today.

Bounce Cheese Cream ....Come to meeee

:wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:

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I'm just waiting for all my orders to be supplied then giving them a body swerve for a few months to see if they get their act together. I've enough products to last me for ages and the VIP thing is a joke at the moment anyway so won't be missing much if that elapses.

If they decide to start selling well curated boxes with good items again then I may be tempted back but the management direction they are heading in, I fear is not a good one for global sales and there complete disrespect for the customer (CPM2 leftovers, items with very short expiry dates) concerns me.

I did love memebox but that love has been jaded so much lately that its faded to the point of complete and utter apathy. I do feel sorry for the CS reps who seem clueless about what is happening as the rest of us and wish the organisation well but own brand products are not for me. Throwing your name on a product without doing the actual research into ingredients / properties etc screams "profit first, customer second". Many high cost cosmetic products are that way for a reason, they've had stringent testing for allergies / reactions and consumer tests before they hit the sales floor. I honestly don't think memebox have gone to that much effort given how quickly they seem to be churning items out. Best guess, they've a supplier of cheap products they are just adding their name to the packaging. I can get that from any chemist as its nothing special.

I am so bummed that the pearl paradise is missing from all yet value set... It feels like they were purposefully left out... I do not want two cherry blossoms...

Has anyone gotten a reply about this issue?

@@Fae Uh oh, I bought that YET set.

Has anyone here received a YET set with the white one included?

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Does this mean it's almost over?
If they haven't added more yet (they did this before)....I really hope so.

Oh my goodness. Can we really see the light from here?! 

(But...Am I the only one worried about restocks?)

Oh...and for those who wanted to know about the golden sweepstake prizes - just got a fourth prize ticket...$7 dollars off shipping.
So, 5th place is $5 off.

I even said before watch 5th place be $5 off and 4th place be $7-8 off.

I was joking though....

Not impressed. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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