Ladies you must get yourself some Pure Virgin Coconut Oil forums

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Let me give you the most amazing tip ever. Immediately you wash your face, dont dry it, dont apply anything else. just massage in some coconut oil. within a week, i promise you will notice a major difference. not only will it be softer, but your skin tone will be better.

Just: Wet, wash, and apply.

Emperical I might just try that technique, I used it today and I like the way it moisturises my skin and makes it feel soft but it doesn't look oily. I cleansed, toned then moisturised.

wow this sounds like an interesting idea.. I'll see if I can find some and try it out. Thanks for the post!

If you know any middle easterner's store, they probably have it there. Or you could try an African store or store that carries food from foreign countries.

a lot of people posted on this thread and said they were gonna try this... has anyone had good results... ?any before and afters?

since i've read this thread about a week ago, i've been using it exclusively at night now instead of vaseline because i love the scent more. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

so far, this has work as well as vaseline on my dry skin. my face is smoother and clearer. vaseline is a bit thicker so i guess if i get a really bad dry spot, i'll use it. so no, it hasn't cause me to break out.

i say try it for a week or so and see if you notice any difference.

i have been using virgin coconut oil in my face for two weeks now and and i can already see the difference, it made my skin smoother and pimple free, and the tiny bump bumps in my forehead are lesser now, than when i'm using olay. i guess no need for expensive eyecream, and or night cream.. my question is, can i really use this as my night cream to prevent future wrinkles and stuff? i'm really really satisfy with the results it gave me, but i want to make this part of my skin care routine, is this enough for a night time moisturizer? or do i have to use another moisturizer with this?

hmm..i've been using it for a little under a month..and it seems to make some spots like my nose dryer...>< i also haven't seen any improvement on my scars etc

...maybe i'll keep it up for a bit longer..and hopes something good happens

I've tried this, but I wasn't impressed. I don't think my skin liked to. It seemed to breakout a tad bit more. I have heard great reviews about it though.

I use coconut oil rich shower gel/body cream for two reasons: I LOVE coconut smelling things, and it is brilliant at balancing and healing dry/oily/problem skin. I use jojoba oil on my face under my moisturiser. I found that brilliantly effective and treating breakouts and dry patches. Hooray!


Where can you buy this stuff?!?!?!?!?!!?!

after erading this thread i NEED some!

You can find it (sometimes) at grocery stores -- in the health food section and online. Google coconut oil and several sites should come up. One popular brand is Tropical Traditions.

I tried the Spectrum Naturals brand and didn't like it very much. To me, it didn't have a good smell or taste. My favorite is made by Nutiva. I order it online from netrition dot com. So far, I've had fast, reliable service.

For hypothyroidism, it is recommended to use up to 3 tablespoons a day -- but to start out slow and work your way up to that amount.

I haven't used it on my face, but after reading about all the good results, I am going to try it!

I love this oil. It is very beneficial for the diet as well. It must be the pure cold pressed coconut oil. a couple of tsp will bring the blood sugar into balance within 1 hour.

I'm really surprised the coconut oil is working well for so many. Coconut oil is actually highly comedogenic.


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