Ladies you must get yourself some Pure Virgin Coconut Oil forums

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Ok, so i tried this. I applied some oil on my face after cleansing and toning before going to bed. I don't like it, because it broke me out. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> So i don't recommend coconut oil for acne prone skin.

maybe it reacted with the other products you used on your face ? was it pure? or it might just be your skin doesn't like it, we never know what really works for us until we try it :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

but keep the bottle and try it on your body, maybe you'll have more chance of it working without causing any bad reaction. if you have dry hair, i suggest you use some coconut oil on it too.

Yes it was pure (I bought it in a health shop and it's labeled bio). I've read somewhere that coconut oil is comedogenic.

Since i have 250g of it I'll probably use it as body moisturizer. I hope that'll work.

I have been using coconut (virgin cold pressed only) as its properties are still in tact by being cold pressed, any form of over heating will damage them, and it is amazing stuff the best acne and scaring gift from god there is, I get mine sent from FIJI and its real cheap, I cook everything in it and eat a tablespoon a day and its my night time ritual cleanser, awesome in your hair on the tips for taming frizz, really nice for personal lubricant my husband loves it!!! and and and..... just use it as much as you can on everything its fantastic.

Yeah I use it on my hair and it's been pretty good, and it doesn't make the hair look as oily as other oils.


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