Do you shave your legs everytime you shower? forums

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Originally Posted by lynnda /img/forum/go_quote.gif I shave everyday all year long....Occasionally in the winter I wil try to go a day without but I cannot stand to have prickly leg hairs touching my pants! Me too.. I'll skip if I am in a hurry, but I have this weird thing about not feeling as clean if I dont shave my legs..
I can get away with every other day during the summer (hair doesn't grow very fast at all thankfully!). I usually stick with that time frame during the winter as well.

My boyfriend doesn't really care about the stubble but it's one of those things that makes me feel better about myself.

In the summer I shave my legs everyday. I've got thick black hair that's pretty noticeable. Winter I usually shave every 2 or 3 days or I may go a week. I do it when I have time in the winter, summer I make sure I have enough time to shave!

If you shave everyday I suggest using Biotherm homme aftershave for sensitive skin afterwards. And use a good exfoliator at least once or twice a week.

I wish I would shave everyday but I just do not have enough time! my hair grows almost instantly after shaving..what the heck is wrong with me??

HA! I shave once or twice a month, if that. The sad thing is on shaving day i spend close to 2 hours in the shower. Sometimes i hate being a girl!

Its too dry for me to shave every day, so in the winter like several of you all, I shave once a week.

my leg hair is naturally very thin, so i barely need to shave

when summers just starting i shave like every week..... otherwise once every 3 weeks ?? :/ sounds disgusting, i know

I never shave my legs. The hair doesn't grow fast enough or long enough to permit that. I use depilatory about once every 2-3 months.
I only shave if I am going to wear shorts or a skirt without stockings. My leg hair is very thin.

Same as you. It takes so much time. I feel bad for my husband when I have a little hair, but I have to be at work at 6:00am. I don't have time to shave in the morning!

Almost every day no matter the weather. I'll take a day or two off if my legs get irritated from it though.

In the summertime I shave evey day...winter not so much. But my hair grows pretty fast so if I dont shave a cpl of times a week I feel kinda hairy


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