Do you shave your legs everytime you shower? forums

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Originally Posted by Christie ann /img/forum/go_quote.gif As much as I love that smooth feeling, no not every time. In the summer, every other day in the winter, once or twice a week. Pretty much the same here!
i shave twice a month, i dont have very much body hair and it doesnt grow fast at all

I normally only shave my legs every two-three days.

Not sure why I think its because my hair doesn't grown back that fast.

I was in France once, saw a beautiful girl in a bikini, walked up to her guy, put her arms around him and had the hairiest pits I have seen!! I come from Scotland, and a lot of Europeans don't shave their armpits I guess!! I think it is just ugly!!

In the summer, I shaved every morning, but now that it's getting to be the fall, I'm doing it about every two days.

I get hairs on my chin and neck (gross, I know) so I shave there everyday and I also shave my arms everyday. Everything else I shave once a week.

my skin is to sensisitive so i usually shave once or twice a week by the way i tried waxing and i didn't like the feeling because it wasn't smooth and it hurted so i just started shaving again

I shave like every month......yeah I hate shaving. I get lazy in between and stop so I usually end up with one smooth leg and the other is still hairy.

YES, I always shave my legs when I shower and I use hair conditioner as a lub....... Except in the summer when my wife makes me pass as a male in male shorts..... glad summer is over and back to being smooth again......

Originally Posted by GlamChick85 /img/forum/go_quote.gif I shave like every month......yeah I hate shaving. I get lazy in between and stop so I usually end up with one smooth leg and the other is still hairy. LMAO!!
in the summer, i usually shave every day, i like the feeling of my legs being smooth, and plus i'm usually wearing short/skirts. the winter and colder months, i only shave about every 2 weeks, since it pants basically everyday for me, no one really has to see my hairy legs except for the boyfriend, who really doesn't mind, as long as they are as long as his, ha. Hence the every 2 weeks :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I hate those long hairs that come out of nowhere on my chin!! They are so bad!! Thank God only once in a while!!

I shave everyday all year long....Occasionally in the winter I wil try to go a day without but I cannot stand to have prickly leg hairs touching my pants!

i shave my legs under the shower every week, during the weekend or maybe at night if i have a busy weekend ahead.

Originally Posted by magosienne /img/forum/go_quote.gif i shave my legs under the shower every week, during the weekend or maybe at night if i have a busy weekend ahead. ditto

Originally Posted by saintcloudgirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif I was in France once, saw a beautiful girl in a bikini, walked up to her guy, put her arms around him and had the hairiest pits I have seen!! I come from Scotland, and a lot of Europeans don't shave their armpits I guess!! I think it is just ugly!! ohh such a widely spread prejudice. I can safely say all young women in Europe shave their armpits, and older ones only when wearing tank tops.Of course it happens sometimes that I see a woman (mostly older and usually not very groomed overall) in a tank top with hair under her arms.

Now that's an ew sight; but unfortunately i see as well here. Most are poor people... Or really careless - damn, i have a friend that is always wearing tanktops and she sometimes is unshaved and it's so yucky (i think she waxes it, but then, if you're going to be hairy , cover it).
