(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is if strange that I'm more excited to see who had me than to see my gifts? Someone was extremely sneaky and I'm curious who it was.
Is it strange that I'm excited for you to get your gift so I can see if I was right about your Santa?! 

Is it strange that I'm excited for you to get your gift so I can see if I was right about your Santa?!  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I want to know if you're right too! So I can give you a high five for being a super investigator. It's too bad that you're so good at keeping your lips sealed. Lol
Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I know, right??! I have a theory, too! Although, I've been wrong several times already lol
Hahaha I've been wrong about every single one. Everyone is just so sneaky! 

Buuuuuut that doesn't stop me from trying to figure them all out for fun. Keeps me entertained at work at night!

It's going to be such a bummer when everyone has received their gifts and I can no longer lurk the reveal thread. 
 I LOVE seeing everyone's pretty presents!

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is it there yet?? Inquiring minds want to know!!

NO! It is not... My mailman is slower than a snail. I swear he would only have been of any great assistance to those in the Pony Express.

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  It's going to be such a bummer when everyone has received their gifts and I can no longer lurk the reveal thread. 
 I LOVE seeing everyone's pretty presents!
I am going to be so sad, can we just pretend it's not ending. What am I going to do all day when finals are over?

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

LOL! I totally just got a visual of that in my mind
I am not kidding, he's so slow. They probably would have left him and his uppity horse tied to a tree somewhere out in the boonies.

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yes! And the Allsaints outlet is HUUUGE. My boyfriend is a huge All Saints fan so yeah, shopping mecca. There's sooo many good deals out there.

Also - I can totally do reds and blues. I kind of want my SS to get it and hopefully provide feedback so I can um product improve:) LOL:)

Btw - I do have a car, so maybe we coordinate a group shopping trip. Any Chicagoan's could head out and I could drive.

Sign me up!  I'm in!  No buy?  What's that?

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I love having pen pals but never have had a long-term one lol. I don't know if it's because I always send them weird drawings or...Idk...maybe I'm just too odd for people. One day I'll meet a new pen-friend.

Speaking of weird things I draw...I hope I don't freak my santee out too bad....this was the picture I drew for the cover of my xmas card/note... Says "Happy Holidays" underneath lol...

What's wrong with my brain? Oh well.

You're super talented! I wished I looked this good in real life lol

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm stunned that someone besides me has ever heard of those! YES.
All of my comics are gone- along with my Priest collection (Which I really really want to replace), but I still love it lol.


So, when I was a kid...I was in junior high so I guess I was 11-12? Anywho, every morning we had to (I lived in a not-so-great-neighborhood in Houston), upon arriving to public school, put our clear or mesh backpacks on a table that went down the line of teachers, principals and I think a cop somewhere and they would go through all of your stuff while you went through a metal detector.

One morning, an AP found the space in one of my binders where I drew things (And I drew things partly because I was always bored in school, and also it was a little bit of an escape...the safest escape I was utilizing, because I had a terrible home-life. Like, supremely awful- that's another story-time tale though) and took the binder aside and started showing all of the other inspector-teachers/APs and they were talking amongst themselves and I just knew I was in trouble. I drew lots of strong female characters- but I always loved drawing purgatory, lady death, lady demon, etc. I worked really, really hard on them. None of them even had weapons or nudity- mind you. But they took my whole binder, after telling me how talented I was, and threw away every last thing I had drawn in there
I guess 'cause they're demon-like? Had I been a little older, I would've raised hell- but I wasn't at that point yet in my life. It seriously still breaks my little heart to this day lol. I really, really hated that f-ing AP. Ugh. At least I didn't get into any formal trouble...'cause word getting to my dad would've SUCKED even more.

You are amazingly talented. It makes me sad that people can't see the beauty in all things. . . Especially something that obviously meant so much to your little 11 year old self. Who is it to say that your perception of beauty is wrong.

I'm so glad that you are who you are! This thread would not be the same without your fun remarks! This. Some people are just plain mean and cruel. 

You're lovely ladies, I love you all but I love sleep more. I was up late last night and Z's kept me up since 6 with her Typhoid Mary act, hacking and coughing ( I feel bed for her too but Sleep). So I'm gonna be bad and head back to bed. No reveals without me. It is forbidden.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  You're lovely ladies, I love you all but I love sleep more. I was up late last night and Z's kept me up since 6 with her Typhoid Mary act, hacking and coughing ( I feel bed for her too but Sleep). So I'm gonna be bad and head back to bed. No reveals without me. It is forbidden.
We will miss you tweak! I hope you sleep well and don't dream about me too much! I know how unsettling it can be. LOL

I have never received a gift from my husband on the actual day of the holiday/special occasion.  He gets so excited to give me the gift once he buys it that I end up getting Christmas gifts a week or two before Christmas.  He also doesn't usually buy me birthday or anniversary presents.  He says he just doesn't know what to get me, so I get nothing.  This past year was particularly bad since he didn't even get me a card for my birthday or our anniversary.  (Neither did my daughter, for my birthday.  In fact, she forgot and didn't even tell me happy birthday until DH mentioned it late in the day.  I was a little bummed.)  He is wonderful in so many ways, but not at gift giving.  

Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have never received a gift from my husband on the actual day of the holiday/special occasion.  He gets so excited to give me the gift once he buys it that I end up getting Christmas gifts a week or two before Christmas.  He also doesn't usually buy me birthday or anniversary presents.  He says he just doesn't know what to get me, so I get nothing.  This past year was particularly bad since he didn't even get me a card for my birthday or our anniversary.  (Neither did my daughter, for my birthday.  In fact, she forgot and didn't even tell me happy birthday until DH mentioned it late in the day.  I was a little bummed.)  He is wonderful in so many ways, but not at gift giving.  
I already told my husband what I want for my birthday in March, I really want the new Balenciaga Rosabotanica! I am a huge, HUGE, fan of Florabotanica and I didn't even smell if before I bought it. I just knew from the notes that I would love it.

And I swear if my husband or daughter ever forgot my birthday I would go on a shopping spree for anything and everything that ever peaked my interest.
