(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have never received a gift from my husband on the actual day of the holiday/special occasion.  He gets so excited to give me the gift once he buys it that I end up getting Christmas gifts a week or two before Christmas.  He also doesn't usually buy me birthday or anniversary presents.  He says he just doesn't know what to get me, so I get nothing.  This past year was particularly bad since he didn't even get me a card for my birthday or our anniversary.  (Neither did my daughter, for my birthday.  In fact, she forgot and didn't even tell me happy birthday until DH mentioned it late in the day.  I was a little bummed.)  He is wonderful in so many ways, but not at gift giving.  
My fiance is like that. He cannot keep a secret. But to be fair, I do pry for hints but then he just blurts it out anyway. We're awful. He couldn't even keep our proposal a secret - the dork! But this year we are being good and keeping the gifts a surprise until Christmas. Darn it, I just want to be surprised , thats all!

Oh no - not cool that they didn't remember! I think we should start up the birthday group again that way everyone who wants to join can feel a little special on their birthday!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I already told my husband what I want for my birthday in March, I really want the new Balenciaga Rosabotanica! I am a huge, HUGE, fan of Florabotanica and I didn't even smell if before I bought it. I just knew from the notes that I would love it.

And I swear if my husband or daughter ever forgot my birthday I would go on a shopping spree for anything and everything that ever peaked my interest.
See, that is what gets me.  I tell him things I want all the time.  We will be out somewhere and I'll be like, "Oh, look at that.  I love that.' or "That is amazing, I wish I had one of those."  But no, he says he doesn't know what I want. 

Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  See, that is what gets me.  I tell him things I want all the time.  We will be out somewhere and I'll be like, "Oh, look at that.  I love that.' or "That is amazing, I wish I had one of those."  But no, he says he doesn't know what I want. 
Tell him if he doesn't buy it that you will buy it and wrap it yourself. And while you are out shopping you just might find something else you like!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Tell him if he doesn't buy it that you will buy it and wrap it yourself. And while you are out shopping you just might find something else you like!
I told him if I didn't get me a Christmas present bad things would happen.  I don't know what bad things, because I'm not like that, but I will think of something.  

I think we should do the birthday gift thing like secret Santa. Have sign ups (with your name, addy, & birthday attached) & once sign ups close you get assigned 2 girls for the year. I think the biggest problem is people got burned out the first 6 months having one or two or three birthdays in one month that by the time September rolled around everyone had lost interest. I think it would be fun to be assigned 2 people (with some sort of a money limit) & guarantee you get 2 gifts for your birthday. But I also like the idea of it being secret too. I also think it would be nice to have everyone's addresses & birthdays to send just a little something (samples, or a nail polish, etc) for anyone's birthday if you want to, but the good stuff would come from your secret birthday friends. Just a thought. . .

I am a few pages late but if anyone wants another pen pal PM me.  I'll send the first letter! 
I also did this thing once with a pen pal where we sent a sketchbook back and forth for months and wrote things/letters but also drew/collaged/ wrote random lists, etc until it was full.  If anyone is interested in doing THAT with me, also PM me for sure.  A group of us could probably actually do it.  The only issue with it really is slightly higher shipping costs than letters, but we used to send it media mail and it wasn't so bad. I am not sure it technically IS media mail, but we never got busted. It could also probably be done with a plain composition book which would also mean cheaper postage.
We did, however, fight at the end over who got to keep it.  Today with scanning though it might not be such a big deal.

I think we should do the birthday gift thing like secret Santa. Have sign ups (with your name, addy, & birthday attached) & once sign ups close you get assigned 2 girls for the year. I think the biggest problem is people got burned out the first 6 months having one or two or three birthdays in one month that by the time September rolled around everyone had lost interest. I think it would be fun to be assigned 2 people (with some sort of a money limit) & guarantee you get 2 gifts for your birthday. But I also like the idea of it being secret too. I also think it would be nice to have everyone's addresses & birthdays to send just a little something (samples, or a nail polish, etc) for anyone's birthday if you want to, but the good stuff would come from your secret birthday friends. Just a thought. . .
That is a FANTASTIC idea. Love it! I'm in :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I love having pen pals but never have had a long-term one lol. I don't know if it's because I always send them weird drawings or...Idk...maybe I'm just too odd for people. One day I'll meet a new pen-friend.

Speaking of weird things I draw...I hope I don't freak my santee out too bad....this was the picture I drew for the cover of my xmas card/note... Says "Happy Holidays" underneath lol...

What's wrong with my brain? Oh well.

Warning;  Comic Geekery Ahead: 

Lady Death!!!!   Seriously.  You and I need to become pen pals - because in my Universe a Lady Death Xmas card is beyond wonderful.   

Moment of Comic Book Geekery Over.   

ETA:  I love the idea of pen pals... I send hand written notes with wax seals to friends because there is something wonderful and anachronistic about sending a letter written using real ink and a fountain pen on French stationery in our time.. a quick email or text message really doesn't have the same impact.   

Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Warning;  Comic Geekery Ahead: 

Lady Death!!!!   Seriously.  You and I need to become pen pals - because in my Universe a Lady Death Xmas card is beyond wonderful.   

Moment of Comic Book Geekery Over.   

ETA:  I love the idea of pen pals... I send hand written notes with wax seals to friends because there is something wonderful and anachronistic about sending a letter written using real ink and a fountain pen on French stationery in our time.. a quick email or text message really doesn't have the same impact.   
I totally agree with this.  I mean when I go to the museum and see people's handwritten letters, or read a book with photos of copies of the handwritten letters, there is just something so powerful in it.  Reading the words in their handwriting, I feel like you are really capturing a time or feeling in their life, seeing into their soul a little.  It is just not the same as reading an email or a text message.  Something is lost.  

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If I could have a body like Lady Death my life would be complete.
Technically KK you would be physically unable to hold up your head or actually walk if you had those dimensions.  I know a chick who comes close, she's been tight-lacing for years, is a pilates and yoga addict and won the genetic lottery. 

I only allow her to come over on days when I decide that I need to wear something besides my jammies and do more with my hair than pull it back into a ponytail.   

Technically KK you would be physically unable to hold up your head or actually walk if you had those dimensions.  I know a chick who comes close, she's been tight-lacing for years, is a pilates and yoga addict and won the genetic lottery.  I only allow her to come over on days when I decide that I need to wear something besides my jammies and do more with my hair than pull it back into a ponytail.   
Hahahahahahaaaaaaaa. Yeah, I've looked into tight lacing because I think it's amazing that a body can be modified so much over time. However, I've yet to dive into it because I'm afraid I'd get addicted. 2014 is the year that I want to make some big changes to my body. I'm going to be working out a lot more and lifting more. I lost 50 pounds in 2011 so I know that I'm capable of going to the extremes.
Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm stunned that someone besides me has ever heard of those! YES. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> All of my comics are gone- along with my Priest collection (Which I really really want to replace), but I still love it lol.

So, when I was a kid...I was in junior high so I guess I was 11-12? Anywho, every morning we had to (I lived in a not-so-great-neighborhood in Houston), upon arriving to public school, put our clear or mesh backpacks on a table that went down the line of teachers, principals and I think a cop somewhere and they would go through all of your stuff while you went through a metal detector.
One morning, an AP found the space in one of my binders where I drew things (And I drew things partly because I was always bored in school, and also it was a little bit of an escape...the safest escape I was utilizing, because I had a terrible home-life. Like, supremely awful- that's another story-time tale though) and took the binder aside and started showing all of the other inspector-teachers/APs and they were talking amongst themselves and I just knew I was in trouble. I drew lots of strong female characters- but I always loved drawing purgatory, lady death, lady demon, etc. I worked really, really hard on them. None of them even had weapons or nudity- mind you. But they took my whole binder, after telling me how talented I was, and threw away every last thing I had drawn in there :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I guess 'cause they're demon-like? Had I been a little older, I would've raised hell- but I wasn't at that point yet in my life. It seriously still breaks my little heart to this day lol. I really, really hated that f-ing AP. Ugh. At least I didn't get into any formal trouble...'cause word getting to my dad would've SUCKED even more.
I know this is off topic. 

I read things like this and I want to clone my Dad and send the clones out to fix the wrongs. I have never been "normal".  I started school early, skipped grades, I was at University before I was old enough to get a driver's license.   The most important thing that my parents gave me was the unshakable confidence that no matter what I did I had people in my corner who loved me and encouraged me and would stand up for me when I couldn't fight on my own.   

That AP and the teachers who failed to stand up for you are bullies and cowards who knew that you had no one to fight for you and exactly how much your feared a call to your parents.   I have found that bullies and cowards can sniff out the vulnerable and those are the people/children they pick on.  They knew what those drawings represented to you and wanted to strip you of the power you found in your art.   In my nearly 50 years on earth I have found that most people are cowards and that they delight in seeing anyone different singled out and punished because deep down in their craven hearts they know that they lead small lives and resent anyone who has the courage to step outside of the narrow boxes that our society expects us to live in.   

I'm sorry that you didn't have a Pete Clone at your disposal - but all on your own you have found the courage to be who you are and I am going to guess that your children will never have to fear that they will be bullied by a teacher or AP into giving up their binder of drawings.    If you need backup feel free to let me know - I am famous for my preternatural ability to bring the nastiest of bullies to tears.    

Hahahahahahaaaaaaaa. Yeah, I've looked into tight lacing because I think it's amazing that a body can be modified so much over time. However, I've yet to dive into it because I'm afraid I'd get addicted. 2014 is the year that I want to make some big changes to my body. I'm going to be working out a lot more and lifting more. I lost 50 pounds in 2011 so I know that I'm capable of going to the extremes.
2014 is going to be a great year! My goal is some amazing body changes as well so thank you for the inspiration and congrats on losing 50lbs. That's amazing!!!
2014 is going to be a great year! My goal is some amazing body changes as well so thank you for the inspiration and congrats on losing 50lbs. That's amazing!!!
Thank you! I know that I'm capable of whatever I set my mind to. If you are weary from the start you'll never see changes. So in my attempt (that will be successful) I am also learning optimism.