(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hahahahahahaaaaaaaa. Yeah, I've looked into tight lacing because I think it's amazing that a body can be modified so much over time. However, I've yet to dive into it because I'm afraid I'd get addicted.

2014 is the year that I want to make some big changes to my body. I'm going to be working out a lot more and lifting more. I lost 50 pounds in 2011 so I know that I'm capable of going to the extremes.

I was fitted and bought my first corset at DeMask on my first trip to Germany, and it took me time to acclimate to the restriction.   Love them for events and balls but can't begin to imagine wearing one all the time.   I can lace a corset like a fiend - the girl wears them or bindings of other kinds and it's cool but I would be a bigger screaming hag than I usually am if I was constricted all the time.   

I'm devoting this upcoming year to changing my look - different makeup, different style, and yes a healthier lifestyle including eliminating all processed foods, and working out.  I'm not focusing on the weight what I want is to change my lifestyle to a focus on being healthy.  Fabulous in Paris for my 50th birthday is the focus.   

I was fitted and bought my first corset at DeMask on my first trip to Germany, and it took me time to acclimate to the restriction.   Love them for events and balls but can't begin to imagine wearing one all the time.   I can lace a corset like a fiend - the girl wears them or bindings of other kinds and it's cool but I would be a bigger screaming hag than I usually am if I was constricted all the time.    I'm devoting this upcoming year to changing my look - different makeup, different style, and yes a healthier lifestyle including eliminating all processed foods, and working out.  I'm not focusing on the weight what I want is to change my lifestyle to a focus on being healthy.  Fabulous in Paris for my 50th birthday is the focus.   
You can do it! I am also cutting out certain foods from my diet, dairy has got to go. I'm lactose intolerant anyway so I should stop punishing myself.
Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I love having pen pals but never have had a long-term one lol. I don't know if it's because I always send them weird drawings or...Idk...maybe I'm just too odd for people. One day I'll meet a new pen-friend.

Speaking of weird things I draw...I hope I don't freak my santee out too bad....this was the picture I drew for the cover of my xmas card/note... Says "Happy Holidays" underneath lol...

What's wrong with my brain? Oh well.

If this was on any Christmas Card I received I'd be a happy, happy geeky lass.

Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Warning;  Comic Geekery Ahead: 

Lady Death!!!!   Seriously.  You and I need to become pen pals - because in my Universe a Lady Death Xmas card is beyond wonderful.   

Moment of Comic Book Geekery Over.   

ETA:  I love the idea of pen pals... I send hand written notes with wax seals to friends because there is something wonderful and anachronistic about sending a letter written using real ink and a fountain pen on French stationery in our time.. a quick email or text message really doesn't have the same impact.   

I just received my Serum No.5 order the other day and she had a hand-stamped envelope with her business card inside, sealed with wax and I was over the moon with glee.

Quote: Originally Posted by DragonChick /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If this was on any Christmas Card I received I'd be a happy, happy geeky lass.

I just received my Serum No.5 order the other day and she had a hand-stamped envelope with her business card inside, sealed with wax and I was over the moon with glee.
Oh!  Now I have to order just to see!!!    I love small touches like that!!!   

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You can do it! I am also cutting out certain foods from my diet, dairy has got to go. I'm lactose intolerant anyway so I should stop punishing myself.
I will pray for you and your move away from dairy.  I could NEVER give up cheese or butter.  I have cut out carbs and meat, I have exercised like a fiend, I have cut out soda, HFCS, soy, canola oil, any artificial sweetners, GMO's, but to cut out cheese and butter would bring me to tears.  

Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I will pray for you and your move away from dairy.  I could NEVER give up cheese or butter.  I have cut out carbs and meat, I have exercised like a fiend, I have cut out soda, HFCS, soy, canola oil, any artificial sweetners, GMO's, but to cut out cheese and butter would bring me to tears.  

Life without cheese and butter would not be worth living.   I think the reason I am baking now is just for the joy of buttering hot bread.    MrKitty and I decided to get bicycles for Xmas - they are in the garage at the moment and I imagine that mine hisses at me as I walk by.    But there is no point in making the dietary changes if he and I are going to continue playing video games rather than getting out.    

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm stunned that someone besides me has ever heard of those! YES. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> All of my comics are gone- along with my Priest collection (Which I really really want to replace), but I still love it lol.

So, when I was a kid...I was in junior high so I guess I was 11-12? Anywho, every morning we had to (I lived in a not-so-great-neighborhood in Houston), upon arriving to public school, put our clear or mesh backpacks on a table that went down the line of teachers, principals and I think a cop somewhere and they would go through all of your stuff while you went through a metal detector.
One morning, an AP found the space in one of my binders where I drew things (And I drew things partly because I was always bored in school, and also it was a little bit of an escape...the safest escape I was utilizing, because I had a terrible home-life. Like, supremely awful- that's another story-time tale though) and took the binder aside and started showing all of the other inspector-teachers/APs and they were talking amongst themselves and I just knew I was in trouble. I drew lots of strong female characters- but I always loved drawing purgatory, lady death, lady demon, etc. I worked really, really hard on them. None of them even had weapons or nudity- mind you. But they took my whole binder, after telling me how talented I was, and threw away every last thing I had drawn in there :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I guess 'cause they're demon-like? Had I been a little older, I would've raised hell- but I wasn't at that point yet in my life. It seriously still breaks my little heart to this day lol. I really, really hated that f-ing AP. Ugh. At least I didn't get into any formal trouble...'cause word getting to my dad would've SUCKED even more.
That's awful!  I will never understand the need to stifle a kid's creativity like that.  I used to have all of my pens and pencils confiscated before class so I wouldn't draw during school, but that's not the same as having a stack of art taken away.  I would be crushed as well in that situation.

On my god! It was for me, all that beautiful blue wrapping paper was for me!!!! [@]Tiffany27la[/@], I am already crying....
Lol, I wasn't your Santa. But I kept you thinking!! Didn't I?! Let's see the pretties!!! And on other note, I'm dying for my Santee to hers!! Should be sometime today!! *hint, they actually live on the opposite side of the country from you and had a little stop through [@]slinka[/@] home state on its journey. Ooooooo, I've probably said too much but whatever...they are getting it today so they will know who I am sooner than later :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Thanks for all of those kind words! Teared up 'cause I'm a big fat girl lately. lol (And truth be told, although my past is behind me and I'd like to think I've overcome it....it's still hard to think about.)

OH!- And for you gals who are looking to get healthier/tone/lose weight.... I made a thread a while back... https://www.makeuptalk.com/t/138100/weight-loss-toning-group-anyone and we'd all love to have you if you want a little group to vent/ask stuff/show off to! So please, hop on over!
P.S.- I'm also vegan....so I can help you get rid of dairy! (I'm also (Some food are worse than others, for me) lacto-intolerant, lol, so I went a looong time when I was younger with the self-punishment haha. I feel ya.)

AND- I'm a tightlacer and sell/help make corsets. Have been waist-training for about almost 10 years (started young). I currently am back in the training process since my last kid threw off the whole waist thing, and then I suffered a back injury yada yada yada which led to the weight loss group! lol Anyways...if you have any questions, I'm more than happy to help....I have a serious passion for corsets (and crazy shoes...and crazy makeup). I got so excited when I saw corsets were mentioned lol. SO EXCITE.
Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

On my god! It was for me, all that beautiful blue wrapping paper was for me!!!! @Tiffany27la, I am already crying....

Yay!!!!! It's there!! I've been on pins and needles over here!
Yay - P.S. I guessed your SS correctly!

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Lol, I wasn't your Santa. But I kept you thinking!! Didn't I?! Let's see the pretties!!!

And on other note, I'm dying for my Santee to hers!! Should be sometime today!! *hint, they actually live on the opposite side of the country from you and had a little stop through @slinka home state on its journey. Ooooooo, I've probably said too much but whatever...they are getting it today so they will know who I am sooner than later

My home state of red-neckery and intolerance?

Or my new state of ....red-neckery and intolerance? lol.

During my black Friday haze of shopping till 4AM online, I made some weird choices, and had a big ass box from Bath and Body Works shipped to my current state...not thinking that all of these xmas presents are going to texas....and won't fly on a carry-on. So when I was shipping everything (And you best believe I stuffed a medium flat rate box....mommy powers at their finest!) along with my ss's gift, the post office worker was like, "You sure do get your money's worth out of these boxes! This one box alone would've cost just from the weight and distance, about $40!" Winning.


@slinka I think I've learned that even though the past is behind us, and as much as we can grow from it and overcome all the ****** situations (pardon my french, sometimes that's the only word that accurately describes those things!), they're still a part of us, no matter how much we gain power over those actions!  
Hugs and love!  And I <3 your art- it's awesome.  Super badass!

On a lighter note.. I may or may not be stalking the reveals thread for Kelly's reveal!  Hahaha.  Those beautiful blue boxes were just so lovely and I know that Tiffany just has the biggest heart!

Aww.. now I feel nostalgic and happy and I'm gonna be so sad when all this is over :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My home state of red-neckery and intolerance? Or my new state of ....red-neckery and intolerance? lol. During my black Friday haze of shopping till 4AM online, I made some weird choices, and had a big ass box from Bath and Body Works shipped to my current state...not thinking that all of these xmas presents are going to texas....and won't fly on a carry-on. So when I was shipping everything (And you best believe I stuffed a medium flat rate box....mommy powers at their finest!) along with my ss's gift, the post office worker was like, "You sure do get your money's worth out of these boxes! This one box alone would've cost just from the weight and distance, about $40!" Winning.  
My home state of red-neckery and intolerance? Or my new state of ....red-neckery and intolerance? lol. During my black Friday haze of shopping till 4AM online, I made some weird choices, and had a big ass box from Bath and Body Works shipped to my current state...not thinking that all of these xmas presents are going to texas....and won't fly on a carry-on. So when I was shipping everything (And you best believe I stuffed a medium flat rate box....mommy powers at their finest!) along with my ss's gift, the post office worker was like, "You sure do get your money's worth out of these boxes! This one box alone would've cost just from the weight and distance, about $40!" Winning.  
Lol. I was trying to pull some trickery with the guessing between Texas and Utah, buuuuut I live in Denver so it's next stoppppppp...Salt Lake City! Lol Side note: I just saw The Book Of Mormon and it was hilarious!
Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Congrats on having the hubby come home and the new job!

Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Both our hubbies should be on the testing/tasting panel for new products!  "HE didn't like it, NO GO, next...."

edit, I mean your hubbies, I don't have one yet 

Thanks, I think they do.  Am glad you might get to spend more time with him.

Quote: Originally Posted by tgooberbutt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Congrats on having your hubby home more, and congrats on the new company and position - new beginnings are always exciting and full of possibilities!

As for the microwave popcorn - I got a pack of the bacon ones from a (now defunct) Goodies Box earlier this year - it stunk up the entire floor of my office building with the intense smell of liquid smoke and baco-bits. Beware!

Thanks guys. I'm definitely excited for more time home but also equally annoyed that the company that is taking over the current contract determined that in 6 weeks hubby will not be qualified for the same job he is doing now (better than his colleagues I might add). It would have been nice for the company to buy his contract because they pay well but I can't make them take him. The new company is approx 5 months gone/ 2 months home and the paid training is pretty awesome. It seems to be an opportunity that won't be available in a few years (the people with the experience the company wants are all still enlisted personnel, so they have to train people now but in a few years training will probably no longer be provided because qualified applicants will be available) so I'm hoping a gamble of more training and more time home for less pay turns out ok in the long run.
Hope everything turns out well for you and your family.

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Lol. I was trying to pull some trickery with the guessing between Texas and Utah, buuuuut I live in Denver so it's next stoppppppp...Salt Lake City! Lol

Side note: I just saw The Book Of Mormon and it was hilarious!
I want to see that so bad!!!!I have a feeling it won't be shown here lol
