(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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My gift came!! I'm heading out to meet up with some friends so I will post pictures later tonight. But here's a sneak peek:

I just shipped my giftee her gift yesterday via USPS Priority 2-day ship.... So not happy with the post office because according to tracking she won't get it until the 20th! Considering our local post office no longer is a hub that does add on one extra day so I knew that it wouldn't arrive on the 18th but rather the 19th so the extra, extra one day doesn't sit right with me. From the time I mailed it to the time she actually will get it will be four days!
Had the same thing happen to me last week, I shipped USPS 2 day Priority on 12/10. Tracking said it would not be delivered until 12/14 but it was delivered on12/12. So there's still a chance she'll get it sooner.
Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  at one point i thought of doing a christmas card exchange (because i wanted to send everyone christmas cards and little goodies) too but then my life got in the way and then it was mid december :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />      But i would be open to some sort of random surprise address exchange where a bunch of us share addresses nd then send random surprises... what do you guys think?
That's a good idea. Kind of like a Random Act of Kindness thread.

Quote: Originally Posted by utgal2004 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Random exchange and/or penpals... sign me up!  I love getting and sending mail.  It's even more fun if I know I'm sending to someone who also loves mail.  (When I was little, my mom used to mail me letters, even though we lived together, just because I loved getting mail so much.  I had penpals in Australia and New Zealand from 8-14 year olds.  I still remember being over the moon when my New Zealand penpal sent me a pair of socks at Christmas. Hehehe, I'm a dork...)

PM me girl and we can be penpals!! This applies to anyone else to - if you wanna be penpals, PM me!  I LOVE getting mail. It's just so much fun ripping everything open LOL. I look forward to coming up and seeing what goodies I have. I also like to sign up for free samples and such & its fun to see what comes in the mail. Aww thats so cute that your mom did that for you! 

Dear SS,

I haven't received your package yet, but I'm hoping it'll come tomorrow because I'll still be home. But after that, I'll be going to my fiance's house and staying because I have to work like alll week. It's only 30 minutes away but I don't like driving back and forth - especially in this weather. So if it comes later this week like Thursday or Friday, I might have my aunt bring it in when she comes to work. Or perhaps it'll be waiting for me when I come home on Christmas Eve! Or not,  maybe it'll come after?! Who knows, but I'll let you know when I get it! 

Just wanted to give a little teaser to my Santee who will be getting this soon can't wait for her to receive it!  :santa:
These are two wrapped boxes tied together...and kind of hefty lol
I might be in Chicago on Friday! Maybe! My boyfriend was thinking museum + hipster date and ODing on coffee in Wicker Park + macarons. Perhaps an impromptu MUT meet up can be added if we actually go!

Yes! And the Allsaints outlet is HUUUGE. My boyfriend is a huge All Saints fan so yeah, shopping mecca. There's sooo many good deals out there. Also - I can totally do reds and blues. I kind of want my SS to get it and hopefully provide feedback so I can um product improve:) LOL:) Btw - I do have a car, so maybe we coordinate a group shopping trip. Any Chicagoan's could head out and I could drive. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  HAHAHAHAHA just laughed so hard at that emoticon. WHAT.

We definitely need to do something for Valentine's Day since that's soonish and I can't possibly wait until Christmas in July. 

I've been contemplating randomly sending mini 'gifts' from my stash to some of the ladies I've swapped with since I still have their addresses. Is that creepy?! I'm just really in the gifting spirit this year and I have too many things I just don't need/use. 
I totally did this to someone on here.  We had traded, then a few days later she updated her trade list.  She was looking for the November Ipsy bag and I just wrapped it put a note in there and PMed her to let her know I was probably being a creep but I wanted her to have it!

For the SS dilemma, I had this happen to me on a trade.  We both mailed out same day, I got hers in like 3 days, she got hers in like 2+ weeks.  It had missed scanners and she got it in an "I am sorry baggy."  It is too close to the holidays to have to rebuy anything and mail!  I am sure her SS will understand!

Congrats @usofjessamerica on good grades!

I like @nikkimouse idea of random cards/letters/goodies!

Yay to SS in February, July whenever!

Whew! Ok I think I am caught up now.  

I might be in Chicago on Friday! Maybe! My boyfriend was thinking museum + hipster date and ODing on coffee in Wicker Park + macarons. Perhaps an impromptu MUT meet up can be added if we actually go!
Ummm I'm just super jealous of this Chicago meet up talk. I haven't been home to visit in over year and a half :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Buuuuuut I am coming home in October for my brother in laws wedding! I plan on staying a week ish. So let's have a meet up then, please and thanks! Lol.
Ugh, I am really peeved. I shipped 2 day priority on the 13th..it has not updated since the 14th (it updated from Wabash (where I am) to Indianapolis, departed Indy, and nothing since) and the expected delivery is the 16th. I had an elf tell my girl her package would be there on the 16th, and I dn't want her to think it's not coming. I so hope it isn't lost :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Omgggg that's no good. Not a good feeling. But I'm sure it's all good. I've had some of my eBay stuff I've sent out sit like that forever and when I've called to put a tracer on it, it turns out it had been delivered but never updated. It's just annoying. Plus, the recipient hadnt left feedback yet so I figured she didn't get it. By the way, our swap says it was delivered? You got it right? Lol now I'm all paranoid!
I vote yes to everything! Pen pals, random kindness, valentine's day! EVERYTHING!!! 
I love mail too, so I would love to participate in a penpal thing.

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ugh, I am really peeved.

I shipped 2 day priority on the 13th..it has not updated since the 14th (it updated from Wabash (where I am) to Indianapolis, departed Indy, and nothing since) and the expected delivery is the 16th. I had an elf tell my girl her package would be there on the 16th, and I dn't want her to think it's not coming. I so hope it isn't lost

Omgggg that's no good. Not a good feeling. But I'm sure it's all good. I've had some of my eBay stuff I've sent out sit like that forever and when I've called to put a tracer on it, it turns out it had been delivered but never updated. It's just annoying. Plus, the recipient hadnt left feedback yet so I figured she didn't get it.

By the way, our swap says it was delivered? You got it right? Lol now I'm all paranoid!
Yes! I just woke up (went to bed early because I started a new work schedule/position today...err...yesterday...Tuesday) and had been up forever,  and it was sitting inside of my door, so I guess it came after I got home and my mom brought it inside for me! SO EXCITING.

I couldn't resist opening it. Wayyyyy too much! Thank you!!! I hope yours shows up asap (it said Thursday)! Though it's not quite as exciting as what you sent! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I love having pen pals but never have had a long-term one lol. I don't know if it's because I always send them weird drawings or...Idk...maybe I'm just too odd for people. One day I'll meet a new pen-friend.

Speaking of weird things I draw...I hope I don't freak my santee out too bad....this was the picture I drew for the cover of my xmas card/note... Says "Happy Holidays" underneath lol...

What's wrong with my brain? Oh well.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I love having pen pals but never have had a long-term one lol. I don't know if it's because I always send them weird drawings or...Idk...maybe I'm just too odd for people. One day I'll meet a new pen-friend.

Speaking of weird things I draw...I hope I don't freak my santee out too bad....this was the picture I drew for the cover of my xmas card/note... Says "Happy Holidays" underneath lol...

What's wrong with my brain? Oh well.

Ooh pretty. I demand  a holiday card now

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ooh pretty. I demand  a holiday card now

Oh,I totes will. lol. I draw all of the sexiness.
To be fair..I evened it out with a picture of the little mermaid XD Because in my mind, that makes PERFECT SENSE.

Can someone please repost the elf list? Is it here or in the reveal thread.

I'm gonna need some elf help. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Tracking elves!  If you would like to get your tracking information passed on to your recipient without revealing your identity, just PM one of the fine forumites on this list, and your tracking information -- but not your identity -- will be passed along.  I just went back to page 123 or thereabouts, and I'm pretty sure there were more volunteers before that, but I'm not up to going back any further, so if anyone else wants to be added, just say so!

  • sparklegirl
  • usofjessamerica
  • meaganola
  • DoubleShot
  • JC327
  • KellyKaye
  • MissRoe
  • trekkersangel
  • Dakota750
  • tweakabell
  • paralegalatl
  • makeitupasigo

Note:  I'm editing this post as people volunteer after this post, just in case anyone cared.  Also, just to make it easier to search for this post in the future if anyone is so inclined, I'm putting this in as a word (one word, no spaces) I think will only be in this post:  trackingelves

Quote: Originally Posted by iPretty949 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Can someone please repost the elf list? Is it here or in the reveal thread.

I'm gonna need some elf help. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Here ya go. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Quote: Originally Posted by Sakura83 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just wanted to give a little teaser to my Santee who will be getting this soon can't wait for her to receive it! 

These are two wrapped boxes tied together...and kind of hefty lol

So pretty!
