(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Did you need my address? HAHAHAHAHAAA! JK JK...

...kinda. lol
If you message me your address I will TOTALLY mail you something. Because you're delightful & mail is fun!

I feel like these are going to end up being more like 'Happy New Year' packages because I keep forgetting Christmas is only a week-ish away and I'm the world's biggest procrastinator. But that will just add to the surprise! 

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  If you message me your address I will TOTALLY mail you something. Because you're delightful & mail is fun!

I feel like these are going to end up being more like 'Happy New Year' packages because I keep forgetting Christmas is only a week-ish away and I'm the world's biggest procrastinator. But that will just add to the surprise! 
omg, i love you. lol

Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So, the person I'm elfing for has another question for me to pose to y'all. She obviously can't ask because her SS will put the pieces together and figure out who she is --

She's filed a claim with the USPS to have them attempt to locate her SS package that she shipped 2 day priority on Dec 7. She was contacted yesterday by a postal worker who was trying to gather more information. She told me that the postal worker seemed less than optimistic that the package would be found. There have been no scans since the package was delivered to the original PO. The package was insured for $50, so in the event the package can't be located, she should be getting some of her money back. Her SS is out of town until the 20th, so she will have to wait until then to know if the package has been delievered and just hasn't had updated tracking. If she waits until the 20th, only to find the package was never delivered, there's no way she can get a gift to her SS before Christmas. However, if she goes out to "repurchase" some of the gifts now, in the event the package WAS delivered, her SS will receive duplicate packages. She's asking if anyone out there in makeup land has had a similar experience and/or what y'all would recommend. She's pretty bummed out -- feeling like she's failed at SS and all her hard work will never been seen and her makeup goodies will never get loved!

Help her!

I think she should wait until the 20th and then file a claim if it hasn't been delivered. If I was the recipient I would not see her as a failure because it was outside of her control. I wouldn't want her to stress shop either. Maybe it could be a nice New Years gift?

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok I'm glad we're all on the same page without creepiness. 
If any of you get a random package from Green Bay, don't freak out! It's just me and some makeup love. 

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Did you need my address? HAHAHAHAHAAA! JK JK...

...kinda. lol

The thing I love about all of this is that I have both of your addresses 

Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So, the person I'm elfing for has another question for me to pose to y'all. She obviously can't ask because her SS will put the pieces together and figure out who she is --

She's filed a claim with the USPS to have them attempt to locate her SS package that she shipped 2 day priority on Dec 7. She was contacted yesterday by a postal worker who was trying to gather more information. She told me that the postal worker seemed less than optimistic that the package would be found. There have been no scans since the package was delivered to the original PO. The package was insured for $50, so in the event the package can't be located, she should be getting some of her money back. Her SS is out of town until the 20th, so she will have to wait until then to know if the package has been delievered and just hasn't had updated tracking. If she waits until the 20th, only to find the package was never delivered, there's no way she can get a gift to her SS before Christmas. However, if she goes out to "repurchase" some of the gifts now, in the event the package WAS delivered, her SS will receive duplicate packages. She's asking if anyone out there in makeup land has had a similar experience and/or what y'all would recommend. She's pretty bummed out -- feeling like she's failed at SS and all her hard work will never been seen and her makeup goodies will never get loved!

Help her!

I say wait until the 20th!  Christmas coming late certainly isn't a bad thing- Christmas can be whenever you want it to be!  In my book- it's the thought that counts :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

How many of us haven't received our SS gifts yet or got notice from an elf? I feel like we're getting down the the last ones so soon!

Quote: Originally Posted by DorotaD /img/forum/go_quote.gif

How many of us haven't received our SS gifts yet or got notice from an elf? I feel like we're getting down the the last ones so soon!
Still waiting here! Could be here today possibly, I don't know I'm not home yet. Hopefully soon. I'm impatient LOL.

at one point i thought of doing a christmas card exchange (because i wanted to send everyone christmas cards and little goodies) too but then my life got in the way and then it was mid december :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />      But i would be open to some sort of random surprise address exchange where a bunch of us share addresses nd then send random surprises... what do you guys think?

Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  at one point i thought of doing a christmas card exchange (because i wanted to send everyone christmas cards and little goodies) too but then my life got in the way and then it was mid december :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />      But i would be open to some sort of random surprise address exchange where a bunch of us share addresses nd then send random surprises... what do you guys think?
That sounds like a lot of fun!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />    Or penpals! My best friend and I write letters to each other, though we've been somewhat slacking. Who wants to be penpals with meeeeeeeeeee?!!? 

Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  at one point i thought of doing a christmas card exchange (because i wanted to send everyone christmas cards and little goodies) too but then my life got in the way and then it was mid december :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />      But i would be open to some sort of random surprise address exchange where a bunch of us share addresses nd then send random surprises... what do you guys think?
This would be sooo much fun! I would definitely be in.

Quote: Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Still waiting here! Could be here today possibly, I don't know I'm not home yet. Hopefully soon. I'm impatient LOL.
I got notice from a lovely elf but no package yet! And UPS is killing me because there have been no updates on it so I have no idea of when to expect it! You're KILLING me UPS!!!!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So, the person I'm elfing for has another question for me to pose to y'all. She obviously can't ask because her SS will put the pieces together and figure out who she is --

She's filed a claim with the USPS to have them attempt to locate her SS package that she shipped 2 day priority on Dec 7. She was contacted yesterday by a postal worker who was trying to gather more information. She told me that the postal worker seemed less than optimistic that the package would be found. There have been no scans since the package was delivered to the original PO. The package was insured for $50, so in the event the package can't be located, she should be getting some of her money back. Her SS is out of town until the 20th, so she will have to wait until then to know if the package has been delievered and just hasn't had updated tracking. If she waits until the 20th, only to find the package was never delivered, there's no way she can get a gift to her SS before Christmas. However, if she goes out to "repurchase" some of the gifts now, in the event the package WAS delivered, her SS will receive duplicate packages. She's asking if anyone out there in makeup land has had a similar experience and/or what y'all would recommend. She's pretty bummed out -- feeling like she's failed at SS and all her hard work will never been seen and her makeup goodies will never get loved!

Help her!

I definitely agree with the other comments. Her santee will understand and appreciate all of the effort that has already gone into this.

I wonder what would happen if she went ahead and filed a claim now even if it turns out that it was actually delivered? Not to stress about sending another present before Christmas, but just to get the process started in case the package actually is lost. It seems like it wouldn't hurt, but I've never been in this situation so I don't know if this would complicate things.

You guys are cracking me up! I'm a total creeper too. I have addresses for some swaps I've done, my Santee's, & my Santas. I can't help but want to send things to people. In fact, I sent things to both my Santas already thanking them for their gifts to me. Now I'm sitting here thinking, hmmmm who else can I send stuff to? And what I REALLY should be doing is making dinner & getting some present wrapping done while my oldest 3 kiddos are at school & my 3 littles are taking naps. But here I am stalking the Secret Santa thread like usual!

You guys are cracking me up! I'm a total creeper too. I have addresses for some swaps I've done, my Santee's, & my Santas. I can't help but want to send things to people. In fact, I sent things to both my Santas already thanking them for their gifts to me. Now I'm sitting here thinking, hmmmm who else can I send stuff to? And what I REALLY should be doing is making dinner & getting some present wrapping done while my oldest 3 kiddos are at school & my 3 littles are taking naps. But here I am stalking the Secret Santa thread like usual!
Dude, I should be cleaning the house and wrapping birthday gifts but I'm cruising MUT and watching House Hunters. I'm telling myself the DVR needs to be cleared out, I'm doing chores
Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Dude, I should be cleaning the house and wrapping birthday gifts but I'm cruising MUT and watching House Hunters. I'm telling myself the DVR needs to be cleared out, I'm doing chores

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You guys are cracking me up! I'm a total creeper too. I have addresses for some swaps I've done, my Santee's, & my Santas. I can't help but want to send things to people. In fact, I sent things to both my Santas already thanking them for their gifts to me. Now I'm sitting here thinking, hmmmm who else can I send stuff to?

And what I REALLY should be doing is making dinner & getting some present wrapping done while my oldest 3 kiddos are at school & my 3 littles are taking naps. But here I am stalking the Secret Santa thread like usual!

   I should be working.  Or at least pretending to work and writing Christmas cards or planning the menu for my family's Christmas party Sunday.  But instead I'm browsing around here.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Dude, I should be cleaning the house and wrapping birthday gifts but I'm cruising MUT and watching House Hunters. I'm telling myself the DVR needs to be cleared out, I'm doing chores

I love House Hunters!  Except those darn people never pick the the one I want them to.  Why aren't they listening to the advice I yell at the TV screen?  

And my neighbors now think I'm crazy.  The second the mail gets delivered I'm out the door like a shot.  "Is today the day I find out who my Secret Santa is!??".... and then I trail back inside... no package today... lol.  I will be so thrilled with whatever I get, I just WANNA KNOW WHO MY SANTA IS!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I love House Hunters!  Except those darn people never pick the the one I want them to.  Why aren't they listening to the advice I yell at the TV screen?  

And my neighbors now think I'm crazy.  The second the mail gets delivered I'm out the door like a shot.  "Is today the day I find out who my Secret Santa is!??".... and then I trail back inside... no package today... lol.  I will be so thrilled with whatever I get, I just WANNA KNOW WHO MY SANTA IS!!!!
Oh man exactly and is it just me or do they never pick what they said they needed? We must have a large yard and 4 bedrooms. We chose the 2 bed highrise that's 50k over budget!

OT but this is how I see MUT:
