(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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I GOT MINE! I GOT MINEEEEEE!!!!! I'm Up to my elbows making cheese balls for our family party tonight, but I promise to post a proper SS reveal as soon I finish!!! Yayyyy!!
Ahhhhh open it ASAP! Have been wondering who had you :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Just wanted to give a little teaser to my Santee who will be getting this soon can't wait for her to receive it! 

These are two wrapped boxes tied together...and kind of hefty lol

Just wanted to give a little teaser to my Santee who will be getting this soon can't wait for her to receive it!  :santa:
These are two wrapped boxes tied together...and kind of hefty lol
I'm loving the owls!
Quote: Originally Posted by tulosai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Is anyone still keeping track of how many people have received theirs?? I am sad we are probably winding down the reveals. 
I don't know! But I would sure like to look at it so that I can have a better guess of who my SS is. I'm still pretty clueless about who had me but I have a bit of a hunch. Let's hope that I am right, because that would be awesome and I could officially add "reverse investigation" to my resume for the CIA. lol

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I GOT MINE! I GOT MINEEEEEE!!!!! I'm Up to my elbows making cheese balls for our family party tonight, but I promise to post a proper SS reveal as soon I finish!!! Yayyyy!!

ps, cheeseballs?!?!?! What the heck is that magical voodoo food that you're cooking down their in "Nola?

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was just coming here to post something similar! AWESOME gift. 

Actually, every single gift I've seen so far has been perfect and incredible. I get all teary-eyed scrolling through the reveal thread!

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@KellyKaye giirrrlllll, what were you worried about??!?!! You did AMAZING.
Thank you, ladies! Hard work paid off!

I think everyone has done incredibly well with giving and receiving this year and I am incredibly sad that this is winding down to the end.... I am gonna miss you guys so much!

PS. This emoticon
is SO awkward! Why have I never seen it before?!?!?!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

ps, cheeseballs?!?!?! What the heck is that magical voodoo food that you're cooking down their in "Nola?


Are we in a school cafeteria?  This is taking me back.

Quote: Originally Posted by elizabethrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Are we in a school cafeteria?  This is taking me back.
Yeah, I'm doing finals right now so technically we are in school! Let the food fights and note passing commence!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you, ladies! Hard work paid off!

I think everyone has done incredibly well with giving and receiving this year and I am incredibly sad that this is winding down to the end.... I am gonna miss you guys so much!

PS. This emoticon
is SO awkward! Why have I never seen it before?!?!?!
HAHAHAHAHA just laughed so hard at that emoticon. WHAT.

We definitely need to do something for Valentine's Day since that's soonish and I can't possibly wait until Christmas in July. 

I've been contemplating randomly sending mini 'gifts' from my stash to some of the ladies I've swapped with since I still have their addresses. Is that creepy?! I'm just really in the gifting spirit this year and I have too many things I just don't need/use. 

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yeah, I'm doing finals right now so technically we are in school! Let the food fights and note passing commence!


Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  HAHAHAHAHA just laughed so hard at that emoticon. WHAT.

We definitely need to do something for Valentine's Day since that's soonish and I can't possibly wait until Christmas in July. 

I've been contemplating randomly sending mini 'gifts' from my stash to some of the ladies I've swapped with since I still have their addresses. Is that creepy?! I'm just really in the gifting spirit this year and I have too many things I just don't need/use. 

I feel like it has to be creepy but because I was thinking the same thing, I feel like this is a thing to do.  And Valentine's Day!  I love it!

Quote: Originally Posted by Sakura83 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just wanted to give a little teaser to my Santee who will be getting this soon can't wait for her to receive it! 

These are two wrapped boxes tied together...and kind of hefty lol

That's beautiful! I suck at making bows.

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  HAHAHAHAHA just laughed so hard at that emoticon. WHAT.

We definitely need to do something for Valentine's Day since that's soonish and I can't possibly wait until Christmas in July. 

I've been contemplating randomly sending mini 'gifts' from my stash to some of the ladies I've swapped with since I still have their addresses. Is that creepy?! I'm just really in the gifting spirit this year and I have too many things I just don't need/use. 
I was totally thinking of sending presents to people that I have been an elf for. Lol. Like I have your address and now I am sending you my precioussssss.

So, the person I'm elfing for has another question for me to pose to y'all. She obviously can't ask because her SS will put the pieces together and figure out who she is -- She's filed a claim with the USPS to have them attempt to locate her SS package that she shipped 2 day priority on Dec 7. She was contacted yesterday by a postal worker who was trying to gather more information. She told me that the postal worker seemed less than optimistic that the package would be found. There have been no scans since the package was delivered to the original PO. The package was insured for $50, so in the event the package can't be located, she should be getting some of her money back. Her SS is out of town until the 20th, so she will have to wait until then to know if the package has been delievered and just hasn't had updated tracking. If she waits until the 20th, only to find the package was never delivered, there's no way she can get a gift to her SS before Christmas. However, if she goes out to "repurchase" some of the gifts now, in the event the package WAS delivered, her SS will receive duplicate packages. She's asking if anyone out there in makeup land has had a similar experience and/or what y'all would recommend. She's pretty bummed out -- feeling like she's failed at SS and all her hard work will never been seen and her makeup goodies will never get loved! Help her! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was totally thinking of sending presents to people that I have been an elf for. Lol. Like I have your address and now I am sending you my precioussssss.

Quote: Originally Posted by elizabethrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I feel like it has to be creepy but because I was thinking the same thing, I feel like this is a thing to do.  And Valentine's Day!  I love it!
Ok I'm glad we're all on the same page without creepiness. 
If any of you get a random package from Green Bay, don't freak out! It's just me and some makeup love. 

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok I'm glad we're all on the same page without creepiness. 
If any of you get a random package from Green Bay, don't freak out! It's just me and some makeup love. 
Did you need my address? HAHAHAHAHAAA! JK JK...

...kinda. lol

Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So, the person I'm elfing for has another question for me to pose to y'all. She obviously can't ask because her SS will put the pieces together and figure out who she is --

She's filed a claim with the USPS to have them attempt to locate her SS package that she shipped 2 day priority on Dec 7. She was contacted yesterday by a postal worker who was trying to gather more information. She told me that the postal worker seemed less than optimistic that the package would be found. There have been no scans since the package was delivered to the original PO. The package was insured for $50, so in the event the package can't be located, she should be getting some of her money back. Her SS is out of town until the 20th, so she will have to wait until then to know if the package has been delievered and just hasn't had updated tracking. If she waits until the 20th, only to find the package was never delivered, there's no way she can get a gift to her SS before Christmas. However, if she goes out to "repurchase" some of the gifts now, in the event the package WAS delivered, her SS will receive duplicate packages. She's asking if anyone out there in makeup land has had a similar experience and/or what y'all would recommend. She's pretty bummed out -- feeling like she's failed at SS and all her hard work will never been seen and her makeup goodies will never get loved!

Help her!

Dear Mystery Santa, 

Please please please do not feel like a failure! This is totally not your fault and I think your giftee will be more than understanding. If you were my Santa, I'd be totally cool with you waiting until the 20th to see if maybe I got it already instead of repurchasing everything! And if it's a little late, it's late! Who doesn't love getting more presents after Christmas? It drags out the merriment! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Crossing my fingers that the package turns up! And if not, SO GLAD you have insurance on that baby to cover some/most of the replacement. 

All you guys with your gorgeous wrapping jobs!  So impressed.  I wrap like a child.  My giftee will open her box and think someone sent her a box of balled up paper.  Kinda not kidding.  It's what's on the inside that counts, though, yes?  

As for the Santa whose package got lost, I would say wait until the 20th.  If it were me on the receiving end, I know I would rather get my gift after Christmas than have my SS stress, shop, and ship replacement items if she doesn't yet know whether the box will be found/delivered.  It is sadly likely that the box is just gone, but in that case, it cannot be helped, and I would think any of us would understand if the replacement gift arrived after Christmas.
