(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  That sounds like a lot of fun!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />    Or penpals! My best friend and I write letters to each other, though we've been somewhat slacking. Who wants to be penpals with meeeeeeeeeee?!!? 
I DO actually and have since I got your awesome letter in my santa package! I've been meaning to write back but haven't had time!

Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Mac /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I definitely agree with the other comments. Her santee will understand and appreciate all of the effort that has already gone into this.

I wonder what would happen if she went ahead and filed a claim now even if it turns out that it was actually delivered? Not to stress about sending another present before Christmas, but just to get the process started in case the package actually is lost. It seems like it wouldn't hurt, but I've never been in this situation so I don't know if this would complicate things.
Also agree with everyone.  Tell her to just keep calm till the 20th and then file the claim and do a replacement gift if necessary.  I myself would not mind getting my package as a new years gift if I were her Santee, and I doubt any girl on this board would really mind, especially as it is CLEARLY outside her control.

Quote:Originally Posted by Elizabeth Mac /img/forum/go_quote.gif


I definitely agree with the other comments. Her santee will understand and appreciate all of the effort that has already gone into this.


I wonder what would happen if she went ahead and filed a claim now even if it turns out that it was actually delivered? Not to stress about sending another present before Christmas, but just to get the process started in case the package actually is lost. It seems like it wouldn't hurt, but I've never been in this situation so I don't know if this would complicate things.

From what I understand, she has filed a claim already to have the USPS attempt to start the process of locating the package. Hopefully they can help her find it!
Quote: Originally Posted by tulosai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I DO actually and have since I got your awesome letter in my santa package! I've been meaning to write back but haven't had time!

Yay! I'll be looking forward to your letter then! 

Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Mac /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I definitely agree with the other comments. Her santee will understand and appreciate all of the effort that has already gone into this.

I wonder what would happen if she went ahead and filed a claim now even if it turns out that it was actually delivered? Not to stress about sending another present before Christmas, but just to get the process started in case the package actually is lost. It seems like it wouldn't hurt, but I've never been in this situation so I don't know if this would complicate things.

From what I understand, she has filed a claim already to have the USPS attempt to start the process of locating the package. Hopefully they can help her find it! If I was the santee I would be fine with her waiting until the 20th to find out if the package was delivered.  As long as everyone is kept in the loop it will work out.  

Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  at one point i thought of doing a christmas card exchange (because i wanted to send everyone christmas cards and little goodies) too but then my life got in the way and then it was mid december :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />      But i would be open to some sort of random surprise address exchange where a bunch of us share addresses nd then send random surprises... what do you guys think?

Quote: Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  That sounds like a lot of fun!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />    Or penpals! My best friend and I write letters to each other, though we've been somewhat slacking. Who wants to be penpals with meeeeeeeeeee?!!? 
Random exchange and/or penpals... sign me up!  I love getting and sending mail.  It's even more fun if I know I'm sending to someone who also loves mail.  (When I was little, my mom used to mail me letters, even though we lived together, just because I loved getting mail so much.  I had penpals in Australia and New Zealand from 8-14 year olds.  I still remember being over the moon when my New Zealand penpal sent me a pair of socks at Christmas. Hehehe, I'm a dork...)
Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So, the person I'm elfing for has another question for me to pose to y'all. She obviously can't ask because her SS will put the pieces together and figure out who she is --

She's filed a claim with the USPS to have them attempt to locate her SS package that she shipped 2 day priority on Dec 7. She was contacted yesterday by a postal worker who was trying to gather more information. She told me that the postal worker seemed less than optimistic that the package would be found. There have been no scans since the package was delivered to the original PO. The package was insured for $50, so in the event the package can't be located, she should be getting some of her money back. Her SS is out of town until the 20th, so she will have to wait until then to know if the package has been delievered and just hasn't had updated tracking. If she waits until the 20th, only to find the package was never delivered, there's no way she can get a gift to her SS before Christmas. However, if she goes out to "repurchase" some of the gifts now, in the event the package WAS delivered, her SS will receive duplicate packages. She's asking if anyone out there in makeup land has had a similar experience and/or what y'all would recommend. She's pretty bummed out -- feeling like she's failed at SS and all her hard work will never been seen and her makeup goodies will never get loved!

Help her!


First no feeling like a failure - as a control freak it's hard for me to accept that there are things outside of my control but sending a box into the wild means that anything that happens is out of your control.    I am surprised that given the number of people participating in this exchange that we didn't have more missing boxes - this has been a wild season.   My substitute mail guy was telling me that this year seems to be busier and more harried than any other he's worked.   He looked so stressed that I made him a cup of coffee and sent him off with a slice of the cinnamon bread I made earlier this morning.   He's not a Zombie - he's a Libertarian.   

It would be a terrible thing to stress shop just so she doesn't disappoint a person who I am certain is going to understand (this is an amazing group) that there is an issue.  If her SS won't be home until the 20th - the best thing would be wait because it's more likely that the package was delivered and not scanned, especially if her mail is being held at her local post office.  I have a box sitting on the table right now from Haute Look that still shows that it's in Chicago on the USPS site.  A package that I watched the mail guy scan before he handed it to me by the way.   

Worse case scenario if the package is lost she has her receipt the USPS will make good on the claim especially if they can't trace the package.   

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Internet drinks are on me, everyone! Grades were just posted and I am a very happy girl! Take that, grad school!
WOOO HOOOO GO JESS!!!!!!!!!!  I bow down to your super math abilities (that's why I taught first grade)

Quote: Originally Posted by DorotaD /img/forum/go_quote.gif

How many of us haven't received our SS gifts yet or got notice from an elf? I feel like we're getting down the the last ones so soon!
 I have not received a package or word from an elf yet.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Internet drinks are on me, everyone! Grades were just posted and I am a very happy girl! Take that, grad school!

Quote: Originally Posted by heath67013 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
   I have not received a package or word from an elf yet.
Same here.  I'm hoping maybe later this week!

Ugh, I am really peeved.

I shipped 2 day priority on the 13th..it has not updated since the 14th (it updated from Wabash (where I am) to Indianapolis, departed Indy, and nothing since) and the expected delivery is the 16th. I had an elf tell my girl her package would be there on the 16th, and I dn't want her to think it's not coming. I so hope it isn't lost :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Internet drinks are on me, everyone! Grades were just posted and I am a very happy girl! Take that, grad school!
Yay yay yay go you!!! That is so awesome! (Count me among the no package/elf group! Still excitedly waiting to find out my Santa's secret identity!)
I just shipped my giftee her gift yesterday via USPS Priority 2-day ship.... So not happy with the post office because according to tracking she won't get it until the 20th! Considering our local post office no longer is a hub that does add on one extra day so I knew that it wouldn't arrive on the 18th but rather the 19th so the extra, extra one day doesn't sit right with me. From the time I mailed it to the time she actually will get it will be four days!

See that's what I really need to get out there for.. the mall.. maybe I'll get out there for Christmas sales?  And at least he enjoys shopping!  I know so many boys where it's like dragging a 50 pound bag of flour to get anywhere!  I never venture to Skokie either- well, I did when I lived close to there haha. I would totally buy one off of your etsy!  I like blues and reds  :rolleyes:   Edit: OMG THERE'S AN ALLSAINTS OUTLET AT THE ROSEMONT OUTLET?!  I have to go.  And an Off 5th!?
Yes! And the Allsaints outlet is HUUUGE. My boyfriend is a huge All Saints fan so yeah, shopping mecca. There's sooo many good deals out there. Also - I can totally do reds and blues. I kind of want my SS to get it and hopefully provide feedback so I can um product improve:) LOL:) Btw - I do have a car, so maybe we coordinate a group shopping trip. Any Chicagoan's could head out and I could drive. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
at one point i thought of doing a christmas card exchange (because i wanted to send everyone christmas cards and little goodies) too but then my life got in the way and then it was mid december :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />      But i would be open to some sort of random surprise address exchange where a bunch of us share addresses nd then send random surprises... what do you guys think?
That sounds like so much fun!
Quote: Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I just shipped my giftee her gift yesterday via USPS Priority 2-day ship.... So not happy with the post office because according to tracking she won't get it until the 20th! Considering our local post office no longer is a hub that does add on one extra day so I knew that it wouldn't arrive on the 18th but rather the 19th so the extra, extra one day doesn't sit right with me. From the time I mailed it to the time she actually will get it will be four days!

I sent mine priority mail 2 day as well.  The tracking originally said it would take 4 days, but it ended up taking only 3.  Hopefully, they're just being conservative with their estimate 
