Dare to Be - Do You?

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Originally Posted by Kee /img/forum/go_quote.gif Oh I'm sure there's a little piece of everyone who would like to win, but to be honest, we can't really expect regular participants to bow out because other people are afraid to try! I know that may sound mean too, and I don't mean it to sound that way at all!! I think you get what I mean anyway though right?
But like I said, maybe the MUT staff can discuss the possibility of limiting how many times in a row a person can be eligible to win. We'll see


I mean the whole nature of the world is that some people are better at some things, lol

I only mentioned it as a reason that some people may not participate, not as a criticism of those winners. There'd be no dare to be with out them.

I guess we all just have to pull our socks up, suck it in and camwhore it up

i love the D2B's but i am intimidated by all the wonderful entries. i wanted to join in this one but to my lack of makeup colors etc i also do not enter. i am still leanrning and when my confidence grows then i will enter. i find it a lil intimidating just doing a FOTD. i have to admit tho my skills are gettin better due to the wonderful tuts here!!

recently i did a purple smokey eye and it turned out great, just the pics didnt show the tur maekup colour and was dissapointed and never posted!!

Originally Posted by Kee /img/forum/go_quote.gif Celly, Dizzy, I understand where you guys are coming from, but when the D2B Read Me was posted back in 2005, Leony clearly stated:
Please keep all comments/pictures on a specific theme to its own thread, and remember "if you don't have something nice to say then don't say it at all."

I think it's important to remember that these "Dare to Be" contests are meant to be fun for the participants, and was never designed to be a strict makeup competition.

I'm sure many people would not mind comments like "Hey, great job but next time why don't you try this?" or something, but some would. And flat out "Blunt" criticism would just not be appropriate.

Think about it this way: we already have low participation, we don't want to scare even more people off! Just take a look at the votes so far:

  • Never, I'm too chicken! 11
  • I'd like to, but I never get around to it! 3
  • I'd like to but I don't feel my makeup skills are up to par, the Competitors are intimidating 5
  • I WILL enter . . . someday 8
That's 27 people who are already don't have the nerve to enter!
What we need is more encouragement, to make things more fun! Not criticism to scare more people off.

Like I said, I get where you guys are coming from, but if you want a "serious" makeup competition, I don't think this is really the place. If you want to have fun, then woo!

I wasn't talking only about DTB - I was referring to the site in general.Anyone who ask for it [CC/advice] should get a truthful answer - but not get all butt hurt if it's not to their liking. Anycrap...

I hope more folks enter and have fun. If people think of it as a popularity contest, then so be it. As long as the participant had fun doing the challange and not worry about the votes - it should all be good in the hood.

If people *ask* for critisism that's fine. I personally wouldn't remove tactfully given constructive critisism if it was asked for!

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif oh and another thing is.. I hope this doesnt sound mean because it's not intended that way..
I know it's supposed to be a vote on who looks the best, and I think the end result usually reflects who is the best, but when the same few people win over and over... well it just doesn't seem pointful to enter, if that makes sense.

Like it is fun and I love to see the entrants, but then sometimes I feel there is no point because my skills are just definately no match for most of the other entrants and the same 3 or 4 win every contest.

That isn't a negative attitude towards them - I do think that they deserve to win and all. I'm just saying from my point of view

I totally feel you on that point.

i have been laying low wiating on the right one. I have a very meager collection and skills. I will when the right one come along.

Well anyways, peopleeees... you guys should participate.

Really! Even the ones who knock it down... don't worry about the voting poll, who cares. Just have fun with the makeup and dressing up, why dont ya?

Originally Posted by CellyCell /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well anyways, peopleeees... you guys should participate.Really! Even the ones who knock it down... don't worry about the voting poll, who cares. Just have fun with the makeup and dressing up, why dont ya?

ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto!!!
i've always thought that this is for younger ladies. even though i love looking at the pics and know the awesome skill it takes, i think for someone my age it would be considered "not age appropriate". i know that seems silly, but we all have our quirks.

Originally Posted by Nikki_Dahhling /img/forum/go_quote.gif I may have missed it, but what is a DTB challenge? I see from your post in the D2B a mermaid thread that you've found the answer to this question! I look forward to seeing your entries

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